Chapter 312

Orochimaru didn’t do much research, just forcibly wrote it down. He did not believe that the Yachi Orochi in front of him could still possess the previous abilities, because the barrier in front of him was already fragile. Even so, the Yachi Orochi had no ability to come out, which meant that it had become weak to a certain extent, at least better than this. The barrier is fragile.

A beautiful thing is always difficult to create, but it is easy if it is destroyed. And the more beautiful things are easier to destroy, such as the enchantment in front of you, beautiful, but can not withstand external damage.

Of course, you need to find the correct position. At this time, a trace of thunder condensed in Orochimaru’s hand, opened the pupil of Medusa, and the Tai Chi pattern in his right eye began to rotate wildly, his eyes staring tightly on the barrier. Of the running runes, and then yelled: “Set!”

The whole barrier suddenly stopped, and in an instant Orochimaru hit the lightning in his hand into a certain node of the barrier, and saw that the balance of the barrier was broken, and the entire barrier began to become fragmented.

Inside, a damp breath rushed to his face, and it was accompanied by a strong bloody breath, which lasted for a long time.

Stepping inside the Orochimaru watch, what came into view was a huge cave with a monster larger than a tailed beast in the cave.

Because this snake has eight heads and eight tails. It’s just that now there is a deep scar on the neck of each head, so this giant snake must be a big snake.

And there are eight iron chains to lock eight heads, and eight iron chains to lock eight tails.

Orochimaru carefully observed the chains, he found that each chain was extracting energy from the body of the Yaqi Orochi, and then continuously sending the energy to the barrier.

Presumably because it was unable to kill the Yachi Orochi, or because it was afraid of its resurrection, it was here with this kind of sealing method.

Orochimaru observed it for a while, then suddenly said, “Yaqi Orochi, or call you Hachimoyuan Luzhi, I really didn’t expect to see the legendary existence. It’s a blessing for Sansheng!”

It can cause people to hallucinate, poison and even take away the lives of creatures. He believes that this is definitely not something that a single corpse can do. There must be some remaining souls in the Yachi Orochi.

“Small human beings, don’t you be afraid to see me?” Yachi Orochi has been paying attention to Orochimaru since he entered. From the beginning of constant temptation, until now, it is very satisfied with Orochimaru’s body. If he can occupy Orochimaru’s body, he will be able to resurrect, but for some reason, there is always something in Orochimaru’s body that makes him afraid. It has never understood what is terrible about the little human being.

Although it was aware that the other party’s soul was powerful, far beyond the humans it had seen before, it did not take it seriously, even though its soul is now severely mutilated.

“Hehe, you used to be frightening, and now you are only relying on sucking all kinds of life that once made you dismissive, and lingering on, even the poor worm that can’t get out of this weak enchantment, I What is there to be afraid of? I should be afraid of it!”

Orochimaru felt that although the power of the soul of the current Yaki Orochi was much stronger than him, it had not surpassed his perception. In other words, although it was threatening, it was not as great as imagined.

“What?! Who do you think is the poor bug? You are looking for death!” Yaqi Orochi roared angrily.

It was so angry that no one had ever dared to say that it was a poor worm, even Susano, who defeated it with despicable means, never said that.

“Of course it is you. You were originally powerful, but because of your stupidity and greed, you were beheaded and imprisoned here because of your stupidity and greed. You were drawn from your soul and refined your blood. Finally, you recovered some faint consciousness, and you actually wanted to use the life of an animal. Maintain, even if it is a rat and cockroach, such a filthy existence, whenever it appears, it is ecstatic!

Maybe someone who was once as powerful as yours has forgotten your nobility and dignity! So you are pathetic, even pathetic! “Orochimaru was also embarrassed when he said this.

Although Orochimaru said it is pitiful, it is not ridiculous. If he encounters this situation one day, he will try his best to survive. What glory status, moral dignity, everything is worse than living by himself.

The Yaqi Orochi seems to have been exposed as a fig leaf. It did not expect that after so many years, there will be people who can understand the things of the year. This does not hinder the anger in his heart. The anger in it can almost reach the scene of being booby-trapped back then.

“Ant, you have completely angered me. Do you have any last words? Because today you will disappear from this world. You originally intended to merge your humble life with me, but now, I want to turn your soul into The smallest particles!”

At this time, a faint phantom appeared on the body of the Yaqi Orochi, which was the manifestation of the remnant soul of the Yaqi Orochi.

Orochimaru stared at the scene in front of him solemnly. He didn’t expect that the Yaki Orochi, who had become a remnant soul, still possessed such a huge soul power.

But he said: “I don’t need any last words, because you will be my nourishment, you want to occupy me, and I want you too!”

Orochimaru was not covering up at this time, and nakedly stated his purpose. Although it was dangerous at this time, it was also an opportunity. He believed in himself and he could definitely succeed.

Chakra in Orochimaru’s body continued to gush out, and a phantom with a six-armed human face and a snake body appeared around Orochimaru, and the six-armed Naga mode was turned on.

Orochimaru confronted the remnant soul of Yaki Orochi without fear. Yachi Orochi was surprised when he saw this situation. No wonder he felt that the other party’s body was particularly suitable for him, and it seemed to have the same kind of breath. It is a perfect body, not much worse than yourself.

Both sides prepared nakedly, devouring and occupying each other, both of them let go of the hypocrisy in their hearts.

Originally, the eight heads of the Yaqi Orochi had the abilities of water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, poison, illusion, and air. Since the body has not been resurrected, only a faint soul remains, so only illusion can be used.

“Illusory Art·Snake Bite!” Yaqi Orochi took the lead in attacking. It didn’t want to have many nights and dreams, and wanted to end the battle as soon as possible.

Orochimaru, who was waiting in full battle, suddenly found himself in a snake cave, surrounded by snakes, staring at him. Countless Lion Majesty said at the same time: “I will let you taste the feeling of your soul being torn apart in a flash, accept my sanction!”

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