In mid-air, Kuroki Taiyi looked shocked, the mouth of his hands was slightly torn, numb, and it could be seen how strong Chenxing’s kick was just now.

“Hmph!” Chenxing looked at Kuroki Taichi in mid-air and snorted coldly, his figure flashed, and he instantly jumped into mid-air and came above Kuroki Taichi.


Tatsumi’s right foot jerked up, condensing Chakra to his feet, and under the terrified gaze and unwilling exclamation of that Kuroki Taichi, he stepped fiercely towards his heart.


“Boom!” I saw Kuroki Taichi’s still tall body slammed down from mid-air, slammed into the ground, and burst out with a huge sound, and smoke and dust rose up.

The smoke and dust dispersed, and I saw that within a few meters on the ground, cracks spread out, and a figure lay on the depression in the middle, it was Kuroki Taichi, who had lost his breath of life.

I saw that at this time, his eyes were round, his face was full of blood, and his expression full of unwillingness and fear seemed to be frozen on his face, as if he was full of attachment to this world.

Chenxing’s kick is not only as simple as kicking him, but also the Chakra condensed on his foot at the same time also directly shattered his heart, it can be said that it is a double interception, except for the big snake pill that is longer than Xiaoqiang, I am afraid that not many people can withstand Chenxing’s blow intact.

Chenxing’s body fell to the ground lightly, looking at the dead Kuroki Taichi without too many mood swings.

Natural selection, survival of the fittest! This is an unchanging law that has been unchanging since eternity, and the ninja world has shown this law to the fullest, and now Tatsumi has gradually adapted to this law, or he has gradually liked the feeling of being a strong man.

“Check it first!”

Although this Kuroki Taiyi was already dead, Tatsumi still condensed a trace of Chakra into his eyes according to the convention and examined it.

After confirming that there was no problem, Tatsumi began to check his loot.

After yesterday’s mission harvest of the mountain island wind, now Chenxing has gradually become an expert in plucking the goose feathers, skillfully rummaging through the body of this Kuroki Taichi…

Although he didn’t find ninjutsu from Kuroki Taichi, but Tatsumi’s harvest was not small, he actually found a storage scroll in Kuroki Taichi’s ninja bag, and after opening it, he found that there were no less than 3 million taels of cash in it, which immediately made him happy, these money alone are enough to make A-level tasks worth one or two ordinary points, not to mention that this Kuroki Taichi’s body is worth 2.2 million taels!

After spending a while, Tatsumi took the body of that Kuroki Taichi to the nearby gold exchange house for cash, and then walked around Hundred Flowers City with a relaxed face.

But I didn’t know that at this time, the underground world had been completely shocked by his amazing performance of two A-level tasks in those two days, and unharmed, one A-level task completed this is nothing, but in two days, two A-level tasks were completed, although not no one has done this, but this matter is put on a fourteen and fifteen-year-old boy, how to look at it is not simple (Chenxing helpless: Please, I’m only twelve years old, okay!). )。


At noon, summer heat, fire. The hot sun scorched the earth.

Somewhere in the Land of Birds, in an uninhabited forest.

Trees are tall, lush green leaves shade the sky, that fire. The scorching sun did not affect this relatively secluded forest, but only covered the green leaves near the top of the canopy with a layer of gold.


Inside this secluded forest, a clear stream flows slowly and rattles.

Under a huge rock several meters large on the edge of the stream, there was a somewhat thin figure sitting cross-legged, it was Chenxing.

I saw Chenxing bare-chested, his eyes slightly closed, sitting motionless in the shadows under the boulder, breathing long and with a special rhythm.

His light. On the slippery white body, the muscles hovered like a young long, full of a solid sense of strength, but it was not exaggerated, it seemed very natural.


Suddenly, the muscles that were like young longs gradually tensed, and then they fell together, rhythmically following the boy’s breathing. Moving….

Gradually, the flesh and blood all over the body began to vibrate slightly, not very obvious, the green tendons burst, but if you look closely, you will definitely be shocked, the blood flow in Chenxing’s body is extremely fast, if it is an ordinary person, it is estimated that it will directly burst the blood vessels.


I don’t know how long it took, Chenxing’s white body seemed to be engorged, gradually becoming extremely red, a little terrifying, and there were faint more sweat droplets on his forehead, obviously, this change like congestion is definitely not easy.

The rhythm of the muscles is still the same, not stopped because of the congestion of the body, and it is full of solid feeling and gripping together.

A few minutes later, the bloodshot redness on Chenxing’s body dissipated, and his skin was . The color gradually returned to its original state, the muscles in the rhythm also stopped rising and falling, and Chenxing himself slowly opened his eyes, and a faint essence flashed in those dark and deep eyes.

“Now my physical strength is probably equivalent to the level of a physical arts cultivator, it seems that the strength of my physical body is still some distance from the first limit, but there is no need to worry!” Chenxing wiped the sweat from his forehead and stood up, with a relaxed smile on his handsome little face.

The kind of physical changes that happened to Chenxing just now were actually touched by him over the years. A method to improve the strength of the physical body, his physical skills have been so fast over the years, it can be said that it is a blessing for this cultivation method.

Of course, the congested state just now is that Chenxing’s cultivation will only appear when it reaches a certain limit in that day, and usually, it is just the appearance of flesh and blood rhythm and blood flow speed, after the appearance of the congested state, if Chenxing continues to cultivate for too long, it will hurt the body and appear too late.

According to Chenxing’s speculation, he will probably encounter a bottleneck when he reaches the upper endurance limit of the general pure body art elite in terms of physical skills, that is, the first human body limit, if he can’t break through, his physical strength will stop here, and he can’t continue to improve, and his physical skills will be limited to below the quasi-shadow level, and he can’t break through to the quasi-shadow level with physical skills alone.

Physical skills are closely related to the strength of the physical body, and if the strength of the physical body reaches a certain limit, as long as you work harder, the physical skills will naturally improve rapidly. However, if the physical strength cannot be improved, the physical technique will be limited to a certain stage due to the insufficient physical strength, and it will not be able to continue to advance. This is like a kind of cyclic restriction, such as the baby, from crawling to staggering to walking, to skilled walking, to being able to run, can be seen as the baby’s physical strength gradually reaches the minimum limit required for these behaviors.

Chenxing temporarily divided the bottleneck of physical strength into three levels: the first human body limit, the second human body limit, and the third human body limit, and as for the higher level, he did not score, because he did not know what it was. At least Chenxing believes that among those people in the original work, except for Akai who barely temporarily broke through to the third human limit when he broke out the eighth door of death of the eight-door dunjia, even the Uchiha spot in the state of the ten-tailed human pillar force did not reach that level, otherwise he would not have been beaten by the eight-door Akai.

Of course, the price of opening and hanging like Akai is huge, it can be said that it is a power that comes at the cost of life, if it were not for the anti-heavenly yin and yang escape that Naruto inherited from Rokudo, it is estimated that even Tsunade would not be able to save him, and even so, in the end, he was left with a lifelong disability.

Generally speaking, a strong person who breaks through the limit of the first human body can generally reach the quasi-shadow level of pure body art, while if he breaks through the limit of the second human body, his pure body art combat power should reach the shadow level, and the higher up, the more difficult it is to break through.

But once it breaks through, the improvement of combat power will be huge, especially the third human limit, which can definitely be challenged across levels, and Akai’s eighth door is an example, but he is a short open and hanging, unable to hold. For a long time, and at the cost of lives. It is estimated that Akai has not even broken through the first human body limit so far, so in the state of not opening the eight-door dunjia, his strength is only at the elite upper ninja level.

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