Chapter 224 Eating Jujube Pills

“Sage Art: Myojin Sword.” Daxian’s simple voice sounded.

Zhizhen still had time to understand what was going on, only to feel a sharp pain in his body, a huge hole exploded in his right chest, and blood was sprayed!

“Ah!” Zhizhen let out a tragic howl, subconsciously calling out the Healing Insects to gather in the wound.

However, this time, the omnipotent, the Healing bug, which can be called a medical bug, did not exert its effects.

No, it’s not that it didn’t work, but it didn’t cure Zhizhen at all.

“Why?!” Zhizhen looked down, and saw that the Healing insects gathered in the wound and fled around as if frightened.

The violent power of natural energy makes the “weak” bugs like Yuguang insects dare not approach at all.

Especially this power belongs to the mantis immortal. When the two meet, there is no difference between the ant and the monster.

He was shocked, and he pulled it off with a cold sweat, and took a close look at his wound, only to see the original bright red opening, shining with a bright dark green light.

“This is!?” Zhizhen gritted his teeth and asked, “Great Immortal, what do you mean by this?”

“Does it hurt?” The big fairy asked with a smile.

“What are you talking about?” Nonsense, it hurts Laozi to go to heaven! Zhizhen spit out wildly.

“This is for me to help you gather natural energy.” The immortal smiled.

Zhizhen was taken aback when he heard the words, and then was speechless. This is the same as Naruto’s practice of Sage Mode and the use of toad oil.

But this approach is too rude! ? No wonder that for thousands of years, there are less than ten successful ninjas in the Sage Mode.

This way, eat jujube pills!

Zhizhen couldn’t help but complain: “Is there no magical liquid for me to use in this giant leaf valley? For example, toad oil from Mount Myōboku?”

“Oh, you still know a lot.” The big fairy smiled: “But Juyegu doesn’t have such advanced things.”

“Push the street!” Zhizhen stroked his forehead and couldn’t help cursing.

However, Zhizhen didn’t know, the great immortal lied, and wherever he can practice Sage Mode, there are “mysterious props” to practice Sage Mode.

I won’t mention the three holy places. As far as the Giant Leaf Valley is concerned, among the four major races, the Sword Bee family has honey, the Dream Butterfly family has liquid made from scales, and the Dragon Ant family has a kind of soil.

The mantis family is a kind of plant sap that is used to coat the whole body.

It’s just that the immortal didn’t give Zhizhen.

As for the reason, it is also very simple, but this method is better.

The whole body is covered with the fascinating liquid, although it can increase the intensity of gathering and absorbing natural energy, but the speed is too slow.

Therefore, the great immortal directly opened a “hole” to Zhizhen’s body, allowing natural energy to follow the chakra leftover of the great immortal.

This method is undoubtedly much more effective than applying all kinds of mysterious liquids, but it is indeed a bit rougher.

The great immortal didn’t explain, but said softly: “Well, don’t think about your injuries, start gathering natural energy.”

“How to do it?!” Zhizhen didn’t care anymore, and asked, holding back the pain.

“It’s the same as refining Chakra.” The immortal said: “Follow my instructions.”

Zhizhen nodded, sat cross-legged, closed his eyes slightly, and formed a forbearance mark.

Time slowly passed away. About half an hour later, while Zhizhen was refining Chakra, the natural energy between heaven and earth slowly poured into Zhizhen’s right chest.

Feeling this sudden power, Zhizhen was overjoyed, and it took half an hour? Could Laozi be a genius! ?

Without being reminded by the great immortal, Zhizhen controlled this natural energy and prevented it from disappearing.

“Very good, don’t move.” Seeing that Zhizhen had absorbed natural energy, the immortal gave instructions immediately.

Sure enough, he couldn’t move, Zhizhen was shocked secretly, and quickly remained vigilant.

However, only a few seconds later, the natural energy that Zhizhen had sucked into his body suddenly began to run wild uncontrollably, and the natural energy that was originally mild instantly became violent.

The Yuguang insect in his body fled around, Zhizhen was startled, and his body couldn’t help shaking.

That energy suddenly exploded!

“Puff!” Zhizhen instantly spit out a mouthful of old blood, and the wound that was originally shining with green light was stained red again.

“Ha…ha…” Zhizhen collapsed to the ground, panting heavily, covering his right chest: “It hurts!”

The great immortal frowned upon hearing this and said, “Why did it move?”

“Because of my bugs, I suddenly started to restless, and I was panicked.” Zhizhen sat up and wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and said, “This natural energy is too violent. I feel as if my internal organs have been punched several times.”

“That’s it, get rid of all the worms in your body.” The immortal said: “Although your worms are small, they also have tiny Chakras. Their existence will extremely affect your control.”

Zhizhen nodded when he heard this, and he also discovered this.

The tiny Chakra like the light bug can be ignored in normal times, but in the face of natural energy, it is a bomb specially used to “stimulate” it.

Zhizhen thought for a while, and asked, “I know, but Daxian, why did the natural energy, which was mild at first, start to become violent after entering my body?”

“This is because “it” feels threatened.” Daxian said humanely.

Feel the threat? Zhizhen asked in surprise, “Could it be that natural energy still has consciousness?”

Is this okay? He hadn’t heard of such a statement.

It’s impossible for natural energy to be conscious. The immortal gave an explanation: “No, but you can treat it as a kind of plant or creature. They don’t have consciousness, but they have instinct.”

“Just like some animals will change color when threatened, and some plants will shrink when touched. This is their instinct.” Daxian said.

The great immortal is worthy of being an immortal, who has lived for thousands of years, speaks simple and understandable, and is quite level.

Zhizhen understood it instantly and said, “It turns out that it is.”

The immortal nodded when he heard the words, and continued: “Part of the natural energy between heaven and earth comes from these creatures in nature, and part comes from the elements. Thunder, lightning, flames, wind… these things are extremely destructive. Power, so natural energy is one of the most violent energies between heaven and earth.”

“One? Does the other have such powerful energy?” Zhizhen blurted out.

“Tailed beast Chakra.” The immortal said: “The Chakra of these guys is no longer an ordinary Chakra, it can be said to be a collection of various energies.”

Zhizhen nodded when he heard the words, it was true.

“Okay, stop talking about the gossip, go ahead.” Daxian said: “The natural energy that I have left in a while is gone, but I’m going to give you another cut.”

Zhizhen suddenly became frightened when he heard the words, and he came back with a knife. It was horrible!

He hurriedly summoned all the Lightning Insects in his body and floated in the air.

The originally dark room was also illuminated by the natural light of the Lightning Insect.

Taking this opportunity, Zhizhen also vaguely saw the whole picture of Daxian.

It was an extremely huge praying mantis, most of the size was above the toad Wentai, Zhizhen’s heart shook, and the big fairy smiled: “Why, are you afraid?”

“No.” Zhizhen shook his head: “I was shocked.”

After a few words, Zhizhen stopped paying attention to the immortal, and began to practice Sage Mode.

After about half an hour, Zhizhen gathered natural energy and entered his right chest.

This time without the interference of the Lightning Insect, Zhizhen’s excellent Chakra control ability played a role, successfully controlling the natural energy in the body.

“Very well, next, control the natural energy to walk around the whole body.” The immortal instructed.

Zhizhen didn’t dare to speak out or nod his head when he heard the words.

However, after a few seconds, Zhizhen was still a bit of blood.

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