“Have you already touched this area?” Datumu Yuyi’s eyes lit up slightly, and he nodded immediately: “That’s roughly what it means, but the specific meaning, I’ll add something to you.” ”

The figure incarnated by his will nodded and made a thoughtful motion of fingers touching his chin.

After a few moments, large paragraphs of thoughts and explanations were transmitted along the fluctuations of the spirit.


Outside, the sun in Yuyin Village only appears for a minute.

But this minute was incomparably long in everyone’s feeling, as if a day had passed.

The dark clouds in the sky dispersed faster and faster, and the golden sunlight shrouded most of the Yuyin Village, and the warm breath penetrated into this wet and cold land.


Xiao Nan walked to a certain enclosed area in the center of the village with a gloomy face, smashed open the door hard, and the sharp paper penetrated like a piece of iron.

The man with the swirl mask inside made no movement, allowing the sharp paper knife to pass through his body and clanging into the wall of the room.

“Uchiha… Spot! Xiao Nan gritted his teeth and walked in.

“It’s not a good habit to be casual with your companions.” Obito said casually.

He stood in front of the window, looking at the sunny sky of Yuyin Village, his figure shining in the sun, pulling a long oblique shadow on the ground.

“Uchiha Tang has no such person, it is you who introduced me and Payne’s eyes.” Xiao Nan looked at him with cold eyes.

Does this woman think that Uchiha Hall was sent by me to suppress Payne?

Obito sneered in his heart, too lazy to reply.

If he had such a good pawn, what else did he need Payne for?

Do you really think that Nagato’s plan to drive away the tiger is very secretive?

“Answer me! Spot! Xiao Nan shouted in a cold voice.

Obito ignored her questioning, just looked at the sunny sky outside the window, and said flatly: “Payne’s rain tiger freedom technique, stop, this is not a small problem, the protection of Yuyin Village relies to a large extent on the supervision of Payne’s technique.” ”

The hidden worries in Xiao Nan’s heart were broken, and his face changed suddenly.

“Of course, this and Payne’s safety must be just small things.” Without waiting for Xiaonan’s reaction, Obito continued to speak.

This sentence also hit Xiao Nan’s secret thoughts in his heart.

“Uchiha Tang is not here, I also went to survey it just now, he himself is on the border of the Water Country, that is… This is an ultra-long-range technique, similar to the magic of the magic body that Xiao uses to contact, and does not require the medium of the power of the outer path. ”

Obito slowly turned his head, and the three-hook jade chakra eye looked at her coldly, “You may not understand what this means, but it doesn’t matter, I can tell you that the eye of reincarnation has the ability to master deeply, and the owner only needs to be skilled for a while, and he can master the six nature chakra changes at once, almost at the level of the five shadows.” ”

“However, such a reincarnation eye talent used to require the power of the outer path to complete the ultra-long-distance link, but Uchiha Tang did not need it.”

“Do you understand? White…”

Obito looked coldly at Xiao Nan, whose face had changed greatly, and said in a deep voice: “His study of art has completely surpassed Nagato, and in this battle between art and art, Nagato is doomed to lose!” ”

“With that person’s own exploration, even the top blood succession boundary of the eye of reincarnation will be trampled underfoot!”

At this moment, language seems to have the power of substance.

Xiao Nan’s face was bloodless, and he took a few steps back like a heavy blow, his lips trembling and turning blue.

After saying this, Obito ignored the woman and left with [Kamui].

Once again, it was already in the dense forest outside Yuyin Village.

Hei Bai Jue emerged from a thick tree, looked at Obito who came out of the Shenwei space, and said, “How is it?” ”

“Nagato has no value anymore.” Obito said lightly.

“That’s Madara’s chosen pawn.” Hei Jue reminded.

“But Madara didn’t expect Uchiha Domu’s appearance.” Obito glanced at this Uchiha Spot Spiritual Evolution Being, his eyes were indifferent, and said, “The plan needs to be changed according to the situation. ”

“…… You have changed, with soil. Hei Jue was silent for a moment and said.

“It’s just that I recognize myself.” Obito tightened his hood, pulled Hei Bai Jue into the Shenwei space to hurry, and said, “There has never been a shortage of geniuses and heroes in this world, and there are not a few who have grown up. Since one Uchiha spot can appear, what’s the problem with the second one? ”

“So what are you going to do?” Kuro asked with the words of Obito.

“I still have the last chip…” Obito narrowed his eyes and whispered, “Pupil power exchange eternal eye secret technique.” ”

When Bai Jue heard this, he couldn’t help but interject: “However, don’t say brother, there are no relatives who are still alive.” ”

“Without brothers, heirs can also serve as a substitute.” Obito’s eyes suddenly became sharp, and he said with a smile: “Who will refuse power?” ”


“Well, your strength has reached the peak of this world!” Otsuki exclaimed, “Of course, I mean your essence. ”

“What do you mean?” Tang Wu digested the relationship between the six immortals about [art]-[law]-[divine power].

The classification is such a classification, but the meaning of the substance is not small.

The samurai and onmyoji lineage of this world also has the concepts of magic, magic, and magical powers, and Tang Wu has also absorbed the crystallization of relevant thinking.

But that is human wisdom, not God’s insight.

A lot of things can only be seen when you look down.

For example, the definition of the six immortals is “the natural occurrence of characteristics”, that is, the nature and things that originally exist, and if they only show it, then it is [art].

All ninjutsu, including blood succession, is within this range. (Because all the changes are Chakra’s original carry.) )

And [Law], the six immortals are defined as “unification”

That is, grasping the root cause of change (six nature changes), through local adjustment, can achieve the long-term maintenance of an effect, and natural phenomena can also be strengthened or weakened at will.

At this point, all blood succession boundaries can be combined by the heart, all effects can be revealed from his hands, and the world will no longer be a secret in his eyes, but endless knowledge. But whatever the world exists and allows, then he can learn to master, such as: lifespan, summoning, soul manifestation, prophecy, time and space, yin and yang, the power of nature, and so on.

“Am I not at the [Dharma] step?” Tang Wu was stunned for a moment, feeling that his exploration and thinking over this period of time had been perfectly interpreted.

“Aren’t you giving birth to your own [net]?” Da Tu Mu Yue was also stunned for a moment, and asked in surprise. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect

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