Although he said that he didn’t want to be rude, it took nearly an hour for Yujing to change his clothes, which was completely rude, but the envoy of the Wind Country didn’t have any special reaction when he arrived, but the Daimyo of the Rainbow Country who had the same status as his daimyo was here, and this was not a place for him to play majesty.

Previously, when the Sand Shinobi and Konoha fought each other, the country of wind also saw the level of rainbow ninja, not only did not have to have the poor strength of their domestic ninjas, but even surpassed, especially the daimyo of the rainbow country, the name of the flame god has long spread throughout the continent, it is said that the daimyo of the rainbow country fire ninjutsu uses the divine transformation, even the low-level fire dun can use the power of forbidden arts in his hands, and he alone can easily eliminate a small ninja village.

“I’m rude to keep the guests waiting for a long time.” Just when the ambassador of the country of wind was thinking about it, the imperial scenery that had been cleaned up for most of the day finally appeared, but he said that he was rude, but looking at the expression, he looked a little embarrassed.

“Where is His Royal Highness the Great Emperor, he is disturbing him.” This ambassador is also a person who can look at the eyes, and if he scratches his nose and faces in Yujing, with Yujing’s fickle nature, he may teach him to be a person.

“You are really polite, so Your Excellency sent me to the Rainbow Country this time, I don’t know what is important?” The only connection between the Land of Rainbow and the Land of Wind before was on the battlefield, and the ninja of the Country of Rainbow fiercely educated the sand ninja who did not know the height of the sky, and there was no relationship between the two at all.

Even the merchants of the Rainbow Country rarely set up shops in the Land of the Wind, at most they transported the goods over and traded with the local merchants of the Land of the Wind, but even so, the quota of goods in the Land of the Wind is not too large, and in order to get enough rainbow sugar and coke and iced tea, the Country of Wind has to spend more money to get sufficient supplies.

This time the country of wind sent messengers to the country of the rainbow, there must be a plan, so what is the picture, I think it is nothing more than these scarce commodities in the country of the rainbow, as for the alliance between the two countries, it is not impossible, but the country of the rainbow is completely no good, the status between the two countries is itself that the country of wind is in the inferior, whether it is economic strength or military strength.

So it seems that the country of the rainbow does not need to ally with the country of the wind, after all, if the country of the wind invades the country of the rainbow, it can only rely on the sea, but the most advantageous in the sea war is the water escape and the warship, these two aspects of the country of wind are completely in the downwind, the country of the rainbow is not at all worthy, as long as those high-level figures in the country of wind have no problems in their heads, they will not talk about the alliance from the aspect of the security of the two countries.

“In the next time, I bring the national letter of our Daimyo Daimyo of the Wind Country and the gift of His Highness the Daimyo for the promotion of the position of the Rainbow Country, which is our daimyo’s letter to Your Highness.” When he said the gift, the envoy’s face completely changed, but after all, he was an old actor, and his expression flashed away.

As for the letter of the daimyo of the country of wind, the content above is nothing more than what the two countries have maintained friendly relations for a long time, the two peoples are brotherly relations with a strip of water, although the previous two had a little misunderstanding in the Ninja World War, but this is not from the heart of both sides, I hope that the two countries can maintain peace and stability for a long time, after reading these contents, Yujing does not know how to complain in his heart, this water report seems to be not the talent of my Great Celestial Empire officials, and the daimyo of the country of wind is also very level in this regard.

At the end of the letter of state, the other party finally said the purpose of this envoy, the country of wind because of the geographical environment, that is a super desert, so for a long time, the country of wind whether it is economy or agriculture, is completely behind the rest of the countries on the mainland, although through ninja ninjutsu constantly change the environment of the country of wind, but after all, the territory is too large, and now only one-ninth of the entire country can live people.

But the country of the rainbow is different, the country of the rainbow is not only rich in land, but also extremely developed economically, as the richest country in the continent, especially after this war, the merchants of the country of the rainbow have significantly improved their status when they trade in other countries, if nothing else, let’s talk about tariffs.

In the past, the country of the rainbow was only rich, the country’s military strength was weak, so the big countries did not put you in their eyes at all, and the small countries did not care much about you, which is a bit similar to the old beauty before World War I in the real world, at that time, the old beauty was also, the total economic volume was the first in the world, but the military strength was barely in the top ten, and it was mixed with a lot of moisture, but today’s rainbow country, not only the economic strength ranks first, agriculture is also in the top three, the most critical is military strength, and now among the six newly formed major countries, The military strength of the Land of Rainbow is firmly in third place, while the Land Country, which was previously in third place, is ranked fourth by everyone.

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