Chenxing became famous, to be precise, the “Peacock King” became famous.

Of course, so far, this fame has only been limited to Miba Castle.

After all, the world is so big, and the communication is not as good as the earth, although some big ninja villages have some secret techniques that can quickly transmit news, but they naturally do not publicize such things, so generally speaking, if you want to spread a news out of most of the ninja world, it will take ten days and a half months at the earliest.

In less than half a day, he killed the Shangnin Rebel Ninja Mountain Island Wind of Iwain Village unharmed, plus his fourteen or fifteen-year-old age, how to look at it cannot be ignored.

Many bounty hunters in the underground world have exploded, especially those bounty hunters in Miba City who originally thought of the idea of fighting Chenxing, their faces turned pale at this time, a little uneasy, for fear that this killing god would retaliate against them, the death of the bald man is still vividly remembered, just went out, and there was one more corpse in the blink of an eye!

Although he guessed that he might be famous, Chenxing didn’t bother with that, he now wants to experience on the one hand, and on the other hand, he wants to make money quickly.

Yes, it’s about making money!

No way, Star Shinobi Village is too small, whether it is talent or resources, it is pitiful.

If a village wants to grow, then talents are indispensable, and resources are even more indispensable, otherwise talents cannot grow, let alone develop and grow. Although resources are not the same as money, you can buy most of them anyway.

In terms of talents, Chenxing can’t help it for the time being, but if you want to expand Star Ninja Village, you must first prepare a lot of money, so as not to have the resources to cultivate these talents when you have talents in the future.

What is the most profitable method? From the perspective of long-term development, it is natural to do business and develop the economic and trade chain of Star Ninja Village.

But Chenxing knew that he didn’t have any business talent, otherwise he wouldn’t have graduated in his previous life and was unemployed, so the only way he wanted to make money quickly was to do more bounty tasks.

S-level reward he is not in a hurry to do for the time being, after all, now for him, S-class tasks may still encounter risks or failures, after flipping through the A-level task booklet for a while, Chenxing finally found a task that may also be around here.

Kuroki Taichi, a rebel Shinobi in Sand Hidden Village, a level of Shinobi, with a bounty of 2.2 million taels, appeared in Xiaoyu Village outside Miba Castle on May 26th!

The next day, came to the black bar again.

“Tell me about this guy!” Chenxing was in so many surprises, doubts, awe… In all kinds of complicated eyes, he took out the A-grade bounty booklet, pointed to the bounty information of a Kuroki Taichi above, and said lightly to the beautiful girl who was a little in awe and curiosity.

“Huh?” The girl was shocked, she couldn’t think that Chenxing had just finished a task yesterday, and she didn’t rest for a few days, and now she was going to continue again.

“Who is this little ghost, it seems like I’ve never seen it before…” a bounty hunter who was not present yesterday asked one of his companions.

“Shh, whisper, he killed the bald boy yesterday in seconds, if you don’t want to die, you still put your mouth respectful, maybe if people are unhappy, you will die…” Hearing this bounty hunter call Chenxing like this, the person being asked suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, quickly covered the bounty hunter’s mouth, carefully glanced at the counter and ignored their Chenxing, and whispered a warning with a serious face.

“What? He is the boy who solved the bald head yesterday? The bounty hunter’s face turned pale, and he couldn’t help but be startled.

The bald head is strong, that is, the bald man who was killed at the door yesterday, his own strength is not much stronger than the bald head, people can kill a bald head in seconds, and a dislike can easily solve him….

Although Chenxing was sitting at the counter and a little far away from these two, he had a keen sense and naturally heard the conversation between these two. After hearing that the big man who was dropped by him yesterday should be the bald head strong in the two people, he almost laughed, just like the bald man, and the bald head is strong? Why don’t you call it Bear Big Bear Two!

“Nonsense, who else at this age dares to come here besides him?” The companion pouted and patted the pale man.

“I didn’t expect that he just completed an A-level bounty task yesterday, and today he is here again!” A big man glanced at the thin back of Chenxing on the counter with some awe, and then muttered in a low voice.

A samurai looked at Chenxing’s thin but unusually calm back, and sighed softly: “He and we are not from the same world, there are always some geniuses in this world, we can only look up…”


“Indeed…” some people nodded and whispered in agreement.


For the news that these bounty hunters knew that they had completed the A-level mission that offered the mountain island wind yesterday, Chenxing was not surprised, thinking that it was because the gold exchange house sent the news of the completion of the task to the underground world, and it was not surprising that they knew it.

Inside the counter, the girl held a thick notebook and looked through it for a while, then finally put it down, smiled at Chenxing and said: “I found his intelligence, but this information requires 20,000 taels!” ”

“Hmm!” Chenxing did not hesitate, directly took out 20,000 taels and threw them on the table.

“This Kuroki Taichi is not here, according to the latest information, he may be near Hundred Flowers City on the border of the Bird Country, if you want specific information, the branch over there should have it, of course, you need to buy it again!” The girl looked at the notebook and said to Chenxing with a smile.

“Eh…” Tatsumi was stunned, his face was a little dark, he originally thought that Kuroki Taichi was still near Miba City, after a long time, it turned out that the person was no longer in the country of bears.

No wonder this intelligence will be so much cheaper than yesterday’s, since there is no too specific information, the fee will naturally not be too high, after all, even if that Kuroki Taichi is really near the Hundred Flowers City in the Land of Birds, it is not easy for Tatsumi to find him, and if he can’t get it, he has to buy the information again over there.

Chenxing walked out of this black bar with some helplessness, it is not easy to make money, it is not easy to be a bounty hunter, where are so many characters who are rewarded by you? Most of them are not to buy intelligence, and some of the money earned has to flow out, although it is not particularly much at one time, but a series of down, it is equivalent to doing an A-level mission for nothing.

Although Kuroki Taichi is no longer in Miha City, it also costs some money to buy intelligence, so Tatsumi still wants to continue this task, after all, the Hundred Flowers City of the Land of Birds is not very far from here, and if you fly with the Peacock Magic Method, it will arrive in a few hours.

Leaving the lively Miba City, Tatsumi walked to an uninhabited forest outside the city, cast a peacock magic spell, and conjured a pair of purple chakra wings, turned into a purple streamer, and flew towards the border of the Bird Country…

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