Chapter 205 The Prophecy of the Great Immortal! (Please subscribe!)

Sure enough, did you foresee it? Zhizhen was overjoyed when he heard this. There are people in Juyegu, ah, if there are insects that can foresee him, it means that there are immortals here.

Refer to the situation in Mount Myōboku Ryūchi Cave, there are immortals, so you can practice Sage Mode if you can’t!

Zhizhen immediately stood up and asked expectantly: “Who foresees it, can you take me there, I want to see it!”

Hearing this, the giant bee smiled, you were right, just smiled.

At this moment, the giant bee had a bold idea in his heart. It agreed to Zhizhen’s request without hesitation, saying: “Of course, I will take you there!”

Very good!

Zhizhen raised his arms and waved, if he could get the approval of the immortals here, then he would not be in vain.

At this moment, the giant bee felt that the three powerful Chakras were approaching quickly. Its expression changed, and it quickly said: “Quickly, climb onto my back!”

“Oh, can’t you walk over?” Zhizhen refused.

“Fly faster!” The giant bee was a little impatient, and said, “Move faster!”

For some reason, Zhizhen felt that this giant bee was a little anxious, perhaps because the fairy had foreseen his arrival.

The giant bee couldn’t wait to take him to see the fairy.

Zhizhen responded without thinking much, went around behind the giant bee, took a look, and crept up on it.

“Have you grasped it?” the giant bee asked.

“Oh!” Zhizhen replied, grabbing the giant bee’s back.

The next moment, the giant bee flapped its wings, accelerated abruptly, and flew quickly toward the distance.

The extremely fast flying speed almost lifted Zhizhen’s sunglasses off, and the surrounding scenery changed rapidly. The strong wind caused Zhizhen’s drool and his face to be distorted.

“Uh… Muddy busy day (you slow down)…”

The giant bee turned a deaf ear, still flying at extreme speed, flying towards the territory of the bee clan.

Soon after Zhizhen and the others left, three shadows flew across the sky, and they landed not far from the flower where Zhizhen first started.

The three creatures, wearing hats and large robes, have a shape similar to humans, but they are tall, their eyes bulging like light bulbs, and their hands are like big swords, shining coldly in the sun.

Looking at it dazzlingly, he thought it was three samurai.

Three of them appeared here, and the bugs in the distance fled one after another, hiding aside.

“Strange, the great immortal has clearly sensed the presence of the prophet, why is it not visible at this moment?” Its voice was a bit spy.

“Hi…” The other eye looked around and said, “I smell a different smell here, and the prophet should be here just now.”

“Most of them were taken away by fellows from other races, after all, the entire Juye Valley knows the prophecy of the Great Immortal.”

The leading “Samurai” was silent, and his heart was slightly anxious. It remembered the prophecy of the Great Immortal.

“Soon, Juyegu will welcome a young insect master, bring him to me, and give him the power of a mantis.”

“Great Immortal, our Juyegu hasn’t signed a contract with anyone for many years, why this time…”

“In order not to be eliminated by the world.” The great fairy’s old voice sounded in the empty hall: “For a long time, Juyegu has not been able to compare with the three holy places. Why do you think it is?”


“It’s because we don’t have good contractors…” The mantis said: “The prophetic son of Toad Sage has appeared, and the heirs of Ryūchi Cave and Wet Bone Forest have also appeared, and we can’t be left behind… ”


“Find him, he will lead Juyegu to rise. In the future, there will no longer be only three holy places…”

“Brother Yidaozhai, what should I do now?” a praying mantis asked.

The praying mantis who was called Yidaozhai looked into the distance: “For the Juyegu, we must find the prophet.”


The giant bee’s speed slowed down. It looked around and thought: “It’s probably got rid of it.”

Zhizhen was already confused at this moment. The moment the giant bee slowed down, he immediately felt a lot more comfortable, and asked, “Why, is it there?”

“No, it’s just that you can fly slowly now.” The giant bee said.

Zhizhen replied, sat up, looked down, and exclaimed: “Wow, it’s the country of the sea of ​​flowers.”

Below are colorful plants, beautiful, as if you are in a fairyland.

“Very beautiful, isn’t it?” the giant bee asked.

“Indeed.” Zhizhen nodded truthfully and said, “I never thought that there would be such a place in the world.”

“Giant Leaf Valley is a kingdom of insects. All the insects that can summoning live here.” Giant Bee said.

“Ah!” Zhizhen reacted upon hearing the words and asked: “Then if I want to sign a contract, can I only choose one kind of bug?”

“Well, you can only choose one.” Giant Bee said.

“Which one can cultivate Sage Mode?” Zhizhen asked.

“Sage Mode? Oh, natural energy.” Giant Bee said: “So you are for Sage Mode.”

“Well, it’s not all for Sage Mode. I just want to increase my strength. If I fail to learn it, I won’t force it.” Zhizhendao.

“There are not many races in the Giant Leaf Valley Sage Mode, there are only four.” Giant Bee said.

“Four?!” Zhizhen was surprised when he heard this. This was a little different from what he had imagined. He thought about it and asked, “Well, what’s the matter with you Juyegu?”

“Didn’t I say that? This is the kingdom of insects.” The giant bee did not understand Zhizhen’s meaning.

“No, no, I said that your place doesn’t seem like the three holy places. There is only a single race. It seems that many races are grouped together.” Zhizhen said.

“As expected to be Konoha’s ninja, he knows a lot.” Giant Bee smiled and said: “Yes, Giant Leaf Valley is not like the three holy places.”

After a pause, the giant bee said about the situation in the giant leaf valley: “Zerg is a weak race, our strength is not as good as toads or snakes, and even worse than wet bone forest. In order to survive in this world, in order not to If we lose to the three holy sites, we can only unite. This is the birth of Juyegu.”

“It turned out to be like this.” Zhizhen understood. Simply put, these insects have united in order to fight the three holy places, forming a force that does not lose the three holy places.

“But, why have I never heard of Juyegu?” Zhizhen asked.

“It’s still a matter of strength. Although the Zergs are united together, we don’t have excellent contractors in the Ninja Realm like the Three Holy Lands.”

Indeed, it is useless to have a strong race, and there is no strong contractor to cooperate with it, just as unknown.

Because Summoning beasts cannot move freely in the world, they have space for their lives.

For example, if Mount Myōboku does not have Jiraiya, Minato, and Naruto, no matter how strong they are, they will still not be known.

This is the situation in the Giant Leaf Valley now, so Zhizhen appeared, and the bugs in the Giant Leaf Valley value this very seriously.

Zhizhen nodded in understanding and asked, “That said, my existence is important to you?”

“It can be said that the four major races in the giant leaf valley all want to sign a contract with you, just because of the relationship between the great immortal, you are the person chosen by the great immortal, and everyone is powerless.” Giant bee said.

“The four major races? Are they the four races that you call Sage Mode?” Zhizhen asked.

“Not bad,” the giant bee admitted.

Zhizhen became interested when he heard the words, and quickly asked, “Which four races?”

“My Sword Bee clan, Dream Butterfly Clan, Dragon Ant Clan, and Mantis Clan where the Great Immortal is located!” Giant Bee said: “Our four major races are also the managers of the Giant Leaf Valley, and the Mantis Clan is the king of the Giant Leaf Valley.”

Zhizhen understood it and said, “Oh, it turns out that the great immortal is a praying mantis, so everyone thinks I will sign a contract with the mantis clan?”

“Yeah.” The Giant Bee admitted.

“Then you just want to take me to see the Great Immortal Mantis?” Zhizhen asked.

“No, I want you to sign a contract with my Daofeng clan!” Giant Bee said.

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