In the blink of an eye, time flew by and entered July.

The day of the Naka Ninja exam has finally come, in addition to the Mist Hidden Village, Yunyin Village and Iwahide Village, each ninja village in the ninja world has sent some shinobi to a greater or lesser extent, even the Sand Yin Village in the Land of Wind is no exception, and Tatsumi met several ninjas from the Sand Hidden Village when he was wandering around Konoha, and his strength is also considered to be the best in the Shinobi.

The location of the first session of the Chūnin Exam, at the ninja school in Konoha, was suspended for one day for this first exam.

On the way to the report, Chenxing and the others did not encounter the illusion test of the original book or anything, and after submitting the form smoothly, under the instructions of the street sign, they finally came to the classroom of the exam.

It is very empty, at least it can easily accommodate three or four hundred people, so that Tatsumi has to secretly praise, it is worthy of being the ninja school in Konoha Village.

“There are so many people!”

There was some noise in the classroom, there were two or three hundred people, and the shinobi from many ninja villages couldn’t help but sigh.

“You’re from Star Shinobi Village, right?” At this time, a white-haired man with a ponytail, a pair of round-framed glasses and Konoha’s forehead protector walked over and greeted Tatsumi with a smile.

“Well, hello!” Both Bai and Tie Xing responded politely.

“There is a Chakra in the body that is not weaker than Kakashi, white ponytail, round-rimmed glasses, a gentle face, and took the initiative to come over to say hello… He’s the medicine guy, right? ”

Tatsumi remembered that in the original work, it seemed that Yakushi had participated in the Chūnin exam many times, counting the time, it was not impossible to take the Chūnin exam now, plus sensing a Chakra in his body that was not weaker than Kakashi, and immediately confirmed his identity.

“Here are all ninjas from all over the ninja world…” Yakushi straightened his glasses, smiled and beckoned Tatsumi to sit down in the vacant seat on the side, looking like I knew a lot, and gushed endlessly.

“It seems that he recognized me, otherwise he would not have come to talk for no reason, I just don’t know if it was the order of the big snake pill!”

Chenxing sat indifferently on the side, allowing the two of Tie Xing and Bai beside him to chat with the medicine master, but as long as the medicine master mentioned the topic of Star Shinobi Village intentionally or unintentionally, Chen Xing interjected to divert the conversation.


Not long after, a serious and cold examiner Mori Hibiki appeared, and his appearance made the entire somewhat noisy classroom instantly quiet, and at the same time Tatsumi also began to feel that an inexplicable force was monitoring the entire examination room, and he couldn’t help but sigh in his heart: “The theft of the three generations of Hokage. The art of voyeurism is amazing! “。

Similar to the original, it is still a few simple questions, that is, the way of scoring has changed slightly.

A variety of cheating exams began, and in less than five minutes, one after another ninjas who were found to be cheating were invited out, and some disobedient ones were directly given seconds by the elite of the proctor, and then directly thrown out.

In fact, these questions are not very difficult, although most of the purpose of the exam is to test the ability of many candidates to cheat, but in fact, it is not very difficult, at least for Chenxing.


The whole classroom echoed with the tip of a pen rubbing on paper. The sound of rubbing and the sound of invigilators shouting at ninjas in a certain direction from time to time.

After quickly completing the test paper, Chenxing put down the pen, quietly glanced at Bai and Tie Xing, who had already begun to write, and smiled with satisfaction, Bai Xian, it seems that Tie Xing’s basic knowledge is still very solid.

Chenxing half-leaned on the back of the chair, clasped his hands to his chest, and looked at the various cheating methods with interest, as if he was deliberately telling those candidates who wanted to cheat that he had finished it, and he wanted to find a way to copy it.

“Candidate No. 30, you have cheated five times, the exam qualification is canceled, please leave with your teammates!”

“Exam number fifty-fifth, your cheating number is full, the exam qualification is canceled, please leave with your teammates!”


At this time, the Hokage Office.

Many Kami-Shinobi gathered in front of the desk of the three generations of Hokage, looking with interest at the crystal ball placed on the table of the third generation Hokage, and the crystal ball appeared on it like a movie, which was clearly the classroom of Tatsumi who was taking the exam at this time.

A middle-aged man wearing a green tights, wearing a ninja vest, a watermelon head, and thick eyebrows pointed to the figure of the star on the crystal ball and asked in surprise: “Naruto-sama, this boy is the peacock king that Kakashi said?” ”

“Unexpectedly young, although I have seen his photo for a long time, I still have a little suspicion that the person in that photo was deliberately transformed into this teenager by some strong man using transformation techniques!” A shinobi said softly.

“This has already been confirmed by the ninja of the Hyuga family and Kakashi, he does not use any transformation techniques, and he is younger than we expected, he is just thirteen years old this year…” the third generation of Hokage sat in his office chair, took a puff of his cigarette, and said slowly.

“Thirteen years old, but with the strength beyond the average elite Shinobi, what a genius like a demon!”

“I always thought that he should be fourteen or fifteen years old, but he is so young, that means that he already has the strength to surpass the ordinary elite Shinobi at the age of twelve, which is a little unbelievable…”

“I can’t imagine that the small ninja village of Star Ninja Village actually gave birth to this kind of genius!”


Just when all the upper ninja sighed, there was a ninja of the mountain clan in the picture on the crystal ball who actually targeted Chenxing, and used the secret technique of the mountain clan against Chenxing.

“Haichi, this Shinobu belongs to your clan, it seems that he picked the wrong target…” Holding a cigarette on the side, his chin was full of beard, the slovenly Shinobu looked at the ninja of the Yamanaka clan on the crystal ball, and smiled lightly.

“Well, it looks like this little guy is going to suffer!” A yellow-haired man with a ponytail nodded and said a little helplessly.

Among the exam teachers, Chenxing suddenly felt a feeling in his heart, his body shook slightly, and then like a nobody, he glanced at the subordinate of the mountain clan casually.

No one knew what had happened, only that the Yamanaka clan Shimoto suddenly fainted pale in the blink of an eye.

In the Hokage office, Yamanaka Haichi breathed a sigh of relief and smiled lightly: “It’s good that he didn’t make a ruthless move!” “No matter how that Shinobu is also from their Yamanaka clan, as the patriarch of the Yamanaka clan, he is still a little worried that Chenxing will be ruthless just now.

(Four more delivered, fifth more as soon as possible, ask for support!! )

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