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“I am the examiner of the first written test of your Chūnin Exam—Carurus! Before the exam, I will explain the rules of the examination room, this written test, if someone cheats is found by the invigilator, then he will be eliminated along with his other two companions, so I advise all the candidates here, without that strength, do not involve the other two companions to be eliminated, of course, a class, if one person fails the score, that class will also be eliminated…” A very beautiful woman with brown hair stood on the podium of the classroom and slowly explained the rules of the examination room.

“Well, that’s all I have to say, now, the Chūnin exam. The first written examination officially begins. ”

“It’s her!”

Looking at this woman on the podium, a knife moved in her heart. He thought about who this woman was. She is my Ai Luo, Temari, Kankuro’s mother-sama.

Moreover, with a knife, I also saw that her finger had already brought a ring, and she was obviously married to the future fourth generation of Wind Shadow.

“It’s a pity, this woman…”

I didn’t know what I was thinking for a while, and I couldn’t help but be fascinated.

At this time, the test papers had been sent down one by one. The exam has begun.

As a teenager who graduated at the age of five, he only spent less than a year in school, and he didn’t listen very carefully to the lectures.

Therefore, after taking a rough glance at the entire test paper, he found that he could not do all ten questions. Moreover, this Naruto Naruto Naruto took the Chunin exam more than ten years later. Even if the test paper is blank, you can pass the test.

“It seems that you can only cheat.”

Yidao thought, his eyes scanned the left and right front, and found that in addition to him, there were many people, no, it should be said that at least ninety percent of the candidates sitting in front of him began to look around.

“Hehe, it seems that this exam is not the knowledge content of the test Shinobi, but the same as the people in the future Naruto, they are all testing the ability to collect intelligence.” After figuring this out.

Put your hands under the table and make a silent print.

“Wind, colorless line!”

A thread as small as a chakra thread, but transparent, condensed without being visible to everyone. Stretched towards Hinata Kaoru and Kuroba Yoruichi.

To develop such a ninjutsu, it takes a long time for ordinary ninjas, and with the help of the evolutionary green lotus, it took less than three days to develop such a ninjutsu.

And this ninjutsu was developed by Shikaku using those three days to develop half a month ago, when Lujiu told them about the Zhongnin exam.

I didn’t expect it to be used so soon.

“Kaoru-chan, Yoruichi, do you hear that? Hear please answer. ”

The sound of a knife clearly reached the ears of Kaoru Hinata and Yoruichi Kuroba from the colorless thread.

“One Dao-kun (boss)?” When Hinata Kaoru and Kuroba Yoruichi heard the sound of a knife, they couldn’t help but be stunned at the same time.

“That’s right, it’s me.” The sound of a knife sounded in their ears again.

“Boss One, what’s going on? We are obviously separated from you by several tables, how can we hear your voice? And, still this is clear? Yoruichi quickly asked.

“This is a small ninjutsu that I developed when I was bored. Don’t care. ”

When the words of the knife reached Kuroba Yoruichi’s ears, Yoruichi suddenly felt a cow full of guilt.

Bored to develop a little ninjutsu?

“It’s worthy of being my boss, and I can develop such a magical ninjutsu casually.” Yoruichi said hurtfully.

“How? Kaoru-chan, Yoruichi, do you do all these topics? The sound of a knife reached their ears clearly again.

“How could I possibly do it, you know, my written test results have always been the crane tail in the class. I’m still bothering how to get through this, but now it’s okay, Kaoru-chan’s grades have always been very good, Kaoru-chan, you should be able to do it. Yoruichi said softly in a voice that only he could hear.

“Hmm. I’ll do all these topics. Kaoru-chan said in a voice so soft that only he could hear it. But when passing through the colorless thread, it was transmitted extremely clearly to the ears of a knife and Yoruichi.

“So what are you waiting for? Kaoru-chan, now, you do a question, just talk about the answer softly. “One knife said.


The third class of one knife swaggered and easily cheated on the sidelines, and ten questions in one test paper were quickly completed.

After completing the test, he closed his eyes boredly and slept on the table.

Some uninformed people, watching a knife answer the exam questions so quickly, are sleeping, and their hearts are admired for a while.

“It’s really worthy of being a genius who graduated at the age of five, and it’s really different from us, and it’s easy to get it…”

Time passed by second by second, and the candidates were also kicked out of the classroom one by one by the proctor Shinobu who caught cheating.

In the end, there are not many candidates left. That’s about thirty groups. And after the first written test of the Chūnin exam after a round of brutal elimination, it was also time.

“When the time comes, all candidates stop writing.” When the time came, Carurio stopped all the candidates.

There are also some candidates who have not yet answered the exam questions, and when they hear Caryulo’s words, they are suddenly anxious, and they can’t manage so much, and then write about them.

“I said, all candidates who stop writing, and those who don’t stop writing, will be eliminated.”

Cariro looked at someone who was still writing after she said to stop writing, and suddenly even the tone of her speech became a little cold.

Those candidates who still kept writing were immediately taken aback. They all stopped writing.

After that, the invigilator took all the candidates’ papers and corrected them in front of all the candidates.

The speed of this group of invigilators in grading the test papers was quite fast, and there were quite a few people, so in less than ten minutes, the written test results of all the candidates came out.

Carurio took a few failing papers from an elite Shinobi and glanced at them roughly.

“There are a total of five failing papers in this batch of examination papers. Therefore, the one I named, along with his companions, will also be eliminated together. ”

All the candidates, hearing Galuro’s words, suddenly became nervous, and they secretly prayed in their hearts that they would never pronounce his name.

“The first one, Shui Changdong.”

That Taki ninja boy from Shui Changdong turned pale with a snort. The faces of his two companions also turned pale in an instant.

With the first example of being shot, all the remaining candidates were even more nervous, feeling that their careful liver was about to jump out.

Even Kaoru tensed up.

There are few people who are not nervous about the feeling of waiting to be announced.

“It’s a nasty feeling.” Even Yoruichi pouted and said so.

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