Chapter 213 Fertilizer does not flow into the field of outsiders (please subscribe!)

However, it is not enough for him to make a worthwhile trip. Kakashi and Yakumo must be counted. Now they must be worried that they will not be able to get it. They are willing to take the risk with them, and they will not be allowed to go for nothing.

Thinking about it this way, Zhizhen had an idea, and he continued: “Daxian, besides me, I also want to find a Summoning beast for each of my two friends. Do you think it is okay?”

“What? You are not satisfied with signing a contract with the Mantis clan, do you want me to package the entire Giant Leaf Valley for you?” The big fairy quipped.

Hearing this, Zhizhen couldn’t help but want to be able to do it. Thinking about how to summon all the bugs in the Giant Leaf Valley in the future, who would be his opponent.

Of course, I want to return to it. This is obviously impossible.

Being able to sign a contract with the praying mantis is already a big profit, so you can’t ask for too much.

Zhizhen smiled and said, “Great Immortal, don’t say that, I just think Juyegu is about to appear in the Ninja World again.”

The immortal nodded when he heard the words, did not refute, and said, “Well, it’s almost done.”

Hearing that the immortal had no objection, Zhizhen immediately smiled and said: “I know two contractors who are suitable for the Daxian and Mengdie clan.”

“Let’s listen.” Daxianren did not refuse, but did not rush to agree, but asked Zhizhen to talk about the situation first. See if it fits.

Since a long time ago, the Great Immortal has valued the quality of the contractor very much.

Having said that, Zhizhen said Yakumo’s ability once, and the Daxian Rao Shi was slightly surprised when he heard this ability: “Is it a real illusion? It’s a natural talent. In this way, the Mengdie clan is indeed suitable for her. ”

“Well, when I heard Ranfeng’s introduction, I wondered if I could let them make a contract.” Zhizhen said truthfully: “Now she and my other companion are on the way to me.”

The immortal said nothing about this, and asked: “Then the other partner, is the contractor that you said is suitable for the Swordbee clan?”

“No, the other one said it was my girlfriend.” Zhizhen was a little embarrassed when he said that, he felt that his actions were a little shameless.

If it sounds good, it means that the water does not flow into the outsiders’ fields.

Zhizhen wants to leave the Swordbee clan to Tenten. Among the four major races, the Swordbee clan can use ninjutsu, and can attack long distances as well as hand-to-hand combat. The key is that they can fly.

Maybe in the future, Zhizhen can find a better Summoning beast for Tenten, or Tenten himself, but that is not something that can be done in a short time, and now the Swordbee clan is the best choice.

The big fairy smiled and said, “I won’t refute your ideas. But Daofeng and Mengdie sign a contract with friends who don’t have you. This is not something I can control. They have the full power of their own choice.”

“Of course I understand this, but as long as the great immortal doesn’t object, this matter will be half done.” Zhizhen said.

This is for sure, as the real king of Juyegu, the Great Immortal Mantis did not dare to say anything to it.

It’s just that the great immortal didn’t use his own strength or status to suppress other races. After all, the immortal should not be too low.

Now the management of Juyegu and the struggle with other races are handled by the mantis king in Yidaozhaikou.

The immortal smiled without saying a word, and agreed, it said: “Since I helped you, then you also need to help me, an old man.”

“But it’s okay.” Zhizhen agreed without hesitation, and the immortal turned the topic back to the competition meeting Zhizhen said: “You are now the contractor of my clan, so this competition is up to you. Arrange it all.”

“Well…” Zhizhen thought for a while and said, “The arrangement is okay, but the organization still needs the praying mantis clan. I don’t have that much face in Juyegu now.”

The immortal nodded, and Zhizhen thought for a while and said, “However, although this method is good, it does some harm to the interests of the mantis clan. After all, you already occupy the position of the king in Juyegu.”

Zhizhen was afraid of this. The Mantis clan was originally the boss, and Zhizhen was afraid that they thought “I am the boss, so why should I compare.”

Fortunately, the great immortal gave an excellent answer: “It’s okay. My mantis clan is brave and good at fighting. They won’t refuse the matter of victory or defeat by strength. Although Yidaozhai doesn’t say it on their lips, they don’t say anything about Juyegu’s The days are really boring. Now that we finally have such an interesting event, they don’t want to come here a few times.” The immortal smiled.

“Ha.” Zhizhen chuckled softly and said, “In that case, there is no problem.”

After a pause, Zhizhen thought carefully about the process of the competition, and said: “The competition is a one-on-one battle. The opponent is drawn by lottery, and each race sends a player. The winner becomes the manager of Juyegu. Juyegu must obey its management.”

“What about the time limit?” the immortal asked.

“Um… once every four years!” Zhizhen said: “This time is neither long nor short. It just can make people overwhelmed with the addiction of being the boss, and it can also urge everyone to practice and prepare for the next competition.”

“Not bad.” The big fairy praised.

Zhizhen said: “However, kings of all races are not allowed to participate.”

“Why?” the immortal asked.

“They are too strong. They are not the same standard as other opponents. The players are limited to young guys, so that everyone is of equal strength, and the game is worth seeing.” Zhizhen said.

“If so, they are afraid they will not accept it.” Daxian asked.

When Zhizhen heard the words, he immediately moved out the rules of the contest that he saw in various works. “The kings of the four major races can form an absolutely fair organization, have the qualifications to discuss matters, and also play a role in supervising the new king. The great immortal is as a witness, supervising the four major races, how about?”

Hearing this, the great immortal’s eyes lit up and said: “A good way, so that the four major races are united together, and each other is controlled and balanced.”

Zhizhen nodded when he heard the words, and said, “That’s it. As long as the four major races can’t make trouble, Juyegu will be much more peaceful. This will also benefit the new king’s rule over Juyegu.”

“The great immortal shouldn’t think that the younger generations have no experience and do not rule the Juyegu well. The future will be theirs, and now we should give them an exercise in advance.” Zhizhen said.

“It doesn’t matter, we old guys dominate the Juyegu for too long, so we should give the young people some opportunities. Even if we don’t do well, aren’t we still?” The big immortal is very optimistic about the future of Juyegu.

It took a long breath, as if letting down the big stone in its heart, it called Yidaozhai and the others outside the door.

Ichitosai opened the door and walked in, bowing slightly to show respect to Shima, Chunichiro snorted coldly, but Kojiro remained quiet.

“Great immortal, what’s your order?” The three people knelt on one knee, waiting for the immortal’s order.

“Summon the leaders of the four major races and inform the guys in Juyegu that the conference is about to begin.” The immortal smiled.

As soon as these words came out, they suddenly stunned: “Conference? What conference?”

“In the competition, the winner will become the new king of Juyegu.” The great immortal said the method proposed by Zhizhen.

Ichitozai and the others showed surprise and excitement.

“Does Master Zhizhen think of this method?” Idozai asked.

“Just call me Zhizhen.” Zhizhen waved his hand and said, “Yes, you guys are so aggressive, then you can simply use battle to solve the problem and use your strength to determine the victory or defeat, so that no one has to disagree. .”

“And once every four years, as long as you work hard, everyone will have a chance. Why not do this?” Zhizhen said with a smile.

Ichitosai nodded excitedly when he heard the words, and Chuichiro immediately yelled: “I’m here to participate, I have reserved this place!”

“Who is going to fight? You decide for yourself. Okay, call those four guys to me.” The immortal smiled.

“Yes!” Yidaozhai and the others took their orders.

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