367 days jealous


Just when Honglian was about to say something, the earth trembled suddenly, and thunder and rumbling sounded one after another. Under the cover of the dragon’s mind-Kun Tianqi understood what was going on for the first time, and at the same time he accepted all the memories of the Zijin Shenlong. Whether it is knowledge, experience or experience, it has been improved to become an almighty know-it-all.

“Wu Mei Niang is about to break through the heavens. The Summoning beast is no longer a demon when he cultivates to this point. The cultivation and existence of heaven-defying is subject to the test of heaven. Fortunately, I accepted the inheritance and became a purple gold. Shenlong, his body strength also broke the fourth limit, and at the same time he began to practice the “Nine Changes of Shenlong” created and enlightened based on all the exercises he had learned. Both the body and the soul of the dragon have improved by a few hundred. Thousands of times, otherwise I really can’t help her.”

-Kun Tian Qi thought, and the purple-golden dragon yuan spread out to surround the girls around him, when the purple-golden light flashed through-Kun Tianqi and they had disappeared in place.

At this time, a huge black thundercloud with a radius of a hundred li was formed above the sky above the Tianxiahui. Underneath the thundercloud is a different kind of golden eagle about the size of an ordinary golden eagle. A pair of them is sharp enough to Eyes that were enough to penetrate the void did not have a trace of fear or timidity under the oppression of the cloud in the face of the sky. There was only contempt and fighting will. Of course, there was also a trace of ardor and desire hidden in the depths.

“It’s been sixty years. I’ve waited for sixty years. Huh, God, even if you turn my Wu Meiniang into a flat-haired beast, I can turn back into a human body. No one can stop me from what I have to do. You have turned me into a bird. I just want to fight you and become a human again.”

Sixty years of waiting, sixty years of bird life, made a queen whose heart is higher than the sky, but there was a resentment in her heart. At this moment, this suppressed resentment finally broke out in her heart.


When Jieyun in the sky heard Wu Meiniang’s words, he felt that his majesty had been provoked. The black thundercloud slowly twisted and twisted, and finally formed a huge eye in the center of Jieyun, without a trace of human emotion in the eye. Some are just contempt for the common people and treat all living beings like ant creatures that can be killed, as if this giant eye can completely wipe out all living beings for no reason and no reason, and just glance at it and feel chilly.

And now this giant eye seemed to be very angry after hearing Wu Meiniang’s words, as if his dignity had been humiliated, and the extremely indifferent giant eye suddenly shot a thick thunder and lightning with no trace of emotion at all.

The lightning speed that struck Wu Meiniang was so fast that she couldn’t describe it. Wu Meiniang below felt that her whole body, including her soul, was completely bound in an instant, and she couldn’t escape, except for frontal resistance.

“Huh, space exile.” This time Wu Meiniang didn’t have any reservations. Although she was arrogant and proud, it didn’t mean she was stupid. On the contrary, she was very smart. She knew exactly what she had to face. Having awakened the memory of the inheritance of the bloodline, of course knowing what he was facing, the inheritance ability of the bloodline of the Wu Clan Emperor Jiang was used by Wu Meiniang to Ultimate.

The invisible space energy rippled out from Wu Meiniang’s face like waves of water, and Jie Lei, who had the will to destroy everything, was actually transferred to other spaces surrounded by this space energy.

“Huh, the first wave has passed. The Witch bloodline is really pervert, and it is even more troublesome to have the inheritance of two Witch bloodlines. It is actually the highest level of the Nine and Nine Tribulations. It seems that God really wants to obliterate me, no …I definitely don’t want to die, I can’t die when I finally get to this point.”

Wu Meiniang was slightly relieved when she saw the first wave of robbery thunder being transferred by herself, but when she thought of what kind of robbery she was facing, her heart immediately became heavy, as if she was being held down by a huge mountain, she even breathed. It is very difficult.


The giant eye saw that the Jie Lei he released was easily caught by Wu Meiniang. The indifferent and ruthless inside giant eye, the cold light burst out from it, the second, the third, the fourth…to the first Eightfold robbery thunder unexpectedly poured out from the giant eyes in an instant, and everyone else was one after another, but Wu Meiniang was such a tragedy. Sure enough, the Wu Clan and the Purple Golden Dragon suffered from Heaven’s jealousy. Anyone who wants to transform to cultivate to this point The point is to face a test that is ten times, a hundred, or even a thousand times more difficult than other ascetics.


The deafening thunder and flickering sound spreading thousands of miles around, the power of the seven tribulations and thunders instantly severely wounded Wu Meiniang, and the whole body was covered with blood, but Wu Meiniang’s eyes did not flinch. Stubborn and tired.

“Cough cough, Damn it, seven consecutive times are combined, I’m really unlucky, am I really going to die? Do you want me to be afraid? Huh, I’ve already died once, what else do I have to be afraid of, Haha, I didn’t expect that I would think of you before I died.” Wu Meiniang looked at the above, and it was about to condense into a lightning that was countless times larger than before. Obviously this was the last wave, and Wu Meiniang was already deeply injured at this time. There is no resistance at all, once Jie Lei falls, she will undoubtedly die.

People often think of their most unforgettable things or the people they care about most when they are about to die, but Wu Meiniang, who has never cared about anyone other than himself, actually comes to mind at this moment. There was a shadow, and this shadow slowly became clear, -kun Tianqi, yes, Wu Meiniang remembered -kun Tianqi at this time.

“Come on, it’s absolutely impossible for me to give in.” Wu Meiniang shouted, her voice was just arrogance and unruly without giving in.


Wu Meiniang’s words are simply adding fuel to the fire. The robbery thunder in the giant eye formed instantly. The thunder thunder that was several times larger than the previous seven consecutive thunder thunders combined with the will to destroy everything broke through the constraints of time and space and came directly. To Wu Meiniang’s body.


After waiting for a long time, the expected pain did not come to her. Wu Meiniang, who had closed her eyes, slowly opened her eyes. Jie Lei was still there, but she stayed about ten meters away from Wu Meiniang’s body. Coming down, she was blocked by someone who had just appeared in her mind.

“-Kun Tianqi, didn’t you go to Loulan? Are you back? Your strength?” Wu Meiniang was very happy after seeing the person who came, but she soon calmed down. How powerful is the robbery this time? But it’s very clear that even if the first eight paths are combined, there is no one-tenth as powerful as the last one. But looking at -kun Tianqi now with a relaxed and free look, you know that this robbery thunder is in -kun Tianqi’s eyes. It wasn’t a big deal at all, it took a day or so to leave-Kun Tianqi’s strength actually improved so much, how could she not surprise Wu Meiniang.

(Recommend my new book “The Legend of One Piece” and I eagerly ask for your support and call for support.) ..

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