
In mid-air, the fierce wind whistled in his ears, but Chixing had obviously blocked the wind in front of him with Chakra, otherwise, it was estimated that Chenxing would have been unable to stand it for a long time.

“This feeling, it’s so cool!” This is Chenxing’s evaluation of being taken to the sky for the first time.

Looking at the terrain that kept skimming below, as if a shrinking map kept passing below him, Chenxing was excited in his heart, an ordinary person in his previous life, who had never even sat on a plane, how could he have the opportunity to see such a scene.

Soon, Akahoshi flew with his star to the top of a huge pit no less than a mile round, and below it was desolate, with no grass, and burnt broken logs were inserted messily into the pit, densely packed.

This crater is said to have been caused by the explosion of the original falling star, and after that star exploded, it left behind a strange meteorite a little larger than an adult’s fist, filled with powerful chakra, which is now the “star”.

Chenxing has heard that this meteorite called “Star” seems to contain part of the energy of the Ten Tails, all because of the power of the Ten Tails and the impact on Chakra, so that the Star Ninja are good at “Peacock Mystic Method” (Baidu Encyclopedia said, I don’t know if it is the Chakra of the Ten Tails) There is a relatively large wooden house in the middle of the giant pit, and the largest one in the middle has a big “star” written on it.

Akahoshi was descending quickly downwards, while Chenxing was a little excited, he had recognized this place, if he guessed correctly, this was where the “star” fell from the sky hundreds of years ago.

After the first generation of Star Shadow established the Star Ninja Village many years ago, it became a practice ground for Star Ninja to carry out Star Cultivation, according to Chenxing’s guess, the reason why there has been no grass here for so many years is estimated to be because the Chakra of “Star” is doing something strange, so the first Star Shadow will establish the Star Ninja Station and this “Star Cultivation Field” in two places.

Akahoshi landed in front of the wooden house with Chenxing, took a seal, and put away the peacock magic method.

“What’s your name?” At this time, Akahoshi was not as cruel and ruthless as ten years later, and his attitude towards Chenxing was okay, at least he was not wearing a hypocritical smile.

“Lord Akahoshi, my name is Tatsumi!” Tatsumi said carefully, although he knew that although Akahoshi was not as vicious as later at this time, he could not guarantee that Akahoshi would not vent his dissatisfaction on him because he was introduced and recommended by Summer Star.

“Well, the three generations of adults have already read the adult’s letter, he asked me to check your qualifications, if it is really as good as the adult said, you can practice with me in the future…” said Akahoshi with a light smile.

“Yes, Akahoshi-sama!” Chenxing knew that although the entire Star Ninja Village could not only have the ninjutsu of peacock mysticism, it was estimated that even if there were some other advanced ninjutsu, there would not be much more, according to his estimates, there might not even be an A-level ninjutsu, otherwise, the previous generations of Xingying would not regard the peacock mystic method cultivated by the Chakra of “Star”, which was almost a chronic suicide ninjutsu, as the highest ninjutsu in the village.

“Well, stretch out your hand, let me check your meridians to see if it is really as broad as the adult said?” Akahoshi said with a light smile, at this time, Akahoshi looked relatively approachable, and gradually let Chenxing’s heart relax slightly.

“Yes!” Tatsumi stretched out his left hand for Akahoshi to see.

Not long after, Chenxing felt a subtle stream of heat flowing in the meridians of his body, which was a very wonderful feeling.

“Huh… Chenxing, your qualifications are better than I thought, so you will practice with me in the future!” Chi Xing saw Chenxing’s meridians that were almost two or three times wider than ordinary children, and immediately said with a happy smile.

“Yes, thank you Akahoshi-sama, I will work hard!” Chenxing said respectfully, you can learn the method of refining Chakra next, right?

“Well, come with me, my current identity is to guard the holy relics of our Star Ninja Village with two other companions-Star, you can’t leave at will, your life history must have been checked by that adult, so you will temporarily live here in the future, so it is convenient for me to teach you, this is also the meaning of Lord Star Shadow!”

This is actually the meaning of the third generation of Star Shadow, now after the summer star couple left, there are few masters in the entire Star Ninja Village, even the dark part of Star Ninja Village is only composed of a small number of elite middle ninja or middle ninja, and the “star” of Star Ninja Village needs expert protection, if Chenxing is really a very qualified child, it is a better choice to hand over to Akasing, who is now in the top five in Star Ninja Village.

And not everyone in Star Ninja Village knows the Peacock Mystic Method, only the group of people with good qualifications have always been selected to practice the Peacock Mystic Method, and Akahoshi was one of those who were chosen, but at this time, Akahoshi was only barely reaching the level of upper Shinobi.

But at present, the entire Star Ninja Village has reached the level of elite Shinobi for three generations of Star Shadow (Summer Star is not currently considered to be the Star Ninja Village), plus the location of Star Ninja Village is protected by a natural barrier full of poisonous Hell Valley, although it maintains contact with the outside world, but the Star Shadow of the past generations are very cautious and rarely have any conflicts with external forces. Otherwise, the entire Star Ninja Village is estimated to be insufficient for those medium-sized ninja villages like the Taki Ninja Village, let alone those five major ninja villages and the like.

Chenxing followed Akahoshi into this relatively atmospheric wooden house from the side corridor, and the middle gate is estimated to be the cultivation field where the “star” is placed, and there should be two of Akahoshi’s subordinates guarding it at this time.

Akahoshi came to a Japanese-style room inside, which was very simple, only the floor was covered with sheets and quilts, and there was a teapot and two teacups on the low table on the flat side, but the whole room looked clean.

“You’ll live here in the future!” Chixing said with a light smile, he was very satisfied with Chenxing, polite and sensible, and did not have the slightest arrogance because of his qualifications, such a person should be relatively easy to teach.

“By the way, can you read?” Akahoshi asked with a light smile.

“Well, I secretly learned a little from my brother before…” Chenxing nodded, his words were not false, although the original owner of this body had a general relationship with his younger brother, but he still begged his brother to teach him some.

“It’s much more convenient that way, nah… This is the method of refining Chakra, you read it first, but don’t rush to cultivate first, wait for me to come back and teach you slowly, otherwise it is very dangerous for you to practice indiscriminately alone, I will go and report your affairs to Lord Xingying first…” Akahoshi nodded, then took out a scroll and handed it to Chenxing, and then said solemnly to Chenxing.

“Well, I see!” Chenxing nodded, although he was a little eager to cultivate, he still knew the weight, and it was very dangerous to cultivate indiscriminately alone.

“So be it, you wait for me here first, I’ll go first!” Akahoshi nodded in satisfaction, then turned to leave.


After Akahoshi left, Chenxing opened the scroll a little impatiently, and looked at it with some excitement…

“Oh… These are the human acupuncture points map and the Chakra refining map? Chenxing looked at the acupuncture point map drawn on the scroll a little speechlessly, no wonder Chixing asked him so solemnly not to practice indiscriminately, if a six-year-old child has no one to teach, he can understand these things then he is already considered a genius, if he cultivates indiscriminately, maybe there will be a big problem.

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