Chidori sharp gun! This originally belonged to Uchiha Sasuke’s technique, Tatsumi had already developed it, and the attack distance was farther than Uchiha Sasuke’s distance of up to five meters, and the attack power was only stronger.

Without hurrying to follow the leader of the underground world, Chenxing’s original excitement has gradually calmed down.

Fighting, if you are not careful, will die! Even if your strength is higher than your opponent, if you are accidentally attacked to the fatal point, you will still die.

Soon, Chenxing, led by the leading personnel, left Miba City and came to a forest outside Miba City.

This forest is somewhat quiet, the breeze blows gently, countless branches gently sway, beckoning in the wind, and there is a sound of birdsong from time to time in the depths.

“Sir, the target should still be in this forest, I will only bring it here for you!” The person in charge of leading the way bowed to Chenxing, and then said softly.

He is just an ordinary person, and the intelligence transaction is limited to this, if the two parties directly exchange hands after entering, and are accidentally affected, it will be dead.

“Well, you go back!” Chenxing waved his hand, jumped on a thick tree trunk several meters high, looked inside, no longer paying attention to the leading personnel whose attitude invisibly became a lot more respectful, the bounty booklet had a specific portrait of this rebel, this forest is not big, if people are inside, it is not difficult to find out the rebel by his means.


As a human in two lifetimes, Chenxing’s spiritual power is far more than that of ordinary people, and it is naturally not difficult to become a perceptual ninja. Jumping onto a tall tree trunk, Chenxing gently closed his eyes, opened his spiritual power, and carefully sensed the small forest to check the location of the target.

Flowers, trees, insects, birds, rabbits…

“Southeast, just a mile or so from here!”

All creatures, more or less have some chakra, as one of the five major villages, Yanyin Murakami rebelled, that mountain island wind chakra naturally will not be weak, Chenxing easily sensed his position, instantly turned into a black shadow, swept towards the direction where the target is….

I have to say that the green environment in some places in the Hokage World is indeed good, and there are a lot of undeveloped forests in the original ecology. Although this forest is not large, it also has a range of several miles, and the environment is quite pleasant, even if you live here for just one or two people, you don’t need to worry about food in a short time.

Yamashima Kaze, a renegade of the Ninja level of Iwahide Murakami, was on a secret mission to steal the ninjutsu scroll of a medium-sized ninja village because of greed for the ninjutsu scroll. Greedy, killed several companions, defected after capturing the scroll, and was launched by Yanyin Village as a Class A wanted with a reward of 2 million taels.

Although he was wanted by the reward, Yamashima Kaze did not regret it, although Shangnin was already at the high level of the ninja class, but as a civilian, Shangnin, only when he reached Shangnin, he could find that the gap between civilians and wealthy families was really too big.

Although Yamashima Feng is a superior ninja, but because he has not had too many medicinal baths since he was a child, there is no systematic cultivation method, and now it can be said that it is very difficult for him to improve, whether it is the speed of sealing or physical fitness, it is much worse than the wealthy ninja of the same level. Especially Sheng has been a superior ninja for so long, he has done his best for the village wholeheartedly, and even almost lost his life in several advanced missions, but he has only learned an ordinary A-level ninjutsu and a few good B-level ninjutsu issued by the village. And those Hao families, people learned advanced ninjutsu that had been improved by the family at the beginning, and most of them had their own family secret arts.

Once Yamashima Kaze found that he used his full strength when he was fighting with a family ninja, but the other party was still at ease, and his strength level was comparable to his own, but the combat power of others far exceeded his own, and he could even abuse himself, which was when he discovered the huge gap between civilian ninjas and wealthy families. The same is Shangnin, but the ninjutsu reserves, physical fitness and other aspects are combined, and it is difficult for commoners to flee for their lives even under the noble Shangnin.

So, in the face of the temptation with several A-grade ninjutsu scrolls. Confused, the mountain island wind is moved! Isn’t there a saying that says so? Loyalty, just because the chips of betrayal are not enough.

Of course, Yamashima Kaze also knows that there are many people who want to hunt down and kill themselves and take their heads to the bounty, but he doesn’t care, he has already cleaned up two or three Shangnin who used him as prey, because with the help of that ninjutsu scroll, now his combat power is no less than some large families from Shangnin, and he is also considered the best in Shangnin, even if he meets the average elite Shangnin, if he wants to escape, he thinks that he has learned the earth ninjutsu from the scroll, It is not difficult to escape from them. Moreover, the ninja world is so big and there are so many people who have been rewarded, where can there be so many ninjas above the elite ninja to deal with him?

“It’s a pity, there are only two A-level earth ninjutsu in that scroll, and the others are all water ninjutsu, otherwise…” thought Yamajima Kaze, who was a little tall and thin, casually sitting in front of a small fire, roasting a hare he had just caught.

The elite endured, he was too eager, but he was never allowed to enter.

Not far behind him, the ground collapsed and shattered within a range of more than 100 meters, which should have been caused by Yamajima Feng practicing ninjutsu, and there are no houses and caves and the like in this vicinity, I think Yamajima Feng is directly in the wild in these days. After all, for ninjas, sleeping in the open is commonplace.

Chenxing converged his breath, quietly hiding on a big tree to observe the mountain island wind, about twenty meters away from the mountain island wind, because the front is full of open space, can not hide, this distance is the closest, but Chenxing is not in a hurry to make a move, quietly waiting for the opportunity.

Finally, just when Yamajima Feng began to bite the roasted rabbit and let his guard down, Tatsumi moved!

The whole person turned into a purple wind, and almost at the same time, a dazzling electric arc burst out from his right hand, flashing violently, five fingers merged into a spike, slender electric arcs staggered, and a noisy birdsong sounded, locking the heart of Yamajima Feng. bit, the whole person was like lightning, quickly shot out.


Like pulling a long purple shadow with dazzling thunder light, Chenxing showed the results of his four years of cultivation, and in the blink of an eye he crossed a distance of more than ten meters, and when there was still some distance from the mountain island wind, in the stunned eyes of the mountain island wind, the thousand birds sharp gun was instantly launched, and the dazzling thunder light instantly burst out from his right hand, slamming into the heart of the mountain island wind. Bit.

“Boom!” The Chidori sharp gun not only blasted through the heart of Yamajima Feng, but also slammed unabated on the ground behind him, instantly blasted open a large hole, and rubble splashed everywhere…

“Huh?” Chenxing, who had not yet had time to be happy, suddenly had a feeling that something was wrong, not to come. And think about it, when the foot is a little harder, the whole person instantly jumped into the air, his hands quickly made a seal, a pair of purple Chakra wings instantly generated from behind it, quickly vibrate, and the whole person took off directly in midair.

“Bang bang bang !!”

Just as Chenxing left the ground, spikes more than one meter high appeared on the ground without warning, densely covering a range of twenty or thirty meters…

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