Đọc tại sangtacviet.tk

Land of the wind.

Perennial wind and sand masterpieces in the territory!

The inhabitants of the Land of Winds have long been accustomed to struggling to survive in the face of raging natural disasters.

And at this time…

On the yellow-brown wasteland, a group of people are running forward in panic, and from time to time they will look back behind them with a little worry.

“Damn Uchiha clan…”

“Is this really going to drive us to a corner!”

Being in his own country, but being chased by outsiders like a dog who has lost his family desperately flees, makes the proud Chiyo feel unprecedented humiliation in his heart.

Ahem cough –

“Elder Chiyo, let’s fight with them…. Ahem—”

On her side was Luo Sha, who was coughing with his hands over his chest.

In the battle with Char, although he escaped with his life in the end, the penetrating wound on his chest was a solid blow!

At this time, he was just supporting his body and acting.

“Remnants of Shinobu!”

“Don’t try to escape!”

A loud voice came from behind them, which made their originally haggard faces even more ugly.

“Elder Chiyo, if you don’t think of a way to deal with it, the guys from the Uchiha clan will catch up!”

The adjutant who followed closely behind the two said with a worried face.

The surprise attack on Konoha was originally Chiyo’s temporary plan.

In addition to the main forces of their own line, there is no rear support at all, in other words…

No help!

Even if all his group were killed by the people of the Uchiha clan here, no new troops would come to support.

“Since the people of the Uchiha clan want to take my wife’s life to make a contribution, then…”

“Just look at the life of the old woman!”

“Do they have the ability to take it!”

A fierce look flashed across his face, and Chiyo’s original galloping steps stopped abruptly.

Just when everyone thought that Chiyo was about to stop for the final fight to the death, Chiyo changed direction and once again galloped forward at great speed.

“This direction…”

“It’s the Nara desert!!”

The face of the person who originally followed Chiyo went from puzzled to realized, and then turned into a resolute look.

Ahem cough –

“So that’s it…”

When Luo Sha understood Chiyo’s intentions, a happy expression also appeared on his face.

At this time –

Behind them, the pursuers can already be clearly seen.

“It’s fine…”

“Fighting to the death, with our current weakness, may not be able to affect each other much, but…”

“Nara desert words!”

“Then let those guys accompany us to hell.”


Everyone followed Chiyo’s footsteps and without saying a word, they headed towards the Nara Desert, the largest desert in the Land of Winds.

And at this time.

Immediately behind Chiyo’s group. Uchiha Fugaku’s group, led by Uchiha Fugaku, showed a hint of excitement on their faces after seeing the approaching Shinobu group.

Make a difference!

Right in front of you!

“Everyone be careful, although the other party is exhausted, but still pay attention to their dying rebellion.”

“Everyone, give me vigilance!”

With a sigh, then Uchiha Fugaku directly opened his Sangou Jade Writing Wheel Eye.

He has had countless experiences of cornering his opponents.

Naturally, they also know how crazy things people who are driven into a corner.

“Here it is…”


Looking at the changes in the surrounding landscape, Uchiha Fugaku looked around warily.

Will there be some ambush?

Just let him observe for a long time, but still found nothing.

Soon, Uchiha and his party finally forced Shinobu and his group to stop here in front of an ancient and dilapidated ancient temple.

“Chiyo, obediently die here!”

Holding the kunai in his hand, the Sharingan in Uchiha Fugaku’s eyes began to rotate slowly, although it seemed inadvertent, everything around him was actually under the watchful eye of his Sharingan.




“You also deserve me to die!”


As the words fell, Chiyo, whose face began to show madness, suddenly stretched out his punch heavily, but the target was the ruined temple beside him.

Bang bang –

A series of blows, and soon, even Luo Sha and the others joined the process of dismantling the ruined temple. He paid no attention to the Uchiha family behind him.

“Leave them alone!”

“Kill me!”

In the face of the enemy’s strange moves, Uchiha Fugaku chose to strike directly!


The blade entered the body, but there was no resistance!

When Uchiha Fugaku pulled out the back of the sand ninja in front of him, his face was full of difference.

These guys…


Even the blade in front of him can ignore it, I am afraid that I will lose my mind!

Look around.

His own people were also like themselves, showing a slight confusion after easily killing the enemy in front of them.

And at this time.

Chiyo and Rasa, who were frantically destroying the temple in front of everyone, let out a cheer, and a rather old-looking altar appeared in Chiyo’s hands.

Is that?

In the eyes of everyone’s puzzlement, Chiyo brazenly slammed the altar in his hand to the ground.

Bell –

The ancient altar shattered in response.

Aung Aung Aung –

A beast-like neighing voice suddenly sounded in everyone’s ears.

In the altar that had been broken by Chiyo, the yellow sand with the road began to roll wildly.


A tall mountain-like figure began to slowly condense in the wind and sand.

“Ichio… Moritsuru !!! ”

When Uchiha Fugaku slowly spit out these words, the expression on his face was already full of shock.

“Is this your last resort…”

“Release something like this!”

“Even you can’t escape!”

Facing Chiyo and Rasa in front of him, Uchiha Fugaku said in a deep voice.

At this time, he no longer had time to care about killing the sand ninja in front of him to take credit.


If they don’t deal with it seriously, all of them will be buried here for a long time! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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