27 First Battle Gaara “Sixth Watch, Ten Bigger Outbreak”

Desert, a barren area with very sparse vegetation, sparse rain, and dry air. Sharen Village is located on this endless desert. If you don’t know the road, it’s not a person who has lived in the desert for a long time once you get lost unless you have a flying dragon in the sky. Strength, otherwise no matter how strong you are, it will basically be over.

Therefore, after the Three World Wars, Sand Ninja, the weakest village, has not been destroyed by other Ninja villages, and it has not been attacked or replaced by the group. It is because the desert is equivalent to the embrace of the mother for the ninjas of Sand Ninja. Other ninjas who came to this desert, especially those using Water Style techniques, were greatly weakened. As long as the village of Ninja was not hit by a devastating blow, it was really not an easy task to destroy him.

At this time, there are three uninvited guests on the desert, two men and one woman. They are obviously handsome men and beauties, and they are very young and definitely not more than sixteen years old, and there are costumes that are incompatible with this world. , It is obvious that these three people are really sent by Orochimaru to test how strong Gaara is after being transformed into a beast-Kun Tianqi, Kimimaro, and Mizuki Shiro.

-Kun Tianqi thought carefully after leaving Orochimaru’s office. It didn’t take long before he understood Orochimaru’s intention. After all, Konoha’s collapse plan is not a joke. There are too many things that need to be arranged and prepared. A little accident is easy to fail. When the time comes, it will really kill the snake and not die. It is obvious that although Orochimaru will join with Sharen Village in the future, the problem is here.

Since it is of course necessary to understand the opponent’s high-end combat power and all resources to unite with the opponent, how can Jinchūriki Orochimaru, a war weapon, fail to understand in detail, but he is inconvenient to come out. After all, he cannot kill the opponent, so he looks like himself. He will definitely be remembered by the other party, and at that time he will be marked as a suspect. It is not that simple to want to join forces.

Although the partial tone Ninja Village has a lot of mid-strength, the problem is that it lacks high-end combat power except for himself. Although the four people unite themselves to enter the spell seal two, they are good, but if they face Shouhe, they are very strong. It’s easy to be broken, so in the end, I can only bear the pain and let the three of -kun Tianqi go. Although Orochimaru can’t say knowing the strength of the three of them clearly, he still thinks he knows a lot in his heart, so he treats them. The trio didn’t worry too much about the combination, and he would never take risks with -kun Tianqi’s shrewdness, and would never take any shots without complete certainty.

“Hey, Orochimaru is really shrewd. I don’t think I concealed my thoughts from him at all, but he is also clever and was mistaken by cleverness. He is just too clever. He thinks of himself highly and commits a mistake in training Uchiha Sasuke in the original. The same mistake, huh.” -Kun Tianqi’s eyes flickered, and all the thoughts in his mind kept appearing until the end there was a confident, confident smile on his face.

“Bai, although the ice escape this time is not at home, but your Wind Style has a great performance here, you must be careful to guard the crane then. Although this monster has a very problematic IQ, it is still very strong. , And you can learn from the Wind Style he uses.” -Kun Tianqi thought for a while before putting these ideas away. After all, he would fight Jinchūriki later, but he shouldn’t be distracted.

“Well, don’t worry, I won’t let you down.” Since establishing a relationship with -kun Tianqi, Shui Wuyuebai has become more gentle and considerate, and never let -kun Tianqi have it because of herself. Any troubles.

“Huh! Coming!” Since the Dead Bone Pulse broke through to the marrow washing stage, with three times a day washing the marrow, after this time of strengthening-Kun Tianqi’s eyes have become more and more sharp, although not as terrible as an eagle flying high in the sky , But it should not be underestimated. After all, even in the past life, the average eagle can see clearly everything within four kilometers, and there are many more distant, even ten kilometers is not impossible, and some Summoning beast eagles in the Hokage world have Chakra’s is even more terrifying.

Although Kimimaro by his side was not as good as -kun Tianqi, but after a while, he discovered that three people appeared in his field of vision, with reddish brown hair, panda-like eyes, and light blue pupils. If not, his face would be very hideous. It looks like a little boy, with a very funny line on his face like a performer of Peking opera. As for the other one, this is a beautiful blonde sister. Although she hasn’t started to develop yet, she looks at first glance. You can know that she is a beauty.

At least the beauty is not much worse than Mizuno Yuebai. When he grows up, he will definitely be a famous beauty. These three people are Gaara, and Kankuro is Temari in the end.

“Kimimaro, you clean up Kankuro, that is, the person with ugly lines. He is good at puppetry. He is careful of poisoning. Finally, he puts a layer of bone on the surface of the skin. Although the poison of his poison is not terrible, it is also poisoned. It’s uncomfortable, even if our powerful physique is not cleaned up and accumulated as soon as possible, it will be a kind of harm to the body.”

-Kun Tianqi stopped here. He seemed to be sorting out the information he had learned from the animation in his previous life: “White, the blonde Loli with the big fan is stronger than Kankuro, and he is good at using Wind Style techniques. , The melee level is average. If you choose melee, you are determined to be able to win stably. Your task is to clean up these two guys. If it is not necessary, there is no need to kill them. Our main task is not to kill them, but to understand. How explosive is the panda eye in the middle.”

Mizuki Shiro and Kimimaro both nodded, and they were a little worried. After all, it was so terrible to hear that the tail beast from Orochimaru. Although the Jinchūriki tail beast cannot be compared with the real tail beast, it should not be underestimated. , Of course the two of them would worry about -kun Tianqi.

“Don’t worry, don’t you know my strength? Orochimaru is not here. At the critical moment, I don’t need to hide my strength at all. Even after the tail beastization, Gaara may not be my opponent.” -Kun Tianqi obviously knows them. The two are very worried, so they are obviously very confident in their tone, but they are also a little nervous. After all, the destructive power of the tail beast is very powerful. Although they are called the strongest family, they are also very good if they eat a ninjutsu. Feeling bad, even a bad serious injury or even death is a matter of minutes.

However, -kun Tianqi is not a little bit shy about this, but is very excited. He is such a person. The difficulties are not terrible to him. The terrible thing is that he does not have the confidence and motivation to overcome the difficulties. Right, One Tail.” ..

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