With Hinata’s strength, how could he lose to his sister, who is five years younger than him?

However, if she didn’t deliberately lose to her sister, her sister would probably follow in Hinata Ninji’s footsteps and be mercilessly engraved with the caged bird spell by the elders in the family.

Therefore, from the beginning, since her strength has improved, she has deliberately hidden her strength, although the white eyes of the Hyuga family are very powerful, but she can also sense that her chakra amount seems to be a little more than her peers, and she does not know her strength at all.

“Slaughter this chick!”

“Kill so many of our brothers, kill her!”


The angry shouts and scolding of the mountain thieves made Hinata’s thoughts return to reality, looking at the dozen mountain thieves less than three meters away from him, Hinata’s eyes were as quiet as water, a pair of white eyes had opened at some point, the corners of the eyes were bruised, and the eyes that seemed to be able to see through people’s hearts made people tremble.

“Soft boxing method gossip back to the sky!”

Hinata’s slender and flexible Chakra lines appeared between her hands, and her hands waved violently, and countless Chakra thin lines quickly gushed out from the acupuncture channels on her body, driven by the Chakra thin lines waved on her hands, and frantically rotated around her, forming a blue hemispherical defensive circle with a radius of three meters.

Tatsumi looked at the Chakra hemisphere that was rapidly rotating around Hinata in the cottage, and was stunned, this is definitely not the return of Hinata’s home, because Hinata she just waved her hands, and she herself did not rotate with the crazy rotating Chakra hemisphere.

“Bang bang bang !!”

One after another, the figure was violently blasted out by the chakra hemisphere that rotated wildly and integrated attack and defense, and nearly ten seconds later, the chakra hemisphere around Hinata’s body gradually disappeared, leaving a large pit with herself as the apex.

The mountain thieves who were bombarded out by the gossip were embarrassed one by one, their clothes were ragged, they fainted and died, and they didn’t know whether they were alive or dead.

Inuzuka Tooth and Shino the oil girl, who had been watching Hinata’s shot at the door, were stunned, and looked at Hinata with some disbelief, just now that move, even if they met, it was inevitable defeat, is this still the Hinata they know?

And before the two could say anything, a tall and thin figure appeared on a roof on the side, his hands quickly sealed, and his eyes stared coldly at Hinata, who was slightly sweating on his forehead and breathing slightly.

“Fire Escape Hao Fireball Technique!”

A large fireball six or seven meters wide suddenly flew out of its mouth and quickly pounced on Hinata, who seemed to be unaware of it.

The fire flew in, but the corners of Hinata’s mouth raised slightly, she with white eyes, three hundred and sixty degrees without dead ends, even Tatsumi Xing could not hide her detection, how could this bandit leader who only had elite patience avoid her white-eyed detection?

“I found you a long time ago!”

Hinata quickly stretched his hands forward, closed slightly, and slammed into the large fireball that flew towards him.

“Soft Fist Method Bagua Shake Empty Palm!”

A transparent shockwave visible to the naked eye flew out from between Hinata’s hands, instantly blasted away the huge fireball, and slammed unabated on the frightened bandit leader, the powerful shockwave directly shattered the clothes on his body, shattered his heart, and a huge force carried his whole person back for several meters before falling to the ground.

“Phew!” Hinata breathed a sigh of relief and rolled her eyes.

He was about to walk towards Inuzuka and Shino at the gate of the village, but after seeing the blood all over the ground and a corpse with round eyes, his pretty face turned white suddenly, his stomach tumbled, and he ran to the side and vomited wildly.

Hinata vomited like this, which made the originally stunned Inuzuka and Shino the oil girl come back to their senses, and after looking at the blood on each other’s bodies, their abdomen was also uncomfortable, but they were no better than Hinata after all, so they endured the feeling of vomiting and looked at Sunset Red and Tatsumi who walked to the side.

“Teacher Hong, Hinata she…”

Inuzuka seemed to want to say something, but was interrupted by a wave from Sunset Red.

“Ya, Shino, the scene just now, don’t publicize it, since Hinata doesn’t want others to know her strength, naturally there is a reason she has no choice, I hope you can press what happened just now to the bottom of your heart.”

Sunset Hong looked at Hinata, who was holding the wall on one side of the cottage and vomiting, and her face became serious, and she said in a deep voice to Inuzuka and Shino the oil girl.

“Yes!” Seeing that Sunset’s red face was serious, Inuzuka immediately nodded seriously, and Akamaru in his arms also barked lightly.

“I really didn’t expect Hinata to be the strongest in our squad!” Shino the oil girl, who has always cherished words like gold, nodded while sighing.

“No matter how strong she is, she is still the Hinata we know!” Yuri Hong smiled and said, although she didn’t know why Hinata deliberately hid her strength, it was clear that Hinata’s shy and weak nature was not pretended, but her own personality.

Tatsumi walked into the village and came to Hinata, who was still retching, and gently patted her on the back.

“Brother Chenxing…” Hinata looked at Chenxing with a somewhat pale face, and lowered his head a little disappointed.

In her opinion, it was really embarrassing for herself to vomit like this because of an ordinary C-level mission.

“Hehe, the first time I saw blood, it was inevitable that there would be some discomfort, even when I killed someone for the first time, I was no better than you!” Tatsumi naturally knew what Hinata was thinking, and immediately comforted him softly.

“Really?” Hearing Tatsumi’s praise, Hinata raised his head, his eyes were slightly happy, and the abdomen that was still churning seemed to return to calm at once, and there was no feeling of vomiting.

Tatsumi patted Hinata’s little head and said with a smile: “Although I don’t know what kind of strength your cousin Hinata Ninji has, but based on your performance just now, I think it may not be worse than him!” ”

“Brother Ningci?”

When Hinata heard this, a trace of inexplicable sentimentality gradually appeared on his somewhat pale face.

In her memory, Hinata Ninji used to be very good to her, but since she was carved with the caged bird spell, the whole person has become more and more indifferent, especially after the death of her uncle Hinata Hinata, she can feel that Hinata Ninji is full of hatred for their clan.


After collecting the loot a little, in order to avoid any outbreak of disease among these corpses, Sunset Red set fire to the cottage along with those corpses.

Hinata and several people who completed the task were more or less excited in their hearts, after all, this was their first C-level mission, and after hearing that Naruto and Sasuke had taken the C-level escort mission before, they were envious, and now they finally completed a C-level mission perfectly.

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