Led by two Konoha Naka Shinobu who were in charge of patrolling, Tatsumi and his party arrived at the reception desk in the outlying area of Konoha Village.

After all, it is not a trivial matter for other ninja villages to enter Konoha Village, especially since there are many ninjas from other countries who have recently come to take the Zhongnin Exam, and they definitely cannot be sloppy. Therefore, after carefully checking the identity certificate issued by the Star Ninja Village carried by Chenxing and others and asking about the basic situation, it is also necessary to carefully check whether the information is true, and the basic inventory process is still essential, after all, it is not difficult in the ninja world to fake identities and forge documents.

This reception was actually a tent of tens of square meters in the clearing, and then a few tables were set up in the shade of the trees outside, where several Konoha ninjas sat and were responsible for registration and inventory.

Judging from the light green and dark green ninja vests characteristic of Konoha, these personnel are wearing Konoha’s characteristic light green and dark green ninja vests, and there are more than a dozen chu ninja and even three upper ninja stationed here.

Obviously, such a ninja squad, which is not weak anywhere, is not only here to receive merchants and visitors, but also to patrol the perimeter of Konoha and prevent some unidentified people or ninjas from infiltrating the village.

“Captain Genma, the identities of these people have been verified, they are ninjas from the Star Ninja Village of the Bear Country, and they are here to participate in this Naka Ninja Exam!”

A patrolling Naka Shinobu wearing Konoha’s characteristic light green Naka Shinobi sat at a desk at the reception, somewhat leisurely clutching a senbon, and lazily chatting with the ninja next to him, reported.

“Star Shinobi Village?”

I don’t know that Huo Genma was stunned, and then with some surprise, he took the registration report handed over by the Zhongnin, scanned it slightly, and then looked at Chenxing who was sitting not far away waiting for the results.

“If I’m not mistaken, this seems to be the first time that Hoshinin Village has participated in the Naka Ninja Exam, right?” I don’t know that a Kami-nin beside Fire Genma spoke, obviously, he also had some understanding of Star Shinobi Village.

“Indeed, I heard that the strength of Star Shinobi Village has developed somewhat rapidly recently, so Naruto-sama specially sent an invitation!” The other Kaminobu nodded.

“Lead Shinobi Akahoshi, candidates who took the Chūnin Exam, Tatsumi, Iron Star, Shiro… Hey? You are? I don’t know that Huo Xuanma Teng stood up suddenly, looking like a ghost, and stared at Chenxing, who was sitting opposite with an indifferent look on his face with a shocked face (in order to avoid causing unnecessary trouble, there is no surname in Bai’s information, only a single white character).

“What’s wrong?” The rest of the people were stunned, and looked at the unknown fire genma who reacted a little with some surprise.

I don’t know that Huo Genma’s expression was solemn, his body was tense, and he stared at Tatsumi who was sitting on the side with a vigilant face, and in the doubtful eyes of the other Konoha ninjas present, he asked in a deep voice: “You are the Peacock King?” ”


“He is the Peacock King?” The other middle ninja were okay, and the two upper ninja were also shocked, looking at the fire genma with a look of disbelief, and then their bodies tensed, vigilant against the earth.

Although some of them are not very daring, they don’t know the character of Huo Xuanma, and it is absolutely impossible to talk nonsense.

For a while, at this reception office, the atmosphere froze a little, and there was a big fight.

“Heehee, Chenxing, you are a big celebrity now, you will be recognized wherever you go!” Bai, who was sitting next to Chenxing, covered the little. Mouth Jiao. Smiled and said to Chenxing, while the two Akaxing and Iron Star on the side had long known that Chenxing might cause a sensation, and did not react much.

“Looks like I’m recognized!” Chenxing stood up helplessly, although he had already expected this situation, but it was really a little troublesome, it was enough to be watched once or twice, no matter how annoying it was.

Chenxing’s actions made several people in the Huoxuan Room still think that he was going to do, the solemn face was a little nervous, the other party could break through a great prestige in less than a year, and the rebellion that had been famous for many years became his stepping stone, obviously not simple, even if there are many people on his side now, it may not be able to prevail.

“Oh… Don’t be so nervous, I’m just here to take the Chūnin exam! Tatsumi shrugged, somewhat helplessly at the many Konoha ninjas in front of him who were all wary of him because they didn’t know the movements of the fire.

“Unexpectedly, the Peacock King, who is famous in the underground world, is actually from Star Ninja Village!” Unbeknownst to him, after hearing Chenxing’s words, Huo Xuanma did not immediately relax his vigilance and said with a solemn face.

“With your strength, do you still need to take the Chūnin exam? What exactly is the purpose of your visit to Konoha? A middle-aged Shinobu on the side asked in a deep voice, obviously not believing that Tatsumi Xing had simply come to take the Zhongnin Exam.

Chenxing was very direct, and said with a light smile: “The small ninja village has the helplessness of the small ninja village, the star ninja village wants to develop, naturally needs to publicize its fame, and this middle ninja exam is naturally the best place, after all, every final there will be businessmen, travelers, nobles, politicians, and even daimyos from all over the world, and the winner and the ninja village where they are located will naturally attract attention…”

“It seems to make some sense…” I don’t know that Huo Genma took the thousand books at the corner of his mouth, and seeing that Akahoshi and the others on the side didn’t mean to make a move at all, he suddenly relaxed his vigilance a little.

“It seems that this Zhongnin exam must be unexpectedly exciting, even the Peacock King came, but I really didn’t expect him to be from a small ninja village like Star Ninja Village.” I don’t know that Huo Xuanma secretly said in his heart.

Tatsumi Xing is not worried at all that Konoha will not let him take the Chunin Exam, his age has not exceeded the boundaries of the Chunin Exam, and all the standards are in line with the provisions of the Chunin Exam, plus it is Konoha himself who took the initiative to invite the ninja of the Star Shinobi Village to participate in the Naka Ninja Exam, so even if he is unwilling, Konoha is not good at not letting him take the Naka Ninja Exam, and forcibly depriving him of his exam qualification will only damage Konoha’s prestige in vain, making other large and small ninja villages laugh at it, how can the three generations of Hokage say that he is also a big man who has experienced countless storms, Naturally, it is impossible to be so short-sighted.

This point Chenxing had already carefully analyzed, so he didn’t plan to hide his identity at the beginning.

“Your status is special, I need to report to Naruto-sama, so I have to trouble you to wait here!”

I don’t know that Huo Xuanma smiled bitterly and said to Chenxing.

While waving his hand at the other ninjas, indicating that they don’t have to be vigilant, after all, people don’t mean to do anything, you are still here cautiously vigilant, plus this is Konoha’s lair, excessive tension will only make people look down on Konoha.

“This is no problem, we are not in a hurry!”

Chenxing sat down again and talked to Bai in a low voice, no longer paying attention to the helpless Fire Genma on the side. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive

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