Chapter 159 Confluence (please subscribe!)

Just now when Shizhen and the others were fighting Kakuzu, they didn’t cut a person and didn’t paddle, and he was fighting with Kisame desperately.

It’s just that he didn’t cut off if he thought he was capable. This time, he was completely skeptical of life by Kisame.

The same is the seven Ninja swords, and if you don’t cut it, I really didn’t expect the strength to be so different to this point.

Even the watermelon mountain puffer fish ghost does not have this kind of strength. Kisame is more than three times stronger than that dead fat pig.

As the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, if you don’t cut it, you know the role of Samehada, and they have also developed tactics.

But he really did not expect that Samehada would be so powerful in Kisame’s hands.

And the most important thing is that Kisame obviously didn’t use all his strength and didn’t use Samehada integration.

Look at his sling, and look at Kisame’s relaxed look, you already understand everything.

If you don’t cut it anymore, I feel that my dignity has been trampled on.

Seeing his appearance, Zhizhen knew that he would suffer a big loss in Kisame’s hands if he didn’t cut it.

This is for sure. If you don’t cut the existence of the lowest strength among the seven Ninja swords, of course it is not his own strength, but his sword is too bad.

Looking at the seven Shinobi swords, the ones that don’t cut are the most trash.

In addition to being able to absorb blood for regeneration, it also has the effect of absorbing blood from the knife and restoring the user’s physical strength in a small amount.

In terms of actual combat effects, this knife can be said to be extremely frustrating.

Each of the other six has powerful functions.

Samehada doesn’t mention it, but just talks about one that everyone knows, Changjuro’s double knife, flounder.

After the knife was liberated, it was so powerful that it could knock Sasuke and Susanoo together with one hammer.

How terrible!

Seeing that the angry didn’t cut it, Shiro was also angry. He got up and looked at Hoshigaki Kisame and said, “You are Hoshigaki Kisame!?”

“Yes, who are you? A descendant of the Xue family.” Kisame looked at Bai with interest.

“Do you know my origin?” Bai asked.

“Of course, I also came from the Nation of Water.” Kisame said: “What? Do you want to avenge your Mr. Not Beheaded?”

Hearing this, Bai’s feet began to freeze, and he said, “Ah, you dare not cut it like this again. I can’t spare you.”

“Hehe, what a self-confident kid.” Kisame said, “However, your blood inheritance is of no use to me.”

No longer heard the words, stood up laboriously and said: “Bai, don’t be impulsive, be careful of the knife in his hand.”

“Knife?” Bai asked puzzled.

“His knife is Samehada, it can swallow Chakra.” Don’t cut it again: “You must be careful not to be cut by him!”

“I know!” Bai nodded heavily. He was able to swallow Chakra’s knife. There was no need to stop cutting and say anything, Bai knew to guard.

Zhizhen stopped: “Two people, let’s calm down.”

“Sunglasses… what are your plans?” No longer looked at Zhizhen and asked.

“No plan, the opponent is too strong.” Zhizhen thought for a while and said, “It’s really nothing to rely on the three of us.”

“Nonsense, you always think of a way to come out. What about Kakashi?” Kakashi asked quickly without thinking about it, “We will be much better with him.”

Hearing the words not to cut, Shizhen suddenly laughed bitterly and said, “Oh, Kakashi-senpai hasn’t walked two rounds with Uchiha Itachi.”

“Ah!” No longer cut, obviously surprised by Zhizhen’s words, and asked incredulously: “Is that Uchiha family really so strong? Even Kakashi can’t get through two rounds? How is this possible!? It’s all Sharingan, the gap How could it be so big.”

“It’s so big, and… Forget it, needless to say, now we can only count on ourselves for the time being.” Zhizhen said, touching a flash bomb and drew it towards the sky.

With a bang, a huge bright light exploded from the sky.

Kakashi and others who were on the way, Asuma who was chasing Kakuzu, Uemon and others, and Zaemon who was chasing Kado, all saw this bright light.

“That’s a flash bomb?!” Uemon exclaimed.

Asuma asked: “What’s the situation? That direction is the direction Shizhen left. Could it be that Shizhen and Kakashi are in danger.”

“Yeah! Yes, otherwise Shizhen wouldn’t use flash bombs!” Uemon said anxiously, “It must be Shizhen who is in danger!”

Kakuzu was upset by Asuma and others. How can these people be so good at tracking!

At this moment, a strong light flashed, and he also noticed the strong light, and his heart suddenly understood, and said: “It’s the flash bomb again, is it that dark-glass kid? He is in danger! In other words, Uchiha Itachi or Kisame defeated the rest, they are asking for help!? So…”

Kakuzu analyzed the situation in an instant, and at the same time changed direction immediately, preparing to run back in a roundabout way.

Seeing Kakuzu changed direction, Asuma keenly noticed something was wrong: “This guy, I want to go back!”

“What’s the matter? He obviously ran away, why did he want to go back!?” Gang Zitie asked.

“If Shizhen and the others are in danger, it means that the enemy is strong. In other words, if we are in danger, then they are safe. Kakuzu is going back this time to seek protection!”

“Then we…” Gang Zitie asked.

“Catch it back!” Uemon said loudly.

“Well, let’s go back!” Asuma said.

Everyone responded, and immediately followed Kakuzu and ran in the direction of Zhizhen.

Kakashi turned to look at Shima’s position with a solemn expression. Naruto asked, “Kakashi-sensei, what happened to the light just now!?”

“Mostly Shizhen is asking for help.” Kakashi gritted his teeth, thinking that it was too hard for Shizhen to deal with Uchiha Itachi alone.

“Then what to do! Kakashi-sensei, will the sunglasses brother be killed!?” Naruto suddenly became anxious.

Kakashi paused for a few seconds after hearing the words, and said in a deep voice, “Let’s go back!”

“Yeah!” Naruto nodded, suddenly excited.

Zaemon and Yamashiro Aoba also saw the glare, and Zaemon’s expression changed and said, “No, Lord Shima is in danger!”

“Aoba-senpai! I want to go back!” Zaemon said.

Shancheng Qingye also knew that something might have happened, and said: “Okay, I’ll go chasing Cardo, you go and support!”

“Yeah!” Zaemon responded and hurried to Zhizhen’s direction.

In this way, the scattered companions rushed towards Zhizhen.

“Sunglasses, what are you…” Do not ask again.

“That’s all. I wanted to rush to my companions, but now I obviously can’t go. I can only retreat and let them come back!” Zhizhen said.

“It turned out to be like this.” Without cutting the knife, said, “In other words, we only have to insist on Kakashi and the others?”

“Yeah.” The quality of Konoha’s flash bombs is very good, even in the daytime, Zhizhen believes that everyone can see it.

He has calmed down now, because he already understands that Itachi is acting and their companion.

This made Zhizhen less stressful.

Akatsuki also saw the intention of Zhizhen’s move, and Itachi secretly said: “It’s beautifully done. As long as Konoha’s army arrives, I will pretend to be ill. Kisame alone can’t fight it hard…”

Kisame chuckled. He didn’t really want to ask for help. Only Do Zhizhen, who was in sunglasses, was very funny and used a flash to signal.

White Zetsu said, “Wow, it’s really dazzling.”

Black Zetsu said: “Itachi, do it quickly, it won’t be convenient when there are more people in a while.”

Hearing this, Itachi nodded and said, “I know what to do.”

With that said, he took a step forward, side by side with Kisame.

“Oh? Will Mr. Itachi play too?” Kisame said.

“Kisame, do your own thing.” Itachi said coldly.

“Haha. I see. Mr. Itachi.” Kisame waved Samehada: “Then, let me first…”

“Water Style: Shui Yi Nayuan!” At this moment, Konoha was the first to support him!

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