Chapter 218 Room for Progress (Subscribe!)

Zhizhen didn’t know that his battle with the Mantis King had attracted the attention of the giants of the Giant Yegu Valley, but he was doing his best to deal with the Mantis King’s trick: Ninja: Falling Sky Sword.

He glanced intently, and his heart was overjoyed: “Insect shield, it is not broken!”

The worm shield formed by 20,000 rock worms has amazing defensive power. Although the mantis king’s sword arm is full of destructive power, the rock worm’s defense power is not a display.

This is the first time that Zhizhen has used all the rock worms to use the worm shield, and the effect is very surprising.

However, the worm shield did not disperse in the first time, and it would not last long. Zhizhen could hear the rock hard worms hiss.

But they can be said to be great for being able to block the Heavenly Falling Sabre of the Mantis King.

The Mantis King was also surprised by the power of these little bugs. She didn’t expect these little bugs to gather together to form a powerful force.

This reminded her of the original intention of Juyegu, and she also saw extraordinary potential in Zhizhen.

“Although I have released the water,… can really block my slash.” The Mantis King thought to himself: “Then, let’s apply a little bit of strength to see how far he can bear it! ”

Thinking about it this way, the Mantis King’s Chakra immediately got a stronger three-pointer, and Chakra’s unique blue light flashed on the knife arm.

When Zhizhen saw this, his heart was shocked: “Can I increase my power? What can I do? I can’t strengthen Chakra anymore!”

The fire dragon fire bomb just consumed nearly one-third of the Chakra in Zhizhen’s insect jar, and this one-third was equivalent to Zhizhen’s own Chakra.

In other words, the amount of Chakra in the Worm Jar is three times that of Zhizhen. This is what he saves little by little every day after he gets the Worm Jar.

It was a bit more, but it consumed a lot when fighting Kakuzu, resulting in only so much Chakra in the worm pot.

It stands to reason that Chakra, which is three times more than himself, is enough.

But in just a few seconds, because Zhizhen continuously transported Chakra to the two rock worms, Chakra was consumed very quickly.

With such a few seconds of effort, Zhizhen Chakra lost another third.

If this continues, the Chakra he has stored will be exhausted!

If it can win, it will be exhausted, but under the strengthened attack of the Mantis King, Zhizhen Rock Hard Worm can’t stand it even if it shows extraordinary defensive power.

Even the outermost layer of rock worms, after touching the blue light on the arm of the Mantis King, Zhizhen could clearly see them flying into the smoke surface.

If this continues, not only the Chakra will be finished, but the rock worms will also be wiped out!

“What to do!?” Zhizhen is anxious, he can’t hold it anymore!

Zhizhen’s mind turned sharply, “Is there any way to make me have a stronger defense…” After a second, Zhizhen’s eyes lit up: “Yes, use that trick!”

Thinking about this, Zhizhen made a decisive decision and instantly withdrew the insects. The Mantis King suddenly felt the resistance disappear and was shocked.

Losing this resistance, and as she strengthened her strength, her sword arm slammed into Zhizhen abruptly!

“Well, I can’t hold back the move!” This is not because of the strength of the Mantis King, but that Zhizhen’s actions were too sudden, and she did not expect that Zhizhen would dared to withdraw the defense in this situation!

Death is not such a practice! The Mantis King shouted: “You want to die…!”

Before I said the word, I saw Zhizhen’s hands forming a seal. The remaining bugs were all around Zhizhen, and all the remaining Chakra in the bug pot was poured into the bug’s body.

“Secret Technique: Chong Xuan!” Zhizhen shouted loudly.

More than 10,000 rock worms swiftly rotated around Zhizhen, forming a solid semi-circle shining with blue light.

If Neji were here, he would be surprised, how could this trick resemble Revolving Heaven! ?

“Is there any way to use it?” The Mantis King was startled, but immediately relieved, the moment his knife arm touched the rock worm.

There was another loud noise, as shocking as a bomb.

Hearing this sound, Ichidaozai and others at the door could no longer sit still: “Why is there such a loud noise?! What are they like!”

Yi Daozhai got up and walked quickly to the tree path, and said, “Stop me again and kill you!”

However, this time the four guards did not hinder, because they couldn’t sit still, saying it was a trial, but the movement was too much!

“Well, let’s go in together!”

With a cold snort, Yidaozhai rushed to the throne of the Mantis King with the four guards.

In the room, the Mantis King’s knife arm was immediately flew away. For its infinite power, it was also biased by the huge rotating force. The knife arm flew backwards uncontrollably, and the light blue knife flew directly. Sky!

Zhizhen flew most of its slasher!

It is said that most of it is because there is still a part of Chakra that hit Zhizhen through the rock worm.

Even if Chongxuan removed 90% of the power of the Sky Blade, still 10% still hit Zhizhen.

This 10% still makes Zhizhen uncomfortable.

He only felt a pain in his shoulder, and the rock worm stopped flying, dispersed, and floated quietly in the air.

And the Mantis King himself also flew back with this force, fell firmly on the throne, staring at Zhizhen in surprise.

Zhizhen at the moment is as embarrassed as he is, the whole left-hand angler is bleeding, and the knife wound on his shoulder is deeply visible!

“Hey, the shot is heavy!” The Mantis King was a little dignified, and was about to get up.

Zhizhen made a seal with one hand, and suddenly a little green light gushed out of Zhizhen’s shoulder.

“Huh.” Zhizhen breathed a long sigh of relief, suddenly feeling a lot more comfortable.

“Hey, that kind of insect.” The Mantis King was a little surprised.

Although she didn’t know the Yuguang insect, she also felt the surging vitality of the insect, and Zhizhen could not die.

Zhizhen slumped on the ground, letting He Guang Chong cure him. He took off his sunglasses, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and looked at the Mantis King.

The Mantis King’s heart tightened, afraid that Zhizhen would blame her, after all, she made too heavy a move.

However, Zhizhen looked excited and clenched a fist: “I blocked it, I blocked it! Then I will get your approval!”

“Ah… um…” The Mantis King nodded. Originally, Zhi really performed enough. It was her extra effort that caused people to be seriously injured, and now she is not embarrassed to say anything cold.

“Well, you did a good job. This king has faith in his words, you will be my contractor from today, and the Mantis clan is for you to send!” The Mantis King said seriously.

“Great!” Zhizhen jumped up excitedly, grinning with pain, but his excitement was not diminished at all: “I will beg of you from now on, big sister!”

Big sister? The Mantis King was taken aback, and then he laughed: “This is a good name, then I will call you Brother Zhizhen in the future.”

“Of course!” Zhizhen gave a thumbs up and laughed.

Afterwards, he asked again: “Speaking of which, I still don’t know the name of the eldest sister.”

“Then formally introduce it, I am the Mantis King, Ise Mamoru.” The Mantis King said with a serious face.

“Oh, Sister Ise!” Shima called immediately.

He was extremely excited at the moment, not only because he was recognized by the Mantis King, but also because he saw the extreme power displayed by the rock worm.

To be honest, Zhizhen has only gotten the rock worm for only two months, and the development of the rock worm has not been perfect.

The development of insect control techniques is not something that can be done overnight, just like practicing ninjutsu, it also requires honing one’s skills day after day.

As a human being on the earth, Zhizhen has developed some ninjutsu applications for rock worms by virtue of his excellent imagination, but this actually did not fully exert the strength of rock worms.

Under the “persecution” of the Mantis King, Zhizhen not only broke through his own limit, but also the Rock Hard Worm.

These little guys, there is still room for development!

This is what makes Zhizhen happy!

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