The capital of Kuma-no-koku, Chiba Castle.

When Tatsumi came to Chiba City, it was already noon.

The crowded streets are noisy and full of shouting.

After finding a random restaurant to fill his stomach, Chenxing came to a compound in the east of the city.

This compound is a station of the intelligence department of Hoshinin Village, which is responsible for collecting relevant intelligence in Chiba Castle, and this time the daimyo became suspicious of Hoshinin Village and the information that the messenger of the Land of Wind was fanning the flames was detected by the branch here.

The Chiba clan, that is, the royal family of the country of bears, is said to have a history of five or six hundred years, and in this chaotic era, it is really not easy for this kind of family with little military strength to survive for five or six hundred years.

Chiba Taisuke, the current daimyo of Kuma-no-kuni, is forty-two years old this year, has been in power for nearly ten years, and his achievements during his reign are not very outstanding, but among the previous daimyos of Kuma-no-kuni, his actions are considered to be above average.

At night, after carefully understanding the intelligence of the Chiba clan at the intelligence base of Chiba City, Tatsumi left the compound and infiltrated the daimyo mansion of Chiba City.

The daimyofu, a magnificent palace building like a small castle, was much larger than the castle of the Shusaki clan that Tatsumi had seen before.

At this time, a large and gorgeous hall.

A somewhat chubby middle-aged man sat at a low table with a somewhat gloomy face, holding a letter in his right hand, while in front of him stood a tall and thin young man in his twenties.

“Father, I think the rise of Star Ninja Village this time is an opportunity for our Bear Country to grow, we should have more contact with Star Ninja Village, why should we unite with the Wind Country to suppress Star Ninja Village?” The young man said loudly to the fat middle-aged man, with a little excitement in his voice, as if he saw some opportunity, but also with a little puzzlement.

The chubby middle-aged man shook his head and said to the young man with a heavy face: “Shinichi, don’t you understand the reason why I haven’t treated Star Shinobi Village much all these years?” ”

When the young man heard this, he was slightly stunned, and then asked softly: “Father, Lord is worried that the power of the Shinobi Village is too strong, affecting the status of our Chiba clan in the country of bears, and is afraid that our royal family will be overtaken by the Star Ninja Village?” ”

The middle-aged man with a slightly blessed figure nodded, but shook his head again, and then sighed: “Well, it’s not that similar things haven’t happened in the ninja world, but what you said is one of the points, the important thing is that the country of bears is just a buffer zone between the great powers, the country of wind and the country of earth will not let us rise at all, low-key is the foundation of our Chiba family, so although successive daimyos allowed the existence of Star Shinobi Village, they rarely paid attention to them and did not give any help.” ”

The young man said with some concern: “Father, the strength of Star Shinobi Village is not weak, and our royal family only has an elite Shangnin and a few Shangnin-level guards, but if you and the Wind Country jointly suppress it, once you anger the Star Ninja Village, we…”

“You don’t need to worry about this, the fourth generation of Wind Shadow of Shayin Village has already written to me and promised that as long as we are willing to cooperate, they will send the elite of the village to protect the royal family.”

The blessed middle-aged man waved his hand, obviously having made a decision.

The middle-aged man who was blessed was none other than the current daimyo of Kuma-no-kuni, Chiba Taisuke, and the young man was his eldest son, Shinichi Chiba, the first heir to the daimyo of Kuma-no-kuni.

“Your Excellency, is it really good that you made such a hasty decision?” Suddenly, a somewhat childish voice sounded in the empty hall.

“What people?”

The daimyo and the young man were shocked, and hurriedly looked in the direction where the voice came from, and after seeing the person coming clearly, their pupils suddenly shrank, and the two father and son couldn’t help but get a little nervous.

In the corner of the main hall, Tatsumi had already appeared there at some point, looking at Chiba Taisuke and Chiba Shinichi lightly.

“The Peacock King…”

After seeing Chenxing, that Chiba Taisuke looked panicked and was about to shout outside, but was interrupted by Chenxing.

“No need to shout, the three upper ninja guarding outside have been hypnotized by me, I know that there is also an elite upper ninja level worship in your royal family, not far from here, but if you don’t want him to die, don’t call it, I think you should also know my strength!”

“Mr. Chenxing, why are you here?” Trying to calm himself down, Chiba Shinichi asked softly to Tatsumi, who was almost ten years younger than him.

Tatsumi walked up to the two of them, and after glancing at the daimyo who was too scared to speak, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes, and then he glanced at Chiba Shinichi, who was trying to calm himself down, with some appreciation, and said lightly: “Your Qianye clan is going to unite with the country of wind to suppress our Star Ninja Village, if I don’t come again, will I have to wait until the ninja troops of Sand Hidden Village invade Star Ninja Village?” ”

Qianye Zhen nodded, seemed to be no longer nervous, looked straight at Chenxing and asked, “Since you have heard it all just now, then I want to ask, do you think Star Ninja Village can stop the ninja troops of Sand Hidden Village?” ”

“War is a competition of financial resources, manpower, resources… To be honest, if there is a long-term war, even if your Chiba clan is willing to provide all kinds of support to our Star Ninja Village, the war potential of Star Ninja Village is limited, and once it falls into a long-term battle, it will definitely not last long! Chenxing’s face was indifferent and said very bluntly.

If Chenxing wanted to kill them, there was no need to talk so much nonsense with them, so Chiba Shinichi knew very well that Chenxing should negotiate with them on behalf of Xingnin, and his heart gradually calmed down at the moment.

“Then why don’t you seem worried at all? You must know that if the Star Shinobi Village is destroyed, even if you can escape, you will have to flee everywhere, right? Chiba Shinichi looked at Chenxing, who didn’t have the slightest worry in his eyes, and asked suspiciously.

“What I’m talking about is that in the case of a long-term war, the war potential of Star Shinobi Village is too low, if you want to win, it is natural to end this war in the shortest possible time and as quickly as possible, and let Sand Hidden Village surrender. And this, for me, is not impossible…”

Chenxing’s words immediately made that Chiba Shinichi and Chiba Taisuke who was a little nervous on the side stunned, and then they all revealed. There was a look of disbelief on his face.

In their opinion, it is impossible for the small ninja village to defeat the big ninja village, and the Shayin village can pile up the star ninja village to death just by virtue of the number of people, and the star ninja village has no chance of victory.

Unfortunately, they don’t understand the war between ninjas at all, and the role that a top-notch combat power can play is far from what they can imagine, if they ruthlessly drag the Death Star Ninja Village, this Sand Hidden Village can naturally do it, but do they dare?

With the declining strength of Shayin Village over the years, they, like Star Ninja Village, can’t afford to drag it out!

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