The Land of Thunder, it is said that there are many high/towering peaks in the country, swirling with deafening thunder, hence the name.

On the winding mountain, a purple light streaked through, and on the originally empty mountain, there was suddenly a figure, dressed in a purple-white power suit, black hair scattered, and a refreshing demeanor, it was Chenxing.

“According to the intelligence of the underground world, it should be around here, right?” Chenxing looked at the almost unobstructed winding mountains nearby and nodded.

Since Chenxing left Lizard Spirit Mountain, he had already chosen his next hunting target.

Asaino, a rebel Shinobi in Iwain Village, a high-level elite Shinobi, with a bounty of 23 million taels, appeared outside Yunxia City in the Land of Thunder on October 2.

Today happens to be the sixth of October, so after rushing to Yunxia City, the Land of Thunder, Tatsumi obtained the intelligence of this Asaino through the underground world, and after learning that Asaino estimated that it was nearby, he rushed to this winding mountain area non-stop.

Asaino is forty-five years old and is at the peak of his strength. Feng’s prime of life, five years ago, defected from Yanyin Village.

In an S-class mission, Asaino knew that using a large range of ninjutsu would hurt his own people when he was fighting a powerful opponent, and in order to quickly defeat the opponent to complete the mission, he resolutely used a large range of earth escapes, involving his partner in the ninjutsu attack range, resulting in his death. Afterwards, he was punished by the furious three-generation Tokage Onoki and imprisoned in Iwahide Village Prison for ten years.

Because he didn’t want to waste his ten years in vain, Asaino, who felt unfair about the punishment of the third generation of Tokage Onoki, injured Kaminobi who was in charge of escorting him in the process of being escorted to prison, and directly defected from Iwahide Village.

In a somewhat gloomy cave with some flickering candlelight, a rough-looking, tall Asai Ye is dissecting a corpse, covered in blood, it seems to be studying some forbidden art, and looking at a brace it threw on the ground, it seems that this corpse is still a ninja of Yunyin Village, but I don’t know what level it is.

“Haha… After I develop a forbidden technique that can absorb other people’s chakra, I will be invincible in the world…” Asaino’s face was full of excitement, and with his bloody appearance, the whole person looked a little hideous and terrifying.

Asaino shuddered a little. Shaking is not caused by fear or the like, but by being too excited and excited.

That’s right, Asaino is studying a forbidden technique that can absorb other people’s chakras for his own use, and if this forbidden technique can really be successful and can be used in battle, the improvement of personal combat power can be imagined.


At this time, Asaino did not / know that outside the cave where he was hiding, a thin figure was standing there quietly, faintly looking at a boulder several times larger than him that blocked the entrance to the cave in front of him, the surface of this boulder was very well decorated, almost perfectly concealing the cave inside, if he didn’t feel the Chakra fluctuation on this boulder, he might not be able to find a problem here.

Obviously, without destroying this boulder, removing this boulder requires passing a special mark, or possessing strange powers like Senju Tsunade.

But, does Chenxing need that?

Destroy boulders, or caves or something, him? He came here just to take Asano’s body, even if this cave is very unstable, he accidentally collapsed the entire cave, but Asaino is also an elite Shinobi, if he is blocked in the cave like this, then the moisture of his elite Shinobi is too great.

Obviously, this cave is soundproof, otherwise, Chenxing would not be standing at the entrance of the cave, obviously sensing that there is a not weak Chakra and a weak Chakra that seems to be gradually dissipating, but he can’t even hear the slightest movement.


Chenxing’s right hand was raised, and a slender arc that flashed violently burst out instantly, and the Chidori Sharp Spear was launched violently.

“Boom !!”

The dazzling thunder slammed into the boulder, and there was a loud noise, and the entire ground seemed to shake a little, deafening.

Countless rubble splashed everywhere, and cracks filled the entire boulder in an instant, collapsing, revealing the dark and somewhat empty cave inside…

Asaino, who was still excited just now, was a little stunned by this sudden huge movement, and then his stiff face suddenly became gloomy, and he turned his head to stare coldly at Chenxing who destroyed his secret cave, with his blood, the whole person was extremely hideous.

“Little ghost? Are you the Peacock King who is known as a traitor killer? After seeing the stars outside the cave entrance, Asaino’s pupils shrank, his face suddenly became solemn, and his heart sank.

The Peacock King, although he is too young, but since he registered in the underground world, in less than half a year, he has been hunted by more than thirty large and small rebels, among which there are many elite upper ninja strong, after guessing the identity of Chenxing, even Asaino under the rage quickly calmed down and had to take it seriously.

“It seems that you know me, so you don’t need me to introduce more!” Tatsumi looked at Asaino who was covered in blood indifferently, and the bloody corpse lying on the wooden platform more than one meter high behind Asano, and immediately guessed what Asaino was doing just now.

Human body research from the chaotic Warring States period to the present day, this ban. The taboo project is still secretly carried out by countless forces and individuals, and many forbidden arts and some ninjutsu are almost developed on this basis, which can be said to be full of blood.

On forbidden arts, Tatsumi knows the most about Konoha Village, the head of the five great ninja villages, the second generation of Hokage Thousand Hands and Pill, the two people can be called forbidden masters, especially the second generation of Hokage Thousand Hands, space ninjutsu flying thunder god not to mention, just the rebirth of the filthy soil that can summon the soul of the deceased from the pure land of the underworld does not know how many lives it took to develop it, Tatsumi believes that the blood on his hands is definitely not much less than the big snake pill, at most, it is just a different way to obtain research materials.

Even Tatsumi himself had done a lot of similar things recently in order to study a special spell seal, so he was not too surprised by Asano’s current behavior.

“It seems that you are studying something, even the ninjas of Yunyin Village dare to use it for experiments!”

After Chen Xing lightly glanced at the Yunyin Village Protector who was thrown aside, he sneered and looked at Asaino with an extremely gloomy face.

(This book has been written so far, has reached more than a hundred thousand words, the shelf time has also been determined, it is set for tomorrow, I hope you can support more, the first order is very important to the results of this book, even if you don’t want to order all or plan to fatten, please support it more, thank you!! )

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