The distance between the camp of the Northeast Front Army and the camp of Lei Ninja is only 30 kilometers.

If Lei Shinobu could easily find out the intelligence of Konoha’s Northeast Front, Konoha could also easily find out about Lei Shinobu’s intelligence.

Lei Ren had just gathered, and before he set off, he received the news.

Thus sounding the alarm, allowing the Konoha army to gather and put it on alert, ready to face the attack of the thunder ninja army.

“So it is!”

When Dai He heard this, his expression suddenly froze.

This situation, although it has not yet started, can be regarded as a hair-trigger outbreak.

After explaining the current situation to Dai and a few people, he began to discuss the arrangement of troops with the cadres of the Northeast Front.

I don’t know how long it took.

A ninja hurriedly came to report.

“Report——! Lord Zilaiye, the army of Lei Shinobi has started, and there are only about twenty kilometers left from our camp…”

As soon as the ninja’s voice fell, the entire camp suddenly fell silent.

After Zi Lai Ye stopped speaking, his expression suddenly became solemn: “This is the end of the meeting, according to what we have just discussed, prepare to meet Lei Ren!” ”

“Hey!” Inside the large camp, a group of cadres of the Northeast Front responded in unison.

“Dai, a knife, a few of you just stay by my side.” Zi Lai also turned his head to Dao and Dai.

“Understood!” Yidao and Dai looked straight and answered solemnly.


In the open space in front of Konoha’s main camp, Jiraiya stood on a high podium.

“Guys, Lei Ren is here again. Since the day that Rayin attacked us in a month and a half, they have provoked us every now and then, forcing us to go to war with them, and today, they are here again, they really when we Konoha are sheep, really when we Konoha are honest people and bully, everyone told me, as a ninja of Konoha, will we be afraid of Ray? Jiraiya shouted.

“Don’t be afraid.”

“Don’t be afraid.”

“Don’t be afraid.”

The army of thousands of Konoha ninjas roared in unison.

“That’s right, although we Konoha don’t like war, we are definitely not afraid of war, any ninja village that dares to come to the door to provoke us, we will beat them back fiercely, and now Lei Shinobu is coming again, everyone said, how are we going to treat them???”

“Kill them.”

“Kill them.”

“Kill them.”

Konoha’s army roared in unison again.

“That’s right, it’s to kill them, in the past month and a half, our Northeast Front has been suffocating and embarrassed, but in the past few days, we in Konoha have not only replenished thousands of vitality forces, but also the three generations of adults have also transferred two masters who can contain the two sons of the three generations of Thunder Shadow.

Therefore, I want to tell everyone, be afraid of the defeat that does not move forward, do not be frustrated by the previous battles, let us all raise our heads, fiercely meet Lei Shinobu, and fight a beautiful turnaround battle for a month and a half. Strike thunder Shinobi. ”

“Strike thunder Shinobi.”

“Strike thunder Shinobi.”

“Strike thunder Shinobi.”

Jiraiya’s words gave many ninjas who had fought with Lei Shinobu before and had somewhat lost their confidence, and forced a stimulant to make them come out of the situation without confidence and howl.

“Now, I announce, all the members are going!”




With Jiraiya’s order, Konoha’s thousands of troops rushed towards the outside of the camp like a torrent.

The camp of the Northeast Front is five kilometers away!

Konoha’s army lined up and waited for the arrival of Lei Shinobu.

Time passes second by second.

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps coming from a distance.

The thousands of Konoha’s army listened to this roaring footsteps, and their breath suddenly froze.

“Here it is, boss of a knife. Lei Shinobu came. Yoruichi said beside Ichika.

“Got it.” A knife said lightly.

“Kaoru, Yoruichi, Kai, wait a minute, you guys have to be careful.”

“Hmm!” Kaoru nodded slightly.

“Don’t worry, Boss One, we will take care of ourselves. You can gallop through the army of thunder ninja and kill the enemy. “Night.

“Yoruichi-kun is right, Ichikai-kun, gallop to the army of Lei Ninja and tear up, we will witness your demeanor on the battlefield.” Kai raised a finger and grinned at the knife, a glint flashing in his white teeth.

“Huh… It is really worthy of being a companion of a knife, and in the face of this situation, there is not the slightest nervousness. Zi Lai also looked at the four people who were talking and laughing, and couldn’t help but smile.

“Huh… We have already experienced this kind of scene, so why not be nervous. A knife smiled lightly.

“Huh. If only it were really with a knife as you say. However, look at it for yourself, although our Konoha ninja army has fought with Lei Shinobu a lot, but with the arrival of Lei Ninja’s army, they are still nervous. Jiraiya shook his head.

Hearing this, his gaze swept casually among Konoha’s army, and sure enough, he found that many ninjas became nervous. After withdrawing his gaze, he said lightly;

“They are nervous because their hearts are shaken by Ai and Kirabi.”

“So, we need a victory to take back our courage, our self-confidence, our dignity.” Zi Lai also looked at Lei Ren, who was getting closer and closer, and his expression was sharp.

“One knife, Dai, it’s up to you later, don’t let me down.” Zi Lai also solemnly and repeatedly said to Yidao and Dai.

Ichidao and Dai heard Jiraiya’s words, looked at each other, and nodded firmly.

“Jiraiya-sama, rest assured, we won’t let you down.”

“Hmm.” Jiraiya nodded.

After a few breaths, the army of Lei Shinobi came from far and near, and fully appeared in front of the eyes of Konoha’s army.

When they came to a distance of five hundred meters from Konoha’s army, they stopped immediately.

Standing at the front of Ray’s army were Ai and Kirabi.

After Ai waved his hand and signaled the army to stop, he casually swept at Zi Laiye, glanced at Ji Laiye, took a few steps forward with a domineering attitude, and smiled at Zi Laiye;

“Jiraiya, let’s meet again.”

“Yes, Ai, we meet again.” Ai said, who was also lightly imposing.

Since he did not have the domineering momentum of Ai, but he also exuded a powerful and vast aura, and Ai’s domineering momentum collided fiercely in the void.

“Before the army has started a war, will the leaders of the two armies first come to an imposing competition?” Yidao’s eyes narrowed slightly.

“Kind of interesting!”

“Is that Ai that Jiraiya said? The breath is really powerful. Dai looked at Ai with a serious face.

“Heh, if Ai Ruo is not strong, how can he force Zi Lai to be so embarrassed in this month and a half.” A knife smiled faintly.

“That’s right.” Day nodded.

“The powerful army of Lei Ninja is not only Ai alone, the overall strength of Lei Ninja is relatively strong, and we have to be busy with a sword jun later.”

“Huh.” Yidao smiled faintly, and did not directly return the words, but a burning battle intent flashed in his eyes. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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