Chapter 215 Trial! (Three more, please subscribe!)

Animals are far more innocent than humans. Like and hate are very intuitive emotions in them. Like is like, hate is hate.

Zhizhen still doesn’t know that its gentleness has won the recognition of those little guys.

He was sitting on the back of Yidaozhai, thinking of the Mantis King in his mind.

A character who can be so respected by Ichitosai must be quite a ruthless character, and his body is probably the same as Toad Wentai, right?

In appearance, it must be very vicious, after all, it is a praying mantis, even if it is a female, it is definitely not good-looking.

With speculation about the Mantis King, Zhizhen and Ichidozai slowly approached where she was.

It was a huge forest, dark and dark, with all kinds of tree holes in the huge trees.

Although these trees are not comparable to the king trees, they can be called towering trees.

As soon as Zhizhen approached, four praying mantises wearing black costumes appeared in front of them, surrounding Ichitozai and Zhizhen.

Not only them, but in the shadows on the trees, Zhizhen also felt some red eyes, staring at him firmly.

Judging from their size, Zhizhen could see that they were also praying mantises, but they were all wearing hats and couldn’t see clearly.

And the breath it gives is completely different from those in the village, and even stronger than Yidaozhai.

It was a bloodthirsty breath, as if it showed the ferocious nature of the praying mantis.

In an instant, Zhizhen saw the shadow of the root in them.

These guys feel like the roots, cold-blooded and indifferent.

Because of the contract, all the praying mantis knew the news of Zhizhen in their minds, and the four of them immediately knelt on one knee: “Welcome, Lord Zhizhen.”

Zhizhen nodded when he heard the words, and said, “Oh, you’re welcome, get up.”

The four got up and Yidaozhai asked, “Where is the king?”

Zhizhen keenly noticed that Yi Dao Zhai’s tone became more indifferent.

“The king has been waiting for you for a long time.” After all, the four led the way and led Zhizhen to a huge tree hole.

The tree cave was very dark, and it was impossible to see what was inside. It was just like the big fairy’s room, with only some dim oil lamps.

“Is the praying mantis such a dark-loving creature?” Zhizhen couldn’t help but vomit. This mantis king felt like a villain’s big boss.

Fortunately, after seeing the Great Immortal, Zhizhen was not so scared this time. He calmed his mind and walked into the tree hole.

The inside is very wide and the road is deep, but fortunately there is only one, Zhizhen walks very slowly, for fear that there will be some mechanism under his feet.

After walking for about ten minutes, the field of vision gradually brightened, and occasionally sunlight came in from the broken tree wall.

It seems that this tree path has stretched out beyond the range of this gloomy forest. Without the shelter of big trees, the sunlight can naturally reach here.

Zhizhen walked to a broken tree wall and looked outside through a small hole. There was an endless blue sky and white clouds outside.

As he walked to the other side, Zhizhen took a look, and there was still a blue sky outside.

Looking down, you can see the huge flowers and plants below. In other words, is he walking in the air now? ?

Zhizhen didn’t think too much, and went straight forward. Then he came to a door. Zhizhen calmed his mind and pushed open the door.

Zhizhen was stunned by the scene that caught his eye.

This is a huge room. The sky is a skylight formed by intertwining vines. The sun shines through the gap between the vines in the center of the room.

Four huge flowers bloom in the center, clustered together, like a beautiful throne.

On the middle flower, a huge praying mantis lying quietly on it, looks peaceful and beautiful.

Only the saliva at the corner of his mouth ruined a considerable sense of beauty, and it fell to the ground ticking.

Zhizhen coughed slightly, the Mantis King’s tentacles moved, and he opened his eyes and said, “Ah, here comes?”

The mantis king’s voice was unexpectedly pleasant.

After hearing this, Zhizhen stepped forward and said, “Hello, Mantis King, I am Aburame Zhizhen.”

“Oh.” The Mantis King got up and changed his sitting position: “You came too slowly, and I fell asleep.”

“Well, I heard that you want to see me?” Zhizhen made it clear.

“Yeah.” The Mantis King obviously hadn’t recovered yet, shook his head, and said, “Ah, what am I trying to say? Hmm…you guys really have some bad ideas.”

With a single sentence, the Mantis King made Zhizhen be bewildered, “Why… say this?”

“I am the Mantis King clan, I am the king of Juyegu, why should I compare with others?” At this moment, the Mantis King recovered, and his tone gradually became full of momentum: “And if you compare it, I’m not allowed to compare, Wan One other compatriot loses, are you responsible?”

With this statement, Zhizhen was helpless, what did the Mantis King actually think?

“For the reason, the great immortal should have already told you that you are too strong at the level of big brothers, and it is not fair to other players to go up and play.” Zhizhen said.

“Is it wrong to be strong?” The Mantis King looked at Zhizhen, his tone getting colder: “You should blame them for being weak.”

When Zhizhen heard the words, he considered the sentence and said: “The contradictions of the various races in Juyegu have been around for a long time and will not be resolved for a while. If you want to break this situation, I think this approach is the best.”

“Who asked you to resolve it?” Mantis King said coldly: “What are you? Dare to take care of Juyegu?”

The Mantis King’s tone became more and more pungent, and Zhizhen’s expression gradually became unsightly when he heard this: “I’m just making a suggestion. Whether you agree or not is your business. Don’t use these things to trouble me.”

“Aren’t your praying mantis clan good? Then justify yourself from the competition.” Zhizhen said coldly.

“Justify yourself? A joke.” Mantis King said coldly: “I am the king, why do I need to prove it?”

“The mantis clan can have today, depends on the existence of the great immortals, you, or you are not convinced by the public.” Zhizhen said coldly: “This time, from the competition, you are showing your strength upright, so why don’t you convince everyone? ?”

“No, with me, who would dare to be presumptuous?” Mantis King said coldly.

When Zhizhen heard this, he no longer wanted to say anything. He said, “Don’t talk speculatively, goodbye.”

After all, Zhizhen was about to turn around and leave. After contacting Yidaozhai and Daxian, and the cute little guys in the village, Zhizhen had a very good impression of them.

But Zhizhen didn’t expect that their boss was a defiant, deceitful, and imposing guy, which made Zhizhen very disappointed.

Although he also knew that his actions violated the interests of the praying mantis clan, but in essence it was for their good. But she never thought that she would be scolded “what kind of thing”.

If the truth is not speculative, Zhizhen doesn’t plan to tell her more.

“Stop!” The Mantis King yelled coldly, and said, “You are so brave that you dare to ignore me. Don’t think that you can be so arrogant if you sign a contract with my clan. Without my approval, your contract is just a contract. A piece of waste paper. I give an order, no one will respond to your Summoning.”

Upon hearing this, Zhizhen stood still, turned around and asked, “Then what do you want?”

“Let me take a look at the insect master in your old man’s prophecy. What is the ability?” The Mantis King stood up, his body was so big that it was really too big for the toad.

She looked down at Zhizhen and said, “Aburame Zhizhen, let me see the power of the legendary Aburame clan.”

Zhizhen was furious when he heard this: “Too much deceit! Laozi has already signed a contract and has to be approved by you? What do you mean? Trial and make things difficult?”

“As you understand, I don’t want my contractor to be a waste.” The Mantis King sneered.

Hearing this, Zhizhen sneered and said, “Just want to try my skills? Good!”

After all, Zhizhen immediately closed the seal: “Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!”

A giant Great Fireball sprayed at the Mantis King, who sneered: “Small bugs!”

With a light wave of the huge knife arm, the strong wind instantly blew away Zhizhen’s Great Fireball.

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