Just when a few people had just finished eliminating those few wild meats, Chenxing suddenly frowned, and after opening his spiritual power to perceive it, his face suddenly became solemn.

“What’s wrong?” Seeing that Chenxing’s face suddenly changed, he immediately asked.

“There’s a big guy coming!” Tatsumi stood up, his eyes solemnly looking in the direction of the depths of the forest, and he sensed that a cold Chakra was rushing towards that side, and it was far more than the average elite Shinobi.

“Huh… The Peacock King, what a brilliant genius, has already discovered me! A hoarse laugh came from the direction of the deep forest, which made the faces of the few people change their faces, their bodies tense, and they vigilantly looked at the figure that appeared faintly in the direction of the forest.

I saw that in some gloomy forest, a figure slowly walked out, wearing a beige kimono, with a purple thick rope tied around his waist, long black hair, golden longitudinal pupils, purple eye shadow extending to the wings of the nose, pale skin, with blue-blue jade-like earrings, and an evil smile on the corner of his mouth, which made people feel a little chilly in their hearts.

“This guy won’t be a big snake pill, right?” Chenxing looked at the comer, faintly guessed the identity of the comer, and his face couldn’t help but sink, there is no doubt that the comer is not good!

“Orochimaru!” Without cutting his pupils and shrinking, his face instantly became gloomy, and he was both rebel, but the strength between the two could be described as a world apart.

“What? He is the legendary S-class rebel forbearance, the Leng Jun Great Snake Pill among the three ninja! Matsushima on the side broke out in a cold sweat, nervously looking at the big snake pill that walked out slowly, his kind of small shrimp is not enough for people like this to deliver vegetables.

“Orochimaru?” Bai Qiao’s face was solemn, and he couldn’t help but look worriedly at Chenxing on the side and Zaibu Bu Cho.

The big snake pill walked more than ten meters away from a few people, stopped, looked at Chenxing and several people, his somewhat gloomy eyes were full of curiosity, and said in a hoarse voice: “Unexpectedly, the Peacock King, who is known as the rebel ninja killer, is mixed up with the misty rebel ninja, which really surprised me!” ”

Obviously, the big snake pill had just arrived, and he hadn’t heard the words of several people from Chenxing before, so he was curious about why Chenxing, who was known as a rebel ninja killer, was mixed up with this kind of rebellion.

Chen Xing looked at the big snake pill in front of him lightly, although he was very vigilant in his heart, he was not afraid of the big snake pill, and said coldly: “This seems to have nothing to do with you!” ”

“Huh… It seems that ‘Peacock King’ you are hostile to me, but I didn’t expect to meet you just by here, my luck seems to be good…” The big snake pill looked at Chenxing with some greedy eyes, a young man with such strength at a young age was the best container before Junmaru grew up (Junmaru’s blood disease had not yet broken out at this time, and Orochimaru did not know that Junmaru’s body had problems)!

“Orochimaru, what do you want to do?” Chopping stared closely at the large snake pill in front of him like a human skin, his body was tense, and his right hand was already tightly decapitating the big knife in his hand, and his green tendons burst out.

Chenxing naturally felt the greed hidden in the cold gaze of the big snake pill, forced down the discomfort in his heart, stared at the big snake pill coldly, and was ready to strike at any time.

“I created a ninja village and want to invite a few people to join my ninja village, what do you mean?” Orochimaru said directly with a smile, with a hint of personality in his hoarse voice, not only Tatsumi, but also a few people who wanted to recruit into the Oto-ninja Village he founded.

“What?” On the side, he was shocked, knowing that the desire to not chop was to create a force of their own, and they had been rushing for the funds needed to build their power over the years, but they did not expect that Orochimaru had already created a ninja village one step ahead of him.

“Even the Shinobi Village was created… It’s really worthy of being one of the three ninjas! Matsushima on the side muttered in a low voice, as a wandering ninja, he naturally knew the difficulty of creating a force.

Chenxing sneered in his heart, he naturally knew that the big snake pill probably took a fancy to the combat power of a few of them, after all, his Yin Ninja Village honestly did not have much backbone, most of them were some small minions.

Now smiled lightly and asked, “Join your village?” So what do you think you can bring us? ”

“Huh… Advanced ninjutsu, powerful forbidden arts, etc., can even make you stronger, how about these? Orochimaru said with a chuckle, he knew these temptations for the average ninja. Confusion, directly opened a very high price.

Originally, he just took a fancy to Chenxing, but since he didn’t even kill this elite Shangnin, it was better to recruit together, anyway, there are not many masters in Yin Ninja Village.

If you don’t cut down, there is not much reaction, advanced ninjutsu and some forbidden arts are powerful, but they are definitely not so easy to take, beautiful words will be said, it is estimated that if you really join the ninja village of the big snake pill, maybe when he will be used as experimental materials do not know, this kind of person is too dangerous, difficult to trust.

And Bai can directly ignore that for her, who thinks she is a tool that will not be chopped, the choice of not chopping is her choice.

On the other hand, Matsushima was a little moved, but after looking at Chenxing on the side, he gave up a little discouraged, and his life was still in the hands of others.

“I refuse!” Chenxing shook his head and said with a smile.

Although he can’t beat the big snake pill, it doesn’t mean that he is afraid of the big snake pill, he has rare flying ability, even in the face of the veteran shadow-level powerhouse, he has the confidence to protect himself.

Orochimaru spread his hands with a smile and said to Chenxing: “Then there is no way, I don’t care about the others, but I am very interested in you Peacock King!” ”

Rejected, the big snake pill did not feel disappointed, for people with weak strength, his words were very demagogic, but Chenxing and Zaibu Bu Chop and other people were already extremely firm and powerful in their hearts, naturally they would not be seduced so easily.

“Oh? People who are interested in me generally have no good end except for beautiful women! Chenxing shrugged and said with a light smile.

“It seems that you still have to use some means to make you soft, little ghost, hehe…” Orochimaru laughed slyly, and at the same time the momentum on his body gradually became stronger, obviously intending to take Tatsumi away by force.

Chenxing’s face was slightly solemn, and he turned his head and said to Bai and Matsushima and the others who looked solemn and a little nervous: “You guys retreat to the side first, the battle later is not something you can interfere in!” ”

(There’s another chapter later, but it’ll have to be coded!) Ask for all kinds of support!! )_

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