Hokage’s Ninja World Flash
Chapter 339
Minato 涔熸槸镒熻鍒 镊 镊 韬綋镄刴 韬綋镄刴 韬綋镄刴 韬綋镄刴 韬綋镄刴 韬綋镄刴 韬綋镄刴 韬綋镄刴 韬綋镄刴 韬綋镄刴 韬綋镄刴
浠栦篃鏄病链夋兂鍒 纴Natural Energy 鏉ョ殑濡傛姹 秾锛屽苟涓斾粬镄勮 秾锛屽苟涓斾粬镄勮 浣 浣 篃 篃 篃 愯埇锛岀柉镫傜殑敹銆 敹銆
Minato 镙 湰鏉ヤ笉鍙婃 鍒 琛 琛 琛 琛 琛 琛 琛 琛 琛 琛 琛 琛 琛
涓€镞佺殑Fukasaku 绔嫔嵆鎶 嚭 chainㄦfiercely 鍦版暡浜哅inato 镄勮剳琚嬶纴灏嗕粬韬玾ithin-the-body 厨读厨 atural Energy Gallium
Minato chain忕劧 eyes opened 镌涳纴not at all 锲犱负镊镊镄勮洐鍖栬屾劅鍒屾劅鍒厡寮狅纴厡寮狅纴屾槸蹇冨ご屾槸蹇冨ごmuttered 锛屾€濊€冨垰冨垰岖殑寮傜姸銆
鈥滆 绉嶅惛鏀跺 绉嶅惛鏀跺 鈥 鈥 ソ鎯娄 ソ鎯娄 ソ鎯娄 ソ鎯娄 ソ鎯娄 ソ鎯娄
Fukasaku 鎯婇 锛岀 阃歋 阃歋 enjutsu 镄勪粬镊︻劧鏄劅 夊埌浜嗗垰 夊埌浜嗗垰 夊埌浜嗗垰 岖殑 split second 锛岀┒绔熸湁澶 锛岀┒绔熸湁澶 箞搴炲ぇ镄凬 箞搴炲ぇ镄凬 Energy 箞搴炲ぇ镄凬 Energy ina ina ina ina Within-the-body 銆
The mustard chain is mixed with iodine
鈥滆 佸ぇ锛岃 佸ぇ锛岃 佸ぇ锛岃 鏄粈涔堟儏鍐碉纻鈥滼 iraiya 钖屾牱钖 涓 涓 璺 璺 璺 纴浠栬槠鐒秚 纴浠栬槠鐒秚 纴浠栬槠鐒秚 纴浠栬槠鐒秚 ju ju ju ju ju ju ju ju ju ju ju Draft power 煭锛岄棶钖慒ukasaku 銆
Fukasaku 娌夋€濅竴鐣纴鐒跺悗璇撮濅竴鐣纴鐒跺悗璇撮濅竴鐣纴鐒跺悗璇撮气锛沧垜涔熶笉鐭ラ沧垜涔熶笉鐭ラ鈥[
Minato 韬笂鐢熺殑杩欑寮傜姸锛屾槸杩浚ukasaku 閮芥棤娉曡 В婄殑銆
鐒 屼粬镊 屼粬镊 屼粬镊 屼粬镊 箮鏄兂阃 箮鏄兂阃 箮鏄兂阃 箮鏄兂阃 箮鏄兂阃 箮鏄兂阃 箮鏄兂阃 箮鏄兂阃 箮鏄兂阃
杩椤繀鐒 槸锲犱 N Nine-Tails Chakra 镄勭紭鏁咃纴 key 屽叾涓殑缂樻晠锛孧inato 鍒欐槸鏆傛椂寰椾笉鍒 鍒欐槸鏆傛椂寰椾笉鍒
涓嶈 锛屽惛鏀禢 锛屽惛鏀禢 锛屽惛鏀禢 锛屽惛鏀禢 锛屽惛鏀禢 锛屽惛鏀禢 锛屽惛鏀禢 锛屽惛鏀禢 锛屽惛鏀禢 锛屽惛鏀禢 锛屽惛鏀禢 锛屽惛鏀禢 锛屽惛鏀禢 锛屽惛鏀禢 锛屽惛鏀禢 锛屽惛鏀禢
鈥淔ukasaku Lord Seto 缁惂銆傗€
镞嫔嵆Minato 璇撮 锛孎 锛孎 锛孎 锛孎 锛孎 锛孎 锛孎 锛孎 锛孎 锛孎 锛孎 锛孎 锛孎 锛孎 锛孎 锛孎 绨囷纴鐣ュ 绨囷纴鐣ュ 绨囷纴鐣ュ 滀綘娌 滀綘娌 滀綘娌 ju ju ju ju ju ju ju ju ju ju ju ju ju 屾垜涔熸 屾垜涔熸涓嶆竻妤 涓嶆竻妤 敹 敹 敹 敹 敹 敹 敹 敹 敹 敹 敹 敹 敹 敹 敹 綘鏉ヨ锛宼 綘鏉ヨ锛宼 綘鏉ヨ锛宼 綘鏉ヨ锛宼 綘鏉ヨ锛宼 綘鏉ヨ锛宼 綘鏉ヨ锛宼 綘鏉ヨ锛宼 綘鏉ヨ锛宼 綘鏉ヨ锛宼 綘鏉ヨ锛宼 綘鏉ヨ锛宼 綘鏉ヨ锛宼 綘鏉ヨ锛宼 綘鏉ヨ锛宼Tree manuscript
Natural Energy 镄勫杩囧揩锛屽皢浼 镊 镊 琛 琛 hysical energy 浠ュ spi spi spi spi spi 鍙 鍙 鍙 鍙 鍙 鍙 鍙 鍙 鍙
Key 屼笖濡傛灉钖 敹镄勮 敹镄勮 蹇纴铔椤寲镄勫娍澶 蹇纴铔椤寲镄勫娍澶 篃灏 篃灏 篃灏 篃灏 篃灏
J ㄥ拰 ㄥ拰 ㄥ拰 ㄥ拰 ㄥ拰 ㄥ拰 ina ina ina ina ina ina ina ina ina ina ina ina ina ina ina ina ina ina ina
Fukasaku 佸埌 佸埌 Minato 闱 (1) Signing performance 涓笉绂佹槸寰井璧炲徆銆
浠栦 瑙 悗 e悗 悗 呬笉鏄偅鐥 呬笉鏄偅鐥 糠杩 糠杩 糠杩 糠杩 糠杩 眰锷涢噺涔嬩 en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en en €
鍦ㄨ 绉嶆儏鍐 绉嶆儏鍐 笅锛屼粬鑳 笅锛屼粬鑳 劧镄勫 劧镄勫 劧镄勫 劧镄勫 劧镄勫 劧镄勫 劧镄勫 劧镄勫 劧镄勫 劧镄勫 劧镄勫 劧镄勫 劧镄勫 劧镄勫 劧镄勫 S S S S S
锲犱 鈥 enjutsu 镄 rain rain rain 绐嶏纴渚挎槸骞 绐嶏纴渚挎槸骞 绐嶏纴渚挎槸骞 绐嶏纴渚挎槸骞 绐嶏纴渚挎槸骞 绐嶏纴渚挎槸骞 绐嶏纴渚挎槸骞 绐嶏纴渚挎槸骞 绐嶏纴渚挎槸骞
鈥沧棦鐒跺姝ょ殑璇濓纴闾e ammonia 闅忎綘钖€€€
Fukasaku 涓嶫iraiya 鐩歌涓€鐪硷纴鐒跺悗Minato 灏 缁睍寮 浜哠 浜哠 浜哠 浜哠 enjutsu 镄 rain rain rain rain
绗簩娆★纴Minato 灏介噺镄勬鍒鍒嚜韬 hunting hakra 锛岀劧Key岄偅 Natural Energy 渚濇棫鏄潵镄勫お杩囨惫娑岋纴铏界劧绋嶅井夋墍鎶戝埗锛屼絾鏄敹鏁埚苟闱炲緢澶с€
Fukasaku 渚垮张鏄皢Natural Energy 浠崄inato 韬笂 扑 扑 扑 鍑 鍑
鎺ヨ繛鍗佹暟娆$殑澶卞埄锛屼娇寰桭ukasaku 鍜孞iraiya 閮Race chain 镇 镇 镇 纴浣嗘槸 纴浣嗘槸 纴浣嗘槸 纴浣嗘槸 Minato chain 锛屽垯鏄 锛屽垯鏄 缁潥鎸乼 缁潥鎸乼 缁潥鎸乼 缁潥鎸乼 缁潥鎸乼 缁潥鎸乼
澶╁湴闂达纴 chain夌潃娓呴鎷傝 stretched inato 镄勫垬娴枫€
Natural Energy 鍐崭竴娆”钖屾椽姘存硠闂歌埇镄勭柉镫傛秾鍏ヤ粬镄克ithin-the-body 锛屼笉杩 涓 涓 娆 娆 纴 纴 ina Minato-the -body 绁炰笌韬綋镄勮兘簿绁炰笌韬綋镄勮兘 忥纴绔熸槸绋岖◢涓庨偅杩涘叆within-the-body 镄凬atural Energy 铻嶅悎鍦ㄤ竴璧枫€
鍦∕inato 镄勫敖锷涘 琛 ‘箣涓嬶纴缁堜簬鏄湁镌€灏戦噺镄凬atural Energy 鍦ㄤ粬within-the-body 杞寲涓轰 Jane Senjutsu Chakra 銆
杩栾槠鐒多护浠栧崄鍒嗘锽滐纴浣嗘槸Minato S死 Senjutsu 镄则raining 涔嬩笅锛屾渶涓哄繉璁崇殑渚挎槸鍒嗗殑渚挎槸鍒嗗殑渚挎槸鍒嗗
涓€镞佺殑Fukasaku 灏忓0璇撮死锛岀鎯呴棿宁》潃鍑犲垎璇у纾锛屽洜涓篘atural Energy 娑屽叆搴〉纾宁哥殑鍏崇郴锛孧inato training Senjutsu 镄勯毦搴 篃姣斾粬浜 篃姣斾粬浜 楂 楂 楂 楂 笂鏁 笂鏁 笂鏁 崭笉姝
涓 镞佺殑 镞佺殑 ira ira ira ira ira ira 负 负 负 负 negative negative 囨侪锛屽洜涓哄綋鍒濅粬镊 鍒濇 鍒濇 埌骞 埌骞 埌骞 埌骞 埌骞 埌骞 埌骞 埌骞 埌骞 埌骞瓒冲涓湀镄勬椂闂涓湀镄勬椂闂涓湀镄勬椂闂
Sloth 孧inato 鍦ㄦ暟涓皬镞跺唴灏卞仛鍒 鈥 鈥
涓嶈 杩椤苟涓崭唬琛∕ 杩椤苟涓崭唬琛∕ inato 灏卞 缁忔垚锷熶 缁忔垚锷熶 杞寲镄凷 杞寲镄凷 杞寲镄凷 杞寲镄凷 enjutsu Chakra 鍗佸垎 chain 夐檺銆
浠栫殑韬綋鍦∟atural Energy 涓嶆柇鍦dressing 柉镫傛秾鍏ヤ箣涓嬶纴骞村琚緢蹇殑镰
Fukasaku Sage 鍙堟槸灏哊atural Energy gallium ithin-the-body 銆
鐩桦潗镌€镄凪inato 镌佸紑鍙岀溂锛岀鎯呬腑宁》潃鍑犲垎娆e枩浠ュ强璇у纾銆
锲犱 浠栫獊鐒 浠栫獊鐒 槸镒熻鍒 槸镒熻鍒 ° ° ° 镄 rain rain rain rain 褰 褰 褰 褰 褰 褰 kra kra kra kra kra kra kra kra竴绉嶆瘮骞 蹇笂浜嗘暟鍗佸 Father 蹇笂浜嗘暟鍗佸 岖殑搴 湪澧 湪澧 昵銆
骞 鏁癵 Father 鏁癵 enius 鑳 畲鎴愮殑澧 畲鎴愮殑澧 昵锛岀幇鍦ㄦ暟涓皬镞跺 昵锛岀幇鍦ㄦ暟涓皬镞跺 昵锛岀幇鍦ㄦ暟涓皬镞跺 昵锛岀幇鍦ㄦ暟涓皬镞跺 昵锛岀幇鍦ㄦ暟涓皬镞跺
“That’s right.”
Minato knows that there is something in the Nine-Tails between Chakra and Natural Energy that is not quite clear.
While he absorbed Natural Energy, the in-the-body hidden Nine-Tails Chakra was also pulled out, so his body’s Chakra growth rate was also much faster.
This is where risks and benefits coexist.
“It’s already noon, it’s time for lunch!”
At this moment, a call came from the top of the waterfall, which is another of the two great Toad ancestors of Mount Myōboku, Shima Sage.
“Let’s go, add physical strength first to better train.” Fukasaku Sage said that Minato and Jiraiya are all changing.
“Boss, we brought our own lunch, we will not bother you…”
Jiraiya bounced, and this was pulling Minato to escape.
However, at this time, a silhouette fell in front of the two, exactly Shima Sage.
“Little Minato has grown a lot, much more handsome than Jiraiya.” Shima Sage looked Minato, smiled.
“Shima Lord!” Minato said with a cold sweat.
“What happened?” Shima Sage looked up.
“Wife, little Jiraiya has prepared her own lunch and will not go to us for lunch,” Fukasaku Sage said.
Shima Sage hearing this, the look seems to change suddenly, he turned back towards Jiraiya, said: “Little Jiraiya, is it because my cooking is not easy to eat, want to avoid?”
I feel that Shima is like a blade, and Jiraiya is like a man on the back. Just want to start to talk, Minato is in front of him, said with a smile:
“Shima Lord, your cooking is delicious, but I and Teacher are afraid to bother you and Fukasaku Lord, and I have prepared the lunch.”
Shima Sage hearing this, the eyes became kind, said: “It turned out to be the case, but I don’t bother with Old Codger. Let’s go, it’s not good to cook cold after a while.”
Jiraiya also wanted to say something, but Minato stopped him, with some frightening shake one’s head in his eyes.
The back of the gazed Shima Sage, Jiraiya is also swallowed saliva, and then with some desperation, nodded.
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