Chapter 209 The Land of Kings Trees (please subscribe!)

Along the way, Zhizhen chatted with Yi Dao Zhai.

In fact, he didn’t feel anything against these praying mantises, and he just got angry just because they ignored the life style.

Having said it, it’s over.

After chatting, Zhizhen figured out the names of the three praying mantises.

I would not mention Yidaozhai, Zhizhen has the best impression of him now.

The one who wanted to chop him was called Chuichiro, a guy with a hot temper.

The other taciturn, the one who just hugged him, was called Kojiro.

The names of the three animals are quite ancient, as if they were really samurai from the Sengoku era.

However, I have seen the battle of Ichitosai, and this kind of samurai’s name is suitable for them, and it is not very contradictory.

Only Shizhen estimated that there should be such names as Musashi, Souji, and Shiro.

Swordsman, right?

With the passage of time, Zhizhen and the others have stepped out of the Huahai area. He noticed the difference in the scenery below, and gradually more buildings have been added.

Zhi is really ready to ask questions. Yidaozhai took the initiative to open Shikai Shikai.

“Master Zhizhen, we have left the area of ​​the sea of ​​flowers, here is the land of king trees, and there is the territory of our clan.” Yidaozhai said.

After entering the land of Wangshu, Zhizhen discovered the difference between this place and the sea of ​​flowers. Although there are also various flowers in full bloom, the size and arrangement of them are far inferior to those of the sea of ​​flowers.

Most of them are all kinds of trees, and there are all kinds of tree houses on the trees, which are very beautiful.

As well as the many inhabitants of praying mantises, some are cutting down trees, some are drying clothes, and some young praying mantises are playing.

It looks like a village.

“Wang Shu?” Zhizhen smiled: “It’s really easy to understand. Are these the members of the mantis clan?”

“No, this is just an ordinary village. It is a place where compatriots with insufficient combat effectiveness live, and it is also a place where children grow up.” Yidaozhai said.

Zhizhen nodded when he heard this. As a large ethnic group, there must be individual differences.

This is the same as Mount Myōboku. Not all toads in the same race have strong strength, and there are also individual toads with weak combat effectiveness.

The same goes for the mantis family.

“That wouldn’t be the whole mantis clan, just the three of you are fighting types?” Zhizhen asked quickly.

“No, we are the guardians of the village and the king tree. The rest follow the Mantis King and guard the only entrance to the Giant Leaf Valley.”

“Mantis King…” Zhizhen became interested when he heard this name: “How strong is he to be called a king?”

“Very strong.” Yidaozhai said concisely.

But Zhizhen was dissatisfied. He thought about it and asked, “How strong is it?”

“I am ten times the size of me.” Ichitozai thought for a while, using the most intuitive way of saying it.

ten times? Ten times bigger than Ichidozai! ? Then this size, isn’t it a match with Toad Wen Taihe Wanshe! ?

As a Summoning beast, with such a size, its strength is not too bad. Zhizhen was excited instantly.

But after another thought, even though Ichitozai was polite to him, Zhizhen also clearly felt his arrogance.

It is still like this, the Mantis King in that sword fast mouth is afraid that it will be dragged to the sky.

The mantis is a carnivorous animal, and it is also very cruel in nature.

That Mantis King, Zhizhen felt that he might not be able to surrender.

Referring to Naruto’s situation, if he can’t get the approval of the Mantis King, even if he is summoned, it is estimated that he will not fight, and Zhizhen will be fine.

“Master Zhizhen, have you seen the tree in the distance?” Just as Zhizhen was thinking, Ichidaosai said.

“You don’t need to increase the number of people, just call me Zhizhen.” Zhizhen said as he looked around, there really was a giant tree in the distance, a giant tree that reached the sky.

From a distance, it looks like a dark tower standing there, with the top of it protruding into the clouds, making it hard to see it.

“Wow.” Zhizhen exclaimed. From this distance, you can see that the Wang tree is unusually large. When you look closer, you don’t know how big the tree is.

“That’s the king tree of Juyegu, where the great immortal lives.” Yi Daozhai said calmly, with a trace of awe in his tone.

Zhizhen nodded in admiration. He didn’t know the strength of Juyegu, but in terms of this force, Zhizhen already felt that Mount Myōboku was not lost here.

“How many areas is the Juyegu divided into?” Zhizhen asked.

“Not much, except for the respective territories of the four major races, this is the sea of ​​flowers where Master Zhizhen was just now. It is the common area of ​​the Giant Leaf Valley, and all the weaker races live there.”

After a pause, Yidaozhai continued: “However, in the Giant Leaf Valley, the area of ​​the flower sea is the largest.”

“So that’s it.” Zhizhen nodded and said, “There really is a clear racial class.”

“The situation in the Giant Leaf Valley, Ranfeng probably said a lot. This is also for the convenience of management.” Yidaosai said: “Master Zhizhen is right. Over the years, many people in the Giant Leaf Valley have forgotten their ancestors. Original intention.”

Hearing this, Zhizhen scratched his head in embarrassment and said, “Well, I just blurted out in a hurry. Now I want to come here as an outsider and don’t understand the situation in Juyegu. You may also have your problems.”

Yidaozhai gave a hum after hearing the words, which was regarded as acquiescing to Zhizhen’s statement.

Hearing Shizhen’s words, Chuichiro felt a little more comfortable. It just felt that Zhizhen, a newcomer, didn’t know anything, just ranting here, not too arrogant.

Chuichiro snorted coldly: “Big Brother told him so much for doing!? It is not yet certain that it will sign a contract with my clan! Maybe it will become our food in a while!”

Hey, this Chuichiro speaks like a bandit, which makes Zhizhen very unhappy. It’s fine if you want to kill me, but you still want to eat me?

Judging from the words of Yidaozhai, combined with what Ranfeng said, this Juyegu is probably not a peaceful place.

After all, there are more races, and all kinds of zerg need to develop. The key is that these worms also have intelligence.

There are contradictions among the various races as they should.

Well, Zhizhen guessed, it’s probably not only the Swordbee clan where Random Hornet is, but other powerful races also have their own ambitions.

As Zhizhen thought, he admired the surrounding scenery, and the little praying mantises in the village screamed in his ears, “Ah, the guards of the fairy palace!”

“Mom, I will also become a strong fighter like them in the future.”

“Me too, me too!”

Hearing these words, Zhizhen smiled knowingly, and couldn’t see that these three guys were still popular.

With Zhizhen, Ichidozai approached Wang Shu.

Now that I came closer, this Wang Shu was beyond imagination.

They stood at the bottom of the tree, and the king tree in front of them stood in front of them like an iron wall, surrounded by mist, and Zhizhen couldn’t see how wide the tree was.

There is a huge palace gate at the bottom of the tree, with praying mantises dressed like Ichidozhai standing on either side.

“Oh, Yidaozai, is this the adult?” a guard asked.

“Well, this is Aburame Zhizhen, the contractor in the Great Immortal’s prophecy.” Yidaosai replied.

“Really, thank you for your hard work.” The two guards opened the door: “Quickly go in, the immortal is already waiting for you.”

“Yeah.” Yi Daozai nodded and bowed slightly: “Master Zhizhen, please.”

Zhizhen nodded when he heard the words, and walked into Wang Shu under the leadership of Ichidaozhai.

Zhizhen was slightly surprised by the scenery inside. The king tree looked like a tree on the outside, but inside it was like a palace, surrounded by huge stone pillars and full of side roads.

There was a dim oil lamp flashing on the wall. Although the object could be seen, the visibility was not high.

Ichitosai walked in front, and Chuichiro and Kojiro were behind Shizhen.

Under their leadership, Zhizhen wore left and right, going up and down. Five minutes later, he could not remember the route completely.

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