While a few people were chatting, the speed of the peacock phantom beast did not drop by half a minute, and it quickly swept over mountain peaks and forests, and in less than three hours, it had already arrived at the outskirts of Konoha Village.

“What’s that?”

In the forest, someone in Konoha’s patrol team spotted the huge purple bird in the sky and suddenly lost his voice.

“What?” The other patrolmen were immediately attracted to it, and looked at the behemoth approaching in the sky in amazement.

“If there is a situation, hurry up and report it to the captains!” A leading squad leader quickly reacted, his face full of seriousness and quickly ordered the members behind him.




Chenxing naturally also discovered the training team below, and he didn’t want to cause any misunderstanding, directly controlled the peacock phantom beast, and slowly landed at the top of the canopy in the shocked eyes of those patrols.

“Isn’t that Sunset Red Shinobu?” A patrol Shinobu was surprised after seeing the sunset red beside Chenxing.

“And that little girl with white eyes should be the eldest lady of the Hyuga clan, right?”

“It seems that the guy at the head is a little familiar…”

Chenxing’s hands changed a mark, and the peacock phantom beast quickly shrunk, becoming only five or six meters in size, and then sent several people into the clearing in the dense forest.

“Ugh!” Chenxing put away the peacock magic method, and looked at the patrol team that quickly rushed over to surround a few people with a smile.

“Are you… Peacock King! ”

The elite ninja-level captain looked at Tatsumi and felt more and more familiar, and then quickly pulled out his katana and stared at Tatsumi vigilantly.

After hearing the words of the small captain, the other Konoha Naka were shocked and pointed their swords at Tatsumi one after another.

The Peacock King, the most famous genius in the ninja world in recent years, they have heard more or less about this person, especially after he led the Star Ninja Force to defeat the ninja army led by the fourth generation of Kazekage himself and captured the fourth generation of Kazekage, his reputation rose to the top, and he was listed as one of the least provoked characters.

Many ninja villages have even issued a private notice that once they encounter the Peacock King in the mission, they can directly abandon the mission, and the village does not hold him accountable, which shows its power.

Thinking of the horror of the harmless looking teenager on the other side, several patrolmen couldn’t help but break out in cold sweat on their foreheads, and they were nervous.

“Peacock King, what are you doing here in Konoha?” The captain’s eyes were full of solemnity, his body was tense, he did not dare to relax in the slightest, and asked in a deep voice.

“Well, explain it to them!” Chenxing looked at the patrol officers who were like a big enemy, shrugged his shoulders, and said helplessly to the sunset red.

“Wait a minute, Nakata, he is the fourth generation of Hoshikage of Star Shinobi Village, he came to Konoha to watch this Naka Shinobi exam, for some reason, he came a little earlier.” Sunset Red waved his hand and said to the elite ninja-level captain, signaling that they didn’t have to be too nervous.

Hearing this, several patrolmen immediately breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts, but they still looked at the captain named Nakata with some solemnity.

“In this case, for the sake of safety, please come with us to the reception first!” The one named Nakata was also secretly relieved after hearing Sunset Hong’s words, and then put away his katana and said with a serious face.

“Hmm!” Sunset smiled lightly and nodded.

As for whether the few people in the sunset red are fake, this Nakata does not doubt at all, because when using the transformation technique, it is impossible to hide the Chakra fluctuations on the body, and it is only possible to deceive the inferior Shinobi who has no experience, for the relatively experienced Zhongnin, it is easy to see, at least he has not heard of any transformation technique that can hide the Chakra fluctuations on the body (Chenxing: That’s because you have too little knowledge).

Tatsumi followed a few patrolmen and Sunset Red and they came to the reception desk on the outskirts of Konoha Village again, although three years have passed, there is no special change in this reception stronghold, and there are still a few upper Shinobi with a dozen Naka Shinobi sitting here.

After coming to the big tent at the reception, in the astonished eyes of the sunset red, Chenxing very familiarly found a stool and sat down, waiting with a light smile.

Not long after, the unknown Huo Genma, who understood the situation, came over, smiled lightly and said to Chenxing: “Eh, I didn’t expect us to meet again, but now I should call you Lord Xingying!” ”

Obviously, although some Great Ninja Villages have not publicly recognized the name “Star Shadow” of Star Ninja Village, they have in fact acquiesced to this title.

Of course, the default is only limited to the fourth generation of Star Shadow Peacock King, if the next generation of Star Shadow does not have any outstanding performance, the title of “Star Shadow” has become a joke.

It can be said that although the reputation of Star Ninja Village in the ninja world is getting louder and louder, and it has the momentum to become the sixth largest ninja village, but more by virtue of Chenxing’s personal prestige than the strength of Star Ninja Village itself, it can be imagined that if something unexpected suddenly happens to Chenxing, it is estimated that what awaits Star Ninja Village will be the end of destruction, and there is absolutely no second result.

“I didn’t expect to meet an old acquaintance!”

Chenxing was also somewhat surprised, after all, the garrison staff at this reception used a shift system, and they would change people every once in a while, and he encountered the unknown fire genma this time, which was indeed coincidental.

“Yo, it’s you, long time no see!”

I don’t know that Hogenma has not answered, and a tall and thin figure walked in outside the big tent, wearing a mask, white hair is a little messy, his left eye is covered with a forehead, and he is wearing Konoha’s upper ninja vest, it is Kakashi Kiki who has withdrawn from the dark part.

“Kakashi, do you know him?” Sunset Red on the side was stunned, she didn’t expect that Tatsumi actually knew so many Konoha Shinobu, and even Kakashi, who had served in the dark ministry before.

Kakashi nodded lazily and said lightly, “Well, the last time he took the Chūnin exam, I was the chief examiner of the third exam!” ”

“It seems that after you quit the Dark Division, the whole person has changed a lot, Kakashi!” Tatsumi glanced at Kakashi and said with a light smile.

Since Kakashi quit the Dark Division and served as the leader of the seventh class, the whole person has become a lot more cheerful, but not as cold as before, and he has a dead fish eye every day.

“Lord Xingying, with your current status, you can cause a lot of shock anywhere!” Kakashi shrugged, ignoring Tatsumi’s ridicule, and said helplessly to Tatsumi.

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