186 Xi Rihong Gets the “Looking for a Monthly Pass”

“Red, compared to being fooled, your father is controlled by him, and everything is not true.” Hatake Kakashi is obviously worried that Yuhihong will turn against the battle. After all, this kind of thing is not the first time in the hands of -kun Tianqi. I can’t help but get angry at Konoha, but you guys who are obsessed with power in the past caused us juniors to bear. At this time, the relationship between Hatake Kakashi and Konoha also appeared a deep rift.

“You still want to lie to me. In my father’s world, everything is dominated by my father. In my father’s illusion world, all negative influences will be eliminated. How do you say he controls my father? I said it’s no wonder Third Generation will do Adopting me, a homeless orphan, turned out to be the one who killed my father.” Xi Rihong is like a madman and bites when she sees people. If it weren’t for Xi Ri Tianyang to stop her with her eyes, it might have gone. Desperately.

“Kakashi, you were young when your father died, but there is one thing I want to tell you.” Yuri Tianyang also pulled Hatake Kakashi into the illusion space, but this time it was not Kakashi that was fooled, but some secrets of White Fang. After Hatake Kakashi, Hatake Kakashi’s body trembled in an instant. He knew his father was killed by Konoha. He knew this very well, but what Xi Tianyang told him just now made him very much. Excitement, no hatred, and some just happiness. Obviously the setting sun told him something good.

“Red! Work hard to become stronger. This world is so cruel. I will prove my strength when I die. This is no wonder, but I hope you can take my wish to set foot on the realm of transcending illusion.” After saying these words, the body began to slowly disappear. Obviously, two consecutive Forbidden Technique illusions had already made this body unable to withstand the soul of the setting sun and could only collapse, and the setting sun also returned to Shinigami’s embrace.

“Woo!” Seeing her father leave her again, Xi Rihong couldn’t help crying loudly anymore, clutching her cheek, looking so pitiful and pitiful, and this time- Kun Tianqi seized the opportunity to signal Hyūga Hinata to go over. Hyūga Hinata, who had been waiting for this opportunity, immediately walked over, his sharp eyes were full of worry, obviously because Hyūga Hinata was also extremely red in the Konoha Village. Few people really care about Hyūga Hinata.

So just now, Hyūga Hinata could not help but walked over a few times, but was worried that -kun Tianqi was unhappy, and at this time -kun Tianqi signaled, Hyūga Hinata was immediately happy, and walked over sweetly, comforting. Xi Rihong came, facing this disciple who hadn’t seen her for more than a year, Xi Rihong knew Hyūga Hinata very well, and she couldn’t help holding her sobbing with her worried eyes.

“Let’s go, the sunset and the sun let me let you go, remember this is the last time, I will never show mercy next time I meet, then it will be life or death but it depends on your own strength.” -kun Tianqi Waved his hand, in fact, -kun Tianqi’s heart was not as calm as it appeared on the surface, because at the moment when the sun disappeared just now, he gave -kun Tianqi a little illusion, and told Hatake Kakashi what the sunset Tianyang also told- Kun Tianqi, it is precisely because of this big event-Kun Tianqi decided to let go of Sarutobi Asuma and Hatake Kakashi and others.

“Unexpectedly, he didn’t die, and that’s right. How could a person like him die so easily and simply? He shouldn’t die like this. Death in battle is his destiny. That’s it, haha, That’s great, then I have one more opponent.” -Kun Tianqi had thousands of thoughts flashing in his mind, and he was sorted out within a thousandth of a second, his eyes flashed, and a high fighting spirit burst out of his body.

When Hatake Kakashi pulled away the unwilling Sarutobi Asuma and the five Xiaoqiangs he brought over-Kuntian couldn’t help but sighed. As his strength improved, his horizons and vision became wider and he was originally not high. The Five Great Ninja Villages that climbed are no longer so powerful, at best they are just a relatively good opponent.

“Huh! Uchiha Madara, it’s a pity that you didn’t do anything to me a year ago. Now I am not something you can kill!”-Kun Tianqi sneered and thought, a pair of deep like black holes as unfathomable and unfathomable The surreptitious eyes changed quietly. The original whites of the eyes disappeared and were enveloped in black. If Hinata’s snow-white eyes were Byakugan, then -kun Tianqi’s eyes are now black, not only that, The eyes that were originally black gems began to change, and three flames of different colors were born from the bright black eyes.

It seems that three lives were born in a world where only the chaos was originally. Not only that, a three-color dot appeared in the center of the eyeball surrounded by three small flames. The three colors of this dot are really the same as the colors of the three tiny flames. It’s exactly the same, and these three little flames are quietly turning around the dot in the center.

Obviously after breaking the human body limit for the second time-Kun Tianqi’s real eyes have completely integrated with the body, and become the eyes that are no longer gifted by Wu Meiniang, but only belong to-Kun Tianqi alone, and with- After Kun Tianqi’s body was perfectly integrated, these real eyes also changed, and the gloomy light from the dot in the center of the rotation was daunting.

“Xiaoxue, I’ll leave the matter here to you. I think the Five Ninja Villages lost a few Jōnin at a time. Chūnin will never stop here, and I think Sarutobi Asuma will definitely tell Jiraiya about this, then Jiraiya But I will never give up this opportunity to use the power of other villages to test me, or even get rid of me.” -Kun Tianqi has a feeling that since his own brain has been developed, he can think about it very easily, compared to I used to rack my brains to think of a little bit, but now it’s much easier.

Almost in an instant-kun Tianqi has thought about everything, and what he wants is that. This time he is going to let the five great forbearance villages lose their soldiers. Of course, with Jiraiya’s shrewdness, he will never put much core power here, at most it is to send Some come to monitor everything here to facilitate first-hand information.

“Hinata, you can accompany your teacher tonight. In Konoha, there are few people who treat you sincerely.” -Kun Tianqi saw Hyūga Hinata’s thoughts at a glance, and he has something tonight. To do it, thinking of Shizune, who loves him bitterly but does not let him know, and the summer star who is becoming more and more mature like a peach, he is very looking forward to the nightlife tonight.

In the evening, everything was as -kun Tianqi thought. Under his persuasion, Shizune followed him in with a shy expression..

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