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Faced with Tatsumi’s accident, Kakashi shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly: “No way, this is an order from a superior!” ”

“I am the chief examiner of the third final, Konoha Kakashi Kikashi, you already know the rules of this third exam, I won’t say more… Finally, do any of you want to quit right now? Kakashi’s lazy personality, naturally it is impossible to speak at length, after briefly introducing himself, he lightly looked at the examinees who had already come and asked.

“Cut, it’s all this time, who will quit!” A Shimoto from a Sand Hidden Village pouted, and his eyes scanned the other examinees present with hostility.

“Senior, hurry up and start!” A Konoha shinobi urged Kaka~Nishi a little impatiently.

And the other shinobi looked indifferent, apparently none of them wanted to quit-.

Kakashi glanced at these shinobi, and finally jumped directly to the side and said lightly: “Since none of you want to quit, then I will announce-……” Exam begins! ”


Just as Kakashi’s announcement began, the spectators who were staring at the field below with anticipation only heard a somewhat piercing sound like thousands of birds chirping in unison…

Immediately afterwards, the dazzling pale thunder light directly flooded the entire venue, and from Chenxing’s body, arcs of electricity slammed into the lower ninja standing in all directions with a thunderous momentum…

“Bang bang bang !!”


Deathly silence!

Then, the entire audience instantly became commotion.

“Am I blinded, this is the end?”

“What’s going on?”

“That thunder light just now…”

“Make no mistake, it’s just beginning.”


The final had just begun, except for Tatsumi, all the lower ninjas fell down in an instant, so that everyone present was unexpected, and the seats exploded in an instant, and you and I made a noise.

“Chidori?” Some Konoha Kami-Shinobu looked at the somewhat scorched field and the indifferent face of Tatsumi with a shocked expression, and was surprised.

“It’s a little bit like Kakashi’s Chidori doesn’t have the ability to attack from a distance…”

“It should be further improved on the basis of Chidori, and the change in the nature of the thunder attribute of this Star Ninja Village has reached an extremely high realm…”


Not to mention the ordinary audience and the upper ninjas, who were exchanging heads and ears and exploding, were on one of the most conspicuous high platforms in the audience at this time.

The three generations of Hokage were full of shock, and then shook their heads and smiled bitterly, although they had expected that this final would end soon, but they never expected it to be so fast, which made him a little unexpected, and he was even more surprised by Chenxing’s control over the change in the nature of the thunder attribute.

“This amazing little fellow, let me get in trouble!”

The third generation of Hokage shook his head and sighed, and then stood up, his face slightly moving the Chakra in his body, and the calm and majestic voice spread out towards the entire venue…

“Everyone, please be quiet!”

The voice of the three generations of Hokage was amplified several times, and suddenly the entire somewhat noisy audience gradually quieted down, and he set his eyes on the high platform, wanting to see what the three generations of Hokage said.

“Just now, everyone also saw that in this Zhongnin exam, there was an incredible genius in the Star Shinobi Village, and his strength has far exceeded the ordinary lower ninja, and even surpassed the ordinary upper ninja…”

The words of the three generations of Hokage suddenly made everyone’s ears explode, shocking them, although they were also shocked by the strength of Chenxing in seconds just now, but in the eyes of their ordinary people, they naturally would not see what level Chenxing had reached, at this time, after hearing the words of the three generations of Hokage, they suddenly looked unbelievable.

“Look at his appearance, that is, fourteen or fifteen years old, right? Actually reached the strength of Shangnin? ”

“How is that possible?”

“What country is Star Shinobi Village from? I’ve never heard of it…”

“Since the three generations of Hokage have said so, it should obviously be accurate!”


“However, after all, everyone came to Konoha to watch this match, and if this game ended in a hurry like this, it would be a little too careless…” The calm voice of the three generations of Hokage began to sound again, causing the audience that had begun to be noisy again to suddenly quiet.

“So, I decided that Chenxing of Star Shinobi Village would directly advance to the final winner, and then, after the other candidates recovered, the competition would continue, and the second and third places in this Zhongnin Exam would be decided…”

········· Ask for flowers…

The words of the three generations of Hokage immediately made the eyes of many viewers who were originally full of disappointment suddenly light up and cheered happily.

How much time and money did it take for them to travel thousands of miles to Konoha to watch the game? Not yet to see a great battle? But they didn’t expect that the exam had just begun, and before they could see what was going on, the battle was over, although they were shocked by the strength of that star ninja Murashita Shinobu, but the final ended like this was a little too disappointing, so after hearing the words of the three generations of Hokage, they cheered up and cheered.


“You are so wise!”

“We didn’t have enough fun just now…”


Leaving aside the first place Star Ninja Village dark horse, even the second and third places are enough to open their eyes, for ordinary people, ninja battles are rare, except for this type of ninja exam type competition, under normal circumstances, probably few people are willing to witness ninja battles, because that in itself means that they are in danger.

In the field below, Tatsumi also had to secretly praise the wise decision of the third generation Hokage after listening to the words of the third generation Hokage, of course, the premise of this decision was mainly because he did not make a ruthless move, just corona these subordinates, it won’t be long before they can recover and continue to fight.

Otherwise, even if Chenxing does not give a dead hand, within ten days and a half months, these subordinates will not want to fight alive again.

Tatsumi flashed, walked to the side and looked at him in shock, and said with a light smile: “Since it’s none of my business, then I’ll go first!” ”

Although the Chidori stream used by Tatsumi just now is very different from the Chidori he developed, and the power and attack range are very different from his Chidori, but Chidori is always a thunder ninjutsu created by himself, how could Kakashi not recognize it?

“Why would you use Chidori?” Kakashi asked Tatsumi with a puzzled look, he was sure that his ninjutsu had not been taught to anyone so far, at most it was just to give this ninjutsu to the third generation to write into the Book of Seals, he really couldn’t understand why Tatsumi used Chidori and further improved it. _

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