Chapter 211 The Birth of Giant Leaf Valley (please subscribe!)

Hearing the words of the Great Immortal, Zhizhen calmed his mind and did not rush to agree. Instead, he asked: “Great Immortal, before signing the contract, I want to ask about Juyegu’s situation.”

“What do you want to ask?” The immortal asked gently without being impatient.

“It’s nothing, it’s just that before I came to see you, I met the Random Bees of the Sword Bee Clan. It seems that the situation in Juyegu is quite complicated?” Zhizhen deliberatedly asked.

“Heh.” The immortal chuckled softly, not knowing what he was laughing at, he asked: “Are these things important to you?”

important? Does it mean to tell me to leave it alone? Zhizhen secretly guessed the great immortal’s mind, and said: “It can’t be called important, but I just don’t think it is necessary.”

Zhizhen told the great immortal what had just happened: “Although Ranfeng wants to take me away, it’s okay, isn’t it? Yidaozhai almost killed it directly.”

Hearing this, the immortal did not get angry because of the behavior of the bee, but calmly asked: “Do you think it is wrong?”

“Of course it’s not right. Juyegu is just like Konoha. There are all kinds of different races, and it is normal to have contradictions.” Zhizhen said: “But after all, everyone is a partner in the same homeland. Just such a small contradiction. I really don’t think there is any need to kill each other.”

“Furthermore, if I sign a contract with the praying mantis clan, this Giant Leaf Valley will be considered half my home. I don’t want to accompany you to fight with you when I cultivate in the Giant Leaf Valley in the future.”

Zhizhen told the truth. Once he signs a contract with the Mantis clan, Zhizhen will inevitably come to Juyegu to practice Sage Mode in the future.

He didn’t want the endless fighting in the Juyegu to affect his practice.

As a contractor of the Mantis clan, if he really fights, he will go, a bit contrary to his will. Zhizhen didn’t want to see them fight together.

But if you don’t go, you can’t justify it.

What if the mantis clan thinks that their Summoning beast is in trouble, don’t you, as the contractor, help?

Okay, next time, if you call us, we won’t come.

Isn’t it troublesome?

The immortal heard this and looked at Zhizhen carefully from the darkness. It knew that Zhizhen was thinking about Juyegu, and the immortal nodded in satisfaction.

“Then what do you want to do?” The big fairy asked with a smile.

“How to do this?” Zhizhen touched the back of his head and said, “If there is a contradiction, resolve the contradiction, what else can I do?”

“But the contradiction can’t be resolved in a day or two.” The mantis immortal said humanely.

After hearing the words, Zhizhen looked at the darkness and took courage, and asked, “Great Immortal, with your status and strength, it should be easy to resolve the contradictions of the various races in the Giant Leaf Valley.”

The implication is that you, a fairy, don’t care about things?

The immortal was not angry, and said with a smile: “Juyegu has today, it is already the result of my shot.”

“Huh?” Zhizhen whispered, “It means that in the past, did the struggle be more intense here?”

“Almost, the original intention of creating Juyegu was to unite us weak bugs and resist other powerful forces.” The great fairy said with a look of remembrance.

“Then what?” Zhizhen asked.

“This is a very long story.” The big fairy smiled: “Want to hear it?”

“Yeah.” Zhizhen nodded, then sat down cross-legged, and said, “Daxian, please speak.”

With that, the great immortal told the story of Juyegu. Its simple and gentle voice made Zhizhen sink into it, as if returning to the beginning of the birth of Juyegu.

As the Great Immortal said, the birth of the Giant Leaf Valley is a piece of paradise built by the Zerg to protect themselves.

But at the very beginning, the establishment of Juyegu was not the great immortals seeking a place in the Summoning world, but to resist human capture.

Thousands of years ago, it was a terrifying era, human beings were fighting each other and the struggle was endless.

Summoning beasts are frequently captured by humans and used in combat.

In that era, both humans and other creatures were living in dire straits.

This situation continued for a long time, until the birth of Sage of Six Paths.

He discovered the truth of Chakra, founded the Ninja School, spread the teachings, mankind stopped fighting, and the world gradually began to peace.

But this kind of peace is just a false peace. Everyone listens to what Sage of Six Paths says, not because his MLM is doing well, but because Sage of Six Paths is too strong for everyone to win.

However, even so, humans and Summoning beasts still have a new future.

It’s a pity that the good times are not long. The mission of Sage of Six Paths is unfinished, and life is about to end.

His two sons had differences in the future of Ninzong. As they grew older, the differences became more and more serious, and they were about to reach the point where water and fire were incompatible.

Sage of Six Paths chose the second son, Ashura, to inherit Ninzong and complete his unfinished business.

But his brother Indra was not convinced. After the death of Sage of Six Paths, he fought against his brother Ashura. Both died and Chakra was reincarnated.

At this point, Ninzong collapsed, pulling away the thousand-year-old Sengoku generation of ninjas.

These ninjas gained power because of Sage of Six Paths, but instead of continuing the teachings of Ninja Sect, they used the terrifying power of Chakra to start war.

The twins of Sage of Six Paths are also fighting in this endless cycle.

Human beings are still like this, the fate of the Summoning beast can be imagined.

The ninjas continued to capture and slaughter the Summoning beast. Suddenly, the Summoning world fell into despair.

At this moment, the three holy places shot.

As the three big brothers in the Summoning world, I didn’t want to make a move, but as a holy land, even if I don’t care much about human affairs, I can’t sit back and watch the brutal behavior of these ninjas.

As a result, they chose excellent contractors, participated in the fight in the ninja world, helped some ninjas who truly identified with the Ninja school, and suppressed these cruel ninjas. This move shocked the world at that time.

Everyone is thinking? Is there such a hanging existence in the Summoning beast?

The answer is yes. At that time, the ninja didn’t know the leaders of the three holy places, they were all at the same level as Sage of Six Paths.

This is true, and it is estimated that many people have not noticed. The birth of the three holy places is very long, far before the Kaguya era.

The combat effectiveness of each immortal is so high that it is completely beyond imagination.

Especially the great Toad Sage, who was the tenth-generation ancestor of Mount Myōboku, talked and laughed happily with Sage of Six Paths when he was young, and has survived from the Kaguya era to the present day.

It is precisely because of this that the three holy places have become famous. From then on, the ninjas dare not use tough methods to deal with the Summoning beast, and begin to attach importance to the Summoning beast.

But this is not enough. Those ninjas still value the powerful Summoning beasts. The weak Summoning beasts are still slaughtered in front of the ninjas.

At that time, a weak mantis had a bold idea. Why can’t we build a holy place like the three holy places?

However, it is not easy to think about it.

The reason why the Holy Land is called the Holy Land is not without reason.

Among the Summoning beasts of all races, the Zerg is the weakest, not to mention that it is far worse than the three holy places, and far worse than the general large creatures.

What to do then? The little mantis found its friends and said: “Let’s unite at all, it’s all Zerg anyway.”

However, most of the Zergs rejected it, thinking that the weak ones gathered together are still weak and useless.

At that time, only three races agreed.

Although the number of people is small, the little praying mantises are still happy. They started looking for a place, but they couldn’t find a suitable home for survival.

The other three races gave up, there is no suitable homeland, and there is no point in uniting together.

However, the little praying mantis did not give up. It knelt on Mount Myōboku for a month, and finally a toad helped him, that is, the big Toad Sage at the back.

With the help of the big Toad Sage, the little mantis found a valley with huge plants, and once again invited the three races that had agreed to it.

He named this place Juyegu, and has lived here ever since.

This is the birth of Juyegu.

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