“Let’s do it, Qimu sword, let’s completely end this grudge, you win, I don’t have to work hard to live in this world, you lose, you will go to hell to repent for the suffering I have suffered in the past two years.” Ye Cang smiled coldly.

One of the big reasons she has survived to this point is because of a knife.

If you can kill with a knife, it is naturally best, the sins suffered in two years will be written off from now on, if you can’t kill a knife, you are killed by a knife, this is good, at least die under the knife of a knife, it is not considered to insult her, only blame her for being inferior in strength, there is nothing to say. And her life has been a hundred since then, no longer have to look into the eyes of those people, no longer need to be guided by those people behind their backs.

All this will end completely with this battle.

“In that case, okay then.” Yidao took a deep breath and glanced at Ye Cang flatly.

“Then let’s use this battle to end everything! I hope that in your next life, cast yourself in a peaceful era, be an ordinary person, and stop being my opponent. ”

“Hmph… Qimu stabbed, you are the same as two years ago, nothing has changed, you are still so confident, you are still so indifferent to everything! However, in the past two years, you have improved, but I have not improved in difficulty? I want to seek revenge on you, but all the time, I want to become stronger, and I am getting stronger all the time. Ye Cang sneered.

“In that case, just right, I don’t have to keep my hand!” A knife smiled faintly.

“No need to keep your hands? This is the best, I am afraid that you will be killed by me before you can fully exert your strength, in that way, how humiliated you will die.” Ye Cang smiled coldly.

“Huh! It seems that in the past two years, you have indeed made great progress, otherwise, you would not talk to me like this. A knife smiled lightly.

“Are you talking about arrogance in me?” Ye Cang raised his eyebrows.

“Huh…” A knife laughs and does not answer.

“Hmph! Who killed the deer, I don’t know yet, so soon to say that I am arrogant, well, let me see, after two years, how far you have grown. Ye Cang snorted coldly. Spit out two words again!


Eight orange-red fireballs appeared around Ye Cang.


A knife figure flashed, and instantly appeared beside Ye Cang. Hurry out and dial out the village rain pill.



Ye Cang’s body turned into a cloud of white smoke in an instant. But it’s doppelganger.

“Qimu Yidao, your speed is as fast as ever.” Ye Cang’s icy voice came from behind Yidao. Instantly.

“Over-steamed kill!”


Eight orange-red fireballs collided together instantly, exploding, and an orange-red enchantment spread wildly at the explosion point.

Instantly shrouded the space with a radius of 300 meters.

Fortunately, before, Hakura had used a six-ball over-steaming kill, covering two hundred meters, so that some ninjas in Konoha were on guard. And the ninjas of Sand Ninja Village also know the horror of Hakura.

Therefore, the two groups tacitly did not approach Ye Cang and within five hundred meters of a knife.

The figure of a knife was also shrouded in this orange-red enchantment in an instant.

It’s just that when Ye Cang was shocked, a knife didn’t hurt anything at all, let alone was steamed and killed.

“How is it possible, how can you possibly be okay???” Ye Cang asked in disbelief.

“I’m okay, you’re hurt?” Yidao looked at Ye Cang indifferently.

“Ye Cang, it is undeniable that your strength has improved a lot in the past two years, but after two years, the gap between you and me has not only not narrowed, but has become farther and farther. Because, I am a genius than you, in two years, I have gone further than you! ”

“Yes!” After Ye Cang heard the words of the knife, he also slowly put away the incredulous expression just now, and said lightly.

“It seems that I underestimated you again!”

“Hehe, you didn’t underestimate me, but you never saw me clearly.” A knife said lightly.

“Yes!” Ye Cang smiled coldly.

“No matter what, we can only have one person leave alive today, even if you say that you are strong and terrible, it is useless, because, as early as two years ago, my heart was dead, and now, I just want to seek revenge on you!”

“Revenge requires strength. You are here to send death. Yidao said coldly.

“You’re right, I’m here to die. You can kill me!” Ye Cang smiled coldly.

Immediately, the figure moved, shooting towards a knife.

“Play Speed Battle with me? I’m not that interested” Ichidao smiled coldly, holding Murayumaru aloft with both hands.

“Seventy-two Convergence Crescent Crescent Heavenly Chong!”

A knife slashed towards Ye Cang, and the forty or fifty-meter-large crescent moon sky rushed out from the village rain pill, and instantly slashed towards Ye Cang.


The crescent moon sky rushed so fast that it spanned hundreds of meters in the blink of an eye, and Ye Cang’s body was instantly cut off on both sides.


The leaf warehouse that was cut off on both sides was instantly transformed into a pile of sand, scattered in a uproar, but it was Ye Cang’s sand doppelganger.

“It’s a doppelganger again!” Ichidao’s gaze sank.

“Ye Cang, come out, play the remaining moves two years ago, and still play now, don’t you think, a little outdated?”

“It seems that you have seen through it again!” Ye Cang’s gloomy voice came from behind Yidao.

“Only this time, it’s different from the last time!”

Saying that, Ye Cang swung a fireball at the knife.

“Burning Flame Kill!”

After the fireball left Ye Cang’s control, it quickly transformed into a high-speed rotating fire drill and shot towards the knife.

“Such a move…”

Yidao’s eyes narrowed slightly. Instantly swing a knife.

“Seventy-two horizontal return wind slash!”

Woo hoo…

A tornado that was even more powerful than two years ago instantly roared out and swept towards Ye Cang’s burning flame kill, hoping to knock Ye Cang’s burning flame kill back.

However, what disappointed Yidao was that when the tornado swept to Ye Cang’s burning flame killing, it was easily drilled through, passed through the tornado, and quickly shot towards a knife.

“Sure enough! Ye Cang, in order to take revenge, you seem to have studied a lot of moves against me. A knife said lightly, and when the burning flame shot came, he instantly stepped out of the thunder instant, dodging Ye Cang’s blow.


When Ye Cang’s burning flame pierced the air, when it hit the ground, it exploded instantly.

“Oh, there are also after-moves.” Looking at Ye Cang’s burning flame killing explosion, his pupils shrank slightly.

Fortunately, I didn’t pick it up just now, otherwise, I would have been yin by Ye Cangyin.

“What you said must be right, in order to take revenge, I have been refraining your moves in the past two years, and I have been restraining your moves in the end.” Ye Cang smiled coldly. Immediately and a little unwillingly;

“However, this time, if you are lucky, you did not choose to take my trick hard.”

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