“Sister Summer Star?”

The person who came was allowed by the three generations of Star Shadow to return to the summer star in the village, and she was taking care of Chenxing most of the time these days. After all, Summer Star is a veteran Shinobi, and she heard movement as early as outside and knew that Chenxing had woken up.

“Chenxing, you’re awake.” Summer Star looked at Chenxing with a gentle face and a smile, she was carrying a brown paper bag in her left hand, and judging from the aroma wafting out of the paper bag, it should be some food inside.

“Sister Summer Star, why are you here?” Tatsumi looked at Summer Star suspiciously, it stands to reason that Summer Star should not be here, he had deliberately asked Akahoshi about Summer Star, and Akahoshi told him that for some reason, Summer Star was not a ninja in the village now.

At the same time, because he smelled the temptation emanating from the paper bag in Xia Xing’s hand. The aroma of people, Chenxing’s stomach “cooed” very inappropriately, and suddenly his little face was a little embarrassed.

“Oh, you’re hungry, you’ve been asleep for four whole days!” Summer Star chuckled and handed the paper bag in his hand to Chenxing, while saying gently.

“Hmm!” Chenxing did not shirk, took the paper bag that was still a little warm, and after opening it, he immediately found that there were several hot meat buns inside. It stands to reason that if you don’t eat for so many days, you shouldn’t eat these, but Chenxing is also a ninja, and the digestive system is naturally stronger than ordinary people, so Summer Star will take buns to Chenxing instead of gruel and other foods.

Because he was so hungry, Chenxing couldn’t help but quickly take out a wolf-gobbled up and ate it, so that Summer Star on the side couldn’t help but shake his head, stretched out his hand and gently patted Chenxing’s back, afraid that he would choke, and said at the same time: “Eat slowly, don’t eat too fast, be careful to choke!” ”

“Sister Summer Star, you still haven’t said why you are here? I remember Akahoshi-sensei said, you’re not…” Tatsumi chewed on the bun while looking at Summer Star with some doubt.

With a relaxed smile on his face, Summer Star said with a light smile: “My previous mission was to secretly guard the ‘Star’ and prevent someone from resuming the cultivation of the Star, but now the ‘Star’ has turned into an ordinary meteorite, so Lord Xingying called me back, I have to thank you…”

No one would blame Chenxing for privately cultivating the stars, because he was only a six-year-old child and did not yet have a mature mind, and all insiders, including the three generations of Xingying, thought that Akaxing instigated Chenxing to cultivate the stars, but did not know that Chenxing himself was also extremely eager to get close to the “star”.

“So it is!” Before Chenxing fell into a coma, he still knew that the three generations of Star Shadow had rushed over, so it was not very surprising.


After breakfast, Summer Star told Chenxing that it was the third generation of Xingying who had something to find him, so he took Chenxing to Xingying’s office.

The entire Star Shinobi Station is not large, after all, it is just an office organization, unlike these big ninja villages in Konoha, there are any third training grounds or large training bases such as the Forest of Death. Of course, although the sparrow is small and has all the organs, the medical equipment of the Star Shinobi Station is still relatively complete, although there are only a few medical rooms.

From here, it can also be seen that the difference between Star Shinobi Village and Konoha, these big ninja villages, is not a star and a half, just this Star Shinobi station, all are wooden wooden houses, there are no cement buildings at all.

Soon, Chenxing followed Summer Star to the office of the three generations of Star Shadow.

The office of the third generation of Star Shadow is actually a spacious wooden house after all, at most, it has a relatively large desk, there is nothing special, and the appearance is not much different from other houses in Star Shinobi.

It was not the first time that Chenxing came, and when he first came here with Akahoshi, if he hadn’t seen a big “star” hanging at the door of this two-story wooden building, he would have thought he was in the wrong place.

Politely saluted the three generations of Star Shadow, and then looked up at the kind old man in front of him, although he said that his name Star Shadow was self-appointed and could not be recognized by other great ninja villages, but the three generations of Star Shadow were indeed very good to himself, so Chenxing had a good impression of him.

“Grandpa Xingying, are you looking for me?” Chenxing looked up at the three generations of Star Shadow in front of him, who was much taller than him now, and asked in a low voice, after all, he also violated the order of the third generation Star Shadow to prohibit the cultivation of the Star, although it was impossible to do anything, but he was still a little apprehensive.

“Chenxing, do you feel that something is wrong with your body?” The three generations of Xingying touched Chenxing’s little head, squatted down, and asked softly.

Chenxing was stunned, then reacted, shook his head, and whispered: “Grandpa Xingying, I feel that my body is very good, full of strength, this time I got a lot of chakra from ‘Star’!” ”

According to the usual words, the three generations of Star Shadow will definitely reprimand Chenxing, after all, Chenxing has clearly violated the ban under him and followed Chixing to cultivate the stars, but now “Star” has completely become an ordinary meteorite, so it doesn’t matter if you reprimand or not, otherwise Chenxing is estimated to have to be sprayed with saliva.

The third generation of Xingying said to Chenxing softly with some solemnity: “That’s good, Chenxing, grandpa asks you a question, you have to answer grandpa honestly, okay?” ”

“What are you talking about?” Chenxing was stunned, and then nodded.

“Do you love this Star Shinobi Village?” The third generation of Xingying asked a somewhat incongruous question, which immediately made Chenxing stunned.

Is this Konoha or Hoshinobi Village? Tatsumi has also read a lot of Hokage fanfiction before, and naturally knows that this clip will appear in almost every Hokage fandom of Konoha Flow, and the three generations of Hokage asked to the pig’s foot: Do you like Konoha?

Tatsumi Xing secretly complained in his heart, but on the surface he nodded very seriously, at least so far, he really liked the feeling of being in Star Ninja Village, except for the garbage father of the owner of this body, he was indeed full of good feelings for this village, this village is now a united and friendly ninja village after the dispute over the issue of “Star”.

“Then if you become a powerful ninja in the future, are you willing to protect the Star Ninja Village?” The three generations of Xingying then asked, he asked this not to guard against Chenxing, but to see Chenxing’s heart, after all, Chenxing’s childhood experience is indeed a little worrying (Chenxing complained: That’s the original host, but not me, I will help him avenge at most!). )。

“Of course!” Chenxing nodded heavily, he did have the idea of helping Star Ninja Village more in the future when he had strength, after all, he started with Star Ninja Village, Star Ninja Village treated him sincerely, and he would not be ungrateful.

The third generation of Star Shadow nodded in satisfaction, then stood up straight and ordered Summer Star on the side: “Well, then it’s good… Summer Star, in the future, Chenxing will be handed over to you to teach, and I am not very comfortable if I give it to Akahoshi to teach! ”

“I’ll do my best, Lord Hoshikage!” Xia Rixing naturally nodded gladly, if she taught Chenxing to cultivate, she could also not often go out of the village to do tasks, and she could have more time to get along with her son.

“By the way, remember to check Chenxing’s Chakra attribute, and by the way, see if Chenxing can use the Peacock Magic Method!” The three generations of Star Shadow added, but even if he didn’t say it, Summer Star would let Chenxing try it, after all, he absorbed so many “Star” Chakra, and was not affected by side effects, if he could use the peacock magic method, it was undoubtedly the best result, after all, other high-level ninjutsu in Star Ninja Village did not necessarily fit with Chenxing’s attributes.

(Then again, I actually saw a laptop in the anime, and I really don’t know how high the level of technology of Hokage is.) Finally, please collect, please support!! )

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