Chapter 175 Follow-up of the task (please subscribe!)

“I said why it is so noisy here, it turns out that your kid woke up.”

A cold voice sounded, everyone looked back, and walked in slowly without cutting and pushing Bai.

“Oh, don’t cut it again, white boy.” Kakashi greeted, Naruto and Sasuke snorted coldly, obviously they won’t catch a cold if they don’t cut it again.

It was Bai. The two met him once when they were practicing in the country of Nami, and they had a good impression of Bai.

“Oh, Sister Bai…brother!” Naruto blurted out, almost calling Bai her sister, and changed her words quickly.

“Ah, Naruto-kun.” Shiro smiled and said hello.

Everyone stepped aside and pushed Bai to the side of Zhizhen’s bed.

Seeing Bai sitting in a wheelchair with bandages on his feet, Zhizhen trembled and asked, “Your legs…”

“It’s okay.” Bai realized that Zhi was really worried, and said, “It’s just that Mr. Cut is too nervous anymore. I have to sit in a wheelchair.”

Don’t stop hearing the words and snorted, and said: “Nonsense, your leg was almost pierced by Kisame. If you don’t cultivate well, what should you do if you have sequelae?”

Hearing the words not to be cut again, Zhizhen quickly asked: “What’s the matter?”

When Bai fought Kisame, Zhizhen had lost consciousness, I didn’t know that Bai was desperate to protect them.

Without cutting the matter briefly again, Zhizhen sighed secretly, looked at Bai sincerely and thanked him: “Thanks, Bai.”

“Don’t be so polite, Zhizhen-kun.” Bai said softly.

Hearing this, Zhizhen smiled and nodded. Now he and Bai are completely friends.

A bunch of people just chatted like this, and Shino also bought dinner and came back. Before he walked into the ward, he heard a lot of noise in Zhizhen’s ward from afar.

As soon as the door opened, there were already a lot of people, and the originally large ward seemed a bit crowded at the moment.

He coughed slightly, came to Zhizhen, and handed the food in his hand to Zhizhen.

“Ah, Shino.”

“Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, do you come to see Brother Shijin?”

“Yes, what you bought back, it smells so good.”

The future Sannin stared at the bento in Zhizhen’s hand at this moment. Before opening it, he smelled a scent that made one’s index finger move.

Zhizhen opened it and saw that a deep-fried scent filled the room with pork chop rice.

Seeing this, Naruto’s saliva flowed down with a sigh of relief, and his stomach groaned.

Upon seeing this, Zhizhen smiled and asked, “Naruto, do you want to eat it?”

“Really, then I’m welcome!” Naruto smiled, and thought that the big brother sunglasses is really kind to him. Just about to get started, little Sakura stopped him: “Naruto, I said you, this is the dinner of big brother sunglasses. You are too embarrassed to eat!”

“Ah.” Naruto scratched his head and said, “But I’m really hungry. After practicing for a day today, I can’t stand the smell!”

With that said, the stomachs of Sasuke and Little Sakura also screamed.

Today, Kakashi trained them vigorously for more than ten hours. Now that he smelled the scent, he was so hungry that his chest was pressed against his back.

Qianzi smiled upon seeing this, and said, “I’m so hungry, then eat here today.”

With that, Qianzi said, “Shino, you go buy some more.”

“Why do you want me to…” Shino refused inwardly, but seeing Qianko’s gradually serious expression, Shino helplessly said, “Naruto, Sasuke, little Sakura, what do you want to eat?”

“Really? Then I want pork chop rice.” Naruto said immediately.

“Me too.” Little Sakura said weakly.

“Yeah.” Sasuke said above.

At this moment, the three of them smelled the scent, and they just wanted to eat pork chop rice.

“…” Zhi Nai was speechless.

At this moment, two familiar voices from Zhizhen came from outside the door.

“Why is it so noisy, could it be…” After that, a rapid footstep sounded outside the door, and as the footsteps approached, Zhizhen also saw the people coming.

“Master Zhizhen!” When Zuoweimen saw Zhizhen wake up, he looked happy, and walked to Zhizhen in three steps in two steps. The joy on his face moved Zhizhen slightly.

Uemon followed closely. Seeing Zhizhen waking up with a relaxed expression on her beautiful face, she stepped forward and said, “Hmph, you fellow, you are really worrying.”

“You two are so embarrassed to say that you didn’t stand by my side, where you went to play.” Zhizhen joked with a smile.

“What kind of fun, I went to practice with my brother.” Uemon said uncomfortably.

“Cultivation?” Shizhen smiled slightly, he saw what Zaemon and Uemon were thinking.

Probably because of the battle with Kakuzu, both Zaemon and Uemon were stimulated.

Therefore, during his coma, he took the time to practice.

“Shima, don’t blame your partner, they originally wanted to stay and take care of you. But with me, you don’t need so many people.” Qianzi thought that Shima was blaming Zaemon and Uemon. He opened his mouth to make a round.

“What did Aunt Qianzi say? Where am I blaming them? They are all my important partners.” Zhizhen said with a smile.

Hearing this, both Zaemon and Uemon smiled faintly.

“You two, have you eaten?” Zhizhen asked.

“No, I’ve been practicing all day, so how can I have time…” Zuemon shook his head.

With that said, Qianzi immediately gave Shino a new order: “Shino, buy more.”

“…” Shino could only agree.

Kakashi said, “Naruto, Sasuke, Little Sakura, the three of you, also go and buy back my spare parts. We ate them here today.”

“Huh!?” The three little ones were immediately dissatisfied, and Kakashi said, “Shino alone, I can’t mention so much.”

Naruto heard the words and thought, yes, there are eight of them, and Shino may have to go several times alone.

In desperation, the three had to go with Shino.

Zhiwei said: “Qianzi, you go too, and bring the children back to buy more other food. Zhizhen wakes up today, just here, let everyone have fun.”

After all, Zhiwei glanced at Qianzi, Qianzi immediately understood what Zhiwei meant after hearing the words, and they were about to say something important.

Qianzi immediately responded when he heard the words, and said, “Let’s go, children, let’s choose the food.”

Then Qianzi left the ward with four children.

When I went out, I closed the door.

With the absence of four people, there was a lot of space in the ward suddenly, and a bunch of people gathered together.

Zhizhen knew that Kakashi and uncle had deliberately moved people away, so he asked, “Uncle, Kakashi-senpai, what about the follow-up of the mission?”

Kakashi said: “There is nothing wrong with the follow-up.”

He briefly talked about the riots behind Nami country, and Shijin laughed when he heard that the bridge was still named Naruto Ohashi.

The cause and effect of the world is indeed not so easy to change. What should happen is still to happen.

“What about Xiao?” Zhizhen asked. This is what he cares most about.

“This week, Mr. Hokage sent nearly fifty troops to Poland. First, it was a thorough investigation to see if it was still in Poland, and the second was to help the country rebuild.” Kakashi said: ” Akatsuki has indeed left the country of Nami, and Master Hokage has not found any useful clues.”

“Still can’t be careful, these people are powerful and unfathomable. I don’t know what they will do.” Zaemon said.

After hearing this, Zhiwei pondered for a while, and asked: “This so-called Xiao, is the person in it really so powerful?”

“Well, I won’t lose to Konoha Sannin.” Kakashi said, “The most terrifying thing is that I don’t know how many members Akatsuki has.”

Zhiwei was silent for a while before asking, “Then what is the purpose of these people?”

“I don’t even know what to say, they are to create a truly peaceful world. Whether this is their true purpose is not known for the time being.” Kakashi said.

World Peace? A bunch of S-class rebels, the purpose is world peace?

Zhiwei showed a puzzled look the same as it was the first time he heard this.

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