Chapter 163 Tsukuyomi (please subscribe, please Amway!)

Mangekyō’s unique pupils slowly turn, like Uzumaki in hell, with magical powers that make people enthralled.

The powerful Yin Escape Chakra, through Zhizhen’s eyes, instantly poured into Zhizhen’s mind, and instantly deprived him of his sight and feeling.

As if falling into darkness, Zhizhen felt like he was falling and spinning constantly, as if falling into an unknown abyss.

Itachi’s unique pupil power, like a ferocious monster, tore and gnaw at his head, chest, hands, and feet.

Any part of the body becomes uncontrollable and has a strange distortion.

Even the soul feels about to be torn apart!

It was a kind of fear and panic that couldn’t be described in words, and it was also a kind of ultimate pain.

In the next moment, Zhizhen regained his vision. After the sky turned, the world in front of him turned red, surrounded by huge crosses.

The clouds in the sky flow very quickly, giving people a feeling that the weather is unpredictable. There is only a huge red moon hanging high in the sky.

It’s just that all of this, like the negative of a camera, makes people unclear.

As for Zhizhen, he was tied to a cross at this moment, unable to move at all.

“Ahhhh, Tsukuyomi!” Zhizhen couldn’t suppress the panic in his heart, yelling, the fear in his tone was obvious.

Shizhen, who has read the original book, knows how terrifying this technique Tsukuyomi is.

After Kakashi was hit by this technique, it took only a week to regain his consciousness, not to mention it, and it took a month to fully recover.

There is Kakashi of Sharingan, and even this kind of thing, that Shizhen was hit by this technique, fearing that it would cause an indestructible blow to the spirit and become a real brain damage.

Laozi doesn’t want to be a silly brain, Itachi, do you really want to take me for a name?

Just as Zhizhen was thinking about it, a twisted Uzumaki appeared in the sky, and dozens of crows flew out of Uzumaki, slowly hovering in front of Zhizhen.

It was originally just an ordinary crow cry that was harsh and unpleasant, but it was also a very destructive mental move at this moment. Like ultrasound, it stimulated Zhizhen’s eardrums and tortured his tight nerves.

Among the crows, Itachi’s figure slowly appeared, still with that handsome and calm face.

Fortunately, after he appeared, the harsh crows gradually diminished, and the crows gradually dissipated, leaving only a few slowly hovering in the sky.

Zhizhen was sweating on his forehead, and his eyes began to lose focus. Before Itachi stabbed him with a knife, Zhizhen’s spirit had been quite damaged by the sound of the crows.

It’s just that he is still conscious now. After the baptism of the crow’s cry, the mental pain has also alleviated the negative emotions in his heart.

Now Zhizhen is not so scared, because his mind is full of the residual effects of the crows, except for the pain, only Shen, these two feelings are the most prominent and obvious.

He looked at Itachi, coughed lightly, and asked weakly, “One dozen seven, what do you want to do?”

What he actually wants to ask is, you use ordinary illusion for Shenyue Izumo, and Tsukuyomi for me! ? What do you mean?

Itachi ignored Zhizhen’s one-on-one, but showed a faint smile: “It’s amazing, you can still stay calm when you enter Tsukuyomi.”

“…” Zhizhen was speechless, he wanted to say that it was because he heard your crow yelling, and he was really powerless to be afraid.

“It’s not in vain that I wasted a chance to use Mangekyō to bring you into the world of Tsukuyomi.” Itachi’s words made Shizhen a stunned, and then his eyes gradually recovered, revealing surprises, surprises, and strange complex expressions at the same time. .

In an instant, Zhizhen paid attention to Itachi’s thoughts and asked, “Do you want to communicate directly with me through the spirit?”

“Very smart.” Itachi said lightly.

Seeing Itachi confessed and praised him, Zhizhen was both funny and angry.

Using Tsukuyomi to communicate, is this a genius idea?

This is Tsukuyomi, Tsukuyomi! ? The whole article can bear the same idiot, no more than single digits!

Are you sure, I can stand it!

While Zhizhen was silently complaining, Itachi became more and more curious looking at Zhizhen.

There are not many people who can make Itachi curious. Throughout the whole article, it is only in the single digits.

Shisui, Kakashi, Naruto, Obito… now Shishin is also one of the list.

If in normal times, Zhizhen would be very happy. Although he has no special feelings for Itachi, it would be more compelling to be placed in the eyes of God Itachi.

It’s just that now that Zhizhen is deeply trapped in Tsukuyomi’s world, he really can’t be happy, but hearing Itachi’s words also made Zhizhen’s high-hanging heart relieved.

So, he immediately spit out: “F*ck, then don’t control the crow to attack me just now! This is your illusion space!! You slam the street boy!”

Throwing on the street boy? He learned another new word, but Itachi was not upset either. Except that he has a good impression of Zhizhen now, Itachi himself is also a man of strength.

He smiled slightly, shook his head, and said, “This is Tsukuyomi’s rule. Although I can control the way I attack, I can’t dominate everything about Tsukuyomi.”

Shizhen’s face is dumbfounded, his face dumbfounded, and finally his whole body dumbfounded. According to the original performance, Itachi can attack the enemy in any way in Tsukuyomi. For example, he stabbed Kakashi, and Sasuke played back memories of annihilation.

Zhizhen thought that Itachi can do whatever he wants in Tsukuyomi, but today did I know that Tsukuyomi has rules?

“Mangekyō Sharingan’s illusion cannot be avoided. Once you enter Tsukuyomi, you must endure Tsukuyomi. This is Tsukuyomi’s law.” Itachi explained.

Tsukuyomi’s law? Zhizhen was slightly surprised for a while, and then he said clearly: “So, Tsukuyomi is not just an illusion space, but is more inclined to a real world?”

In Yakumo’s mission, Shijin was originally because of Tsukuyomi of Itachi, that he thought of the way to treat Yakumo with illusion.

But now at first glance, Itachi’s Tsukuyomi is closer to a different space than ordinary illusions, and this different space is somewhat different from the Kamui space of Kakashi and Obito.

Zhizhen analyzed it and said, “Is the magical…different space?”

Hearing Shizhen’s words, Itachi really showed a surprised expression this time, really very smart.

With just one sentence from me, can Tsukuyomi’s analysis be inseparable?

Is this why Third Generation told Zhizhen about me? Do you want Zhizhen to be his connector?

If it were him, it would be acceptable.

However, how did Itachi know that Zhizhen is a dead house, and most of the online analysis of Sharingan’s god-tier, he is also one of them.

Zhizhen didn’t know that he had invisibly pretended to be forced in front of Itachi. After thinking about his explanation, he nodded, thinking it might be so.

Mangekyō is, after all, the power of the immortal, it is not surprising that it transcends the conventions of the world and has its own laws.

However, this is a pit! Zhizhen said heartily, “Don’t you still have to bear a Tsukuyomi!”

Seeing Zhizhen’s distressed expression, Itachi didn’t know what he was thinking, so he soothed: “Don’t worry, I will control the intensity.”

“No, no, no matter how you control it, I will still be quite hurt!?” Zhizhen helplessly said: “Under Tsukuyomi’s law, can you be sure not to play badly on me?”

Play bad? It’s another new term. In combination with the Uchiha player just now, Itachi feels that this person’s speaking style is quite strange.

He said: “The time in Tsukuyomi will last for 72 hours, and the number and intensity of attacks will gradually increase. But don’t worry, I won’t make you an idiot.” Itachi said.

Hearing this, Zhizhen’s heart was ashamed. He knew this for seventy-two hours, but the number and intensity of the attacks would gradually increase and strengthen. I’m afraid it was not killing him!

“Can’t it end early?” Zhizhen asked.

“Seventy-two hours is Tsukuyomi’s rule.” Itachi cut off Shima’s last thought.

That’s it!

Shizhen can already foresee that even if Itachi doesn’t stabb him with a knife, his condition after going out is probably not much better than Kakashi’s time.

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