Chenxing’s words immediately made the many bounty hunters who heard it present stunned, and they couldn’t help but look at him carefully.

“Isn’t it, really going to be a bounty hunter?” The tall man who just said that Chenxing might be coming to be a bounty hunter looked stunned, he just said it casually and had fun, but he didn’t expect that Chenxing really wanted to be a bounty hunter.

“At the age of fourteen or fifteen, if you are a ninja from the Great Shinobi Village, this is not a particularly strange thing…” A somewhat serious-looking samurai looked thoughtfully at Tatsumi, who was thin but faintly gave him a sense of danger, and his eyes froze.

Hearing the samurai say this, everyone present couldn’t help nodding, and someone spoke: “Indeed, it seems that he is carrying a ninja backpack, it is really possible!” ”

“Little brother. Dude, are you really going to be a bounty hunter? The pretty girl smiled and looked at Tatsumi and confirmed again.

“Well, do I need to go through any formalities?” Chenxing nodded and asked with a smile.

The beautiful girl smiled and introduced to Chenxing: “The bounty hunter in the underground world is not so good, little brother. Brother, if you want to register a bounty hunter, you first have to pay a fee of 10,000 taels, do you have that much money? ”

“And then?” Chenxing listened to the beautiful girl’s mocking tone, rolled his eyes, took out a wad of money casually, threw it on the counter, and continued to ask.

“Huh?” Chenxing’s casual action of throwing out a wad of money immediately attracted the attention of many bounty hunters present, attracting countless covetousness and greed. Greedy, sinister gaze.

A child with so much money on him, how can he look like a guy who is too long, even if he is a ninja, but how strong can he be?

This is the thought of many bounty hunters present, except for some relatively noble people who are unwilling to attack ordinary people, for many bounty hunters who have a knife edge, killing people and robbing wealth is a normal thing, and their eyes are staring at Chenxing by the counter at the moment.

Of course, the reason why the underground world dares to blatantly release some dark tasks, there are still means of deterrence, at least these outlaws do not dare to make a mistake here.

The beautiful girl looked at Chenxing with a pair of beautiful eyes, she didn’t expect that Chenxing actually took out so much money casually, and after counting the money, she didn’t know where to take out a form and signal Chenxing to fill it out.

“Codename, gender? It’s that simple? Chenxing looked at the form, and was immediately speechless, he only needed to fill in the registration form of code name and gender, he really hadn’t seen it, and looked at the girl with some doubts at the moment.

“Of course, your photos were collected by our internal camera when you just walked in, after all, the underground world is a relatively loose organization, and bounty hunters are ordinary cooperative relations, guests come to us to post tasks, we charge commissions, and then you bounty hunters freely take tasks, will you still go to you to learn about your specific situation?” In fact, only these code names are enough, if you want to obtain your intelligence, this will naturally have a special department to collect…” The pretty girl was obviously not the first time she had encountered this situation, and explained with a chuckle.

“On the other hand, if this form really needs to fill in some specific information, such as your ninja level, or specific ninjutsu and so on, I don’t think you will write everything obediently, right?” The girl said with a chuckle.

Chenxing nodded and said with a smile: “Indeed! ”

If he wants to fill in some specific information, of course, he will not be so stupid to fill in everything, so instead of collecting a bunch of false intelligence, but also spending a lot of manpower to sort out, it is better not to directly do not want this intelligence, I think the underground world also has its own special intelligence organization.

“By the way, do you also sell intelligence here?” Chenxing quickly filled out the form, and then asked with some doubt.

“Well, for example, if you take on the task of assassinating someone, we generally have relevant intelligence about this person here, and you need to pay for this yourself, after all, our intelligence collection is not so easy!”

The beautiful girl took a closer look at Chenxing’s form while picking up it, and then looked at Chenxing with some surprise: “Peacock King? Younger brother. Brother, your code name is really surprising…”

“Hee-hee!” Tatsumi grinned without explaining much.

“Okay, you are now a bounty hunter registered in our underground world, but now your information has not been transmitted to other branches here, and we will spread your information to other branches soon…”

Chen Xing rolled his eyes, and secretly said in his heart: “It’s really dark!” “A broken form, just like that, it was pitted 10,000 taels, and Chenxing was still a little unhappy in his heart.

“Is there a task list?” Chenxing thought that he didn’t know about those bounty materials now, and suddenly asked.

“Naw, here are some mission pamphlets we’ve put together, with the corresponding ranks, of course, we don’t guarantee that the intelligence is completely correct… Due to the timeliness of the task, some tasks may have been completed or canceled, plus some new tasks undertaken, so we will update the task booklet every once in a while, if you have already bought it, then you can go directly to any branch in the underground world with the old version in exchange for the latest version… Now this version is still very new, just a few days after the update. The girl took out several pamphlets, which read: SS, S, A, B, four grades, not even C grades.

“These pamphlets are 10,000 taels!”

The girl’s words suddenly made Chenxing’s face darken, almost wanted to lift the table, but he hadn’t started to take the task yet, but he had already spent so much money, bars, undertaking bounty tasks, charging fees, intelligence, etc., Chenxing had to admire this speechless means of making money in this underground world.

In particular, intelligence does not force you to buy, but you have to buy it, otherwise for the average person just collecting the intelligence of the mission target will directly exhaust you, and it may not necessarily be collected!

With a slander in his heart, Chenxing still bought the first three copies, and as for the B-grade ones, they were directly skipped.

“The tasks here don’t really matter if you pick up or not except for a few escort missions that have just come out, as long as you can bring the mission target to our exchange offices around the world.” The girl looked at Chenxing, whose face was a little darkened, she had obviously seen a lot of this situation, and suddenly said with a smile.

The gold exchange in the underground world is a place to directly take the task goal to exchange money, and under normal circumstances, the mission target is the corpse, so it will not be set up in the branch of the underground world, and it is impossible for someone to come in the bar from time to time with a corpse, right? Then it doesn’t need to do the bar business.

“Aren’t you all killing people and treasure hunting tasks here? How can there still be any escort and such tasks? Chen Xing was immediately puzzled, in his opinion, the organization of this dark stream in the underground world should not undertake to issue such a task.

“Normally, no, but if the price offered by the other party is high, there are still some… You can take a look at the mission booklet first, if you pick which bounty mission, you can get information from us… Of course, that requires you to buy it with money! The girl’s next words made Chenxing’s originally recovered face darken again.

“You guys are here, it’s so dark!” The corner of Chenxing’s mouth twitched, and then he said directly to the girl without anger.

“Huh… You’re not the first to say that, most of the ones behind you think so at first. The girl covered her mouth and chuckled, pointing to the bounty hunters behind Chenxing.

(Today, I struggled to code out the plot of thousands of escort missions, and it turned out to be in vain, and it is estimated that I am one of the most tragic authors in Feilu…) )

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