Chapter 249 Cheers to the Heroes! (Please subscribe!)

Zhizhen’s voice echoed in the room, and Yakumo gave Zhizhen a surprised look. He didn’t expect Zhizhen to have such thoughts.

But after a pause, Yakumo’s tears flowed fiercely, and he said with some sadness: “Old White Fang, he really died too…innocent!”

After thinking about it, Yakumo decided to use the word “innocent”, which was the most suitable word to evaluate White Fang’s situation at the time.

Kakashi looked at Zhizhen, and saw that his face was full of anger, and he felt a little relieved. He finally knew why he felt compatible with Zhizhen.

Because he had the same idea at the beginning.

But that was also the beginning. Kakashi, who was only eight years old, was naturally immature.

And not only did he feel that White Fang died unjustly, his mentality exploded so much that he wanted the companion that White Fang saved to bury him.

If it weren’t for the guy’s sincere confession, Kakashi would have done it.

How extreme was Kakashi when he was young? Judging from the fact that he was provoked and prepared to die with others with a chidori, this little temper was not ordinary irritable.

Kakashi is now mature and stable, and will not do that kind of stupid things.

Instead, he asked Zhizhen to say: “Don’t say that, Master Hokage heard what you said, but there is indispensable blame.”

Zhizhen is not a fool. Of course, he will not say this in front of Third Generation. His statement obviously has the intent of desperation. In the eyes of Third Generation, a peace-loving person, he is afraid that it may undermine social harmony.

He will naturally not compete with Third Generation.

It’s just that Zhizhen is daring to speak freely because everyone in this room is his own.

Moreover, the matter of Konoha’s White Fang really makes people feel aggrieved, and it feels uncomfortable not to curse.

Who is Konoha’s White Fang? Like the yellow flash, it was Konoha’s facade, one of Konoha’s top combat power, so powerful that even Sannin would respect him.

However, such a Tianjiao just died.

I was forced to death by my own village. See what the idiot did. In order to shirk responsibility, Konoha was forced to lose an Admiral, and Konoha’s face was lost.

For Konoha, who always pays attention to humanities, this is undoubtedly a slap in the face.

When other villages heard that Konoha’s White Fang was dead, they danced happily and couldn’t help but applaud.

Especially Sha Yin, who was so happy in his heart, he was almost throwing the water table.

The most important point is that the death of Konoha’s White Fang tooth, although the blow to Konoha is not devastating, it is also extremely heavy.

Because White Fang died just shortly after the end of World War II.

At that time, Sannin was leaving, Konoha’s core strength was empty, and the idiot had killed White Fang’s top combat power for his own future.

It can be said that if White Fang does not die, Konoha’s White Fang teeth and the yellow flash will work together when the gods have no bridge. This combination will definitely have the power to make Rock Shinobi called Dad.

It can even be said that if White Fang doesn’t die, Rock Shinobi will not dare to be so rampant, and they may not dare to fight over.

Some people may ask, is Konoha’s White Fang really so hanging?

Yes, don’t doubt, Konoha’s White Fang really has this weight, he just hangs like that.

However, it died like this, and a generation of strong men ended their lives with such grievances and unwillingness.

Two words to describe it is to be wronged or wronged!

If he doesn’t die, Third Generation won’t be so tired, Danzo won’t be so arrogant.

If he did not die, with him sitting in Konoha, perhaps the Fourth Generation couple would not die twelve years ago, and Naruto would not be so painful.

Thinking of this, Zhizhen sighed heavily, shook his head helplessly, and said, “This is a fact!”

Kakashi was silent for a while when he heard the words, and sighed faintly, his expression full of helplessness.

After a long silence, he said: “Yes, this is true. My father died very wrongly, and I still think so today.”

After a pause, Kakashi continued: “It’s just that compared with the initial resentment, I now understand my father’s thoughts. This is his choice. He is willing to pay his life for his companions. I respect him and am proud of him. Although He committed suicide, but it may also be a relief for his father.”

Zhizhen opened his mouth when he heard the words, saying so, but after all he felt dull.

At this moment, Yakumo’s mood calmed down a little, but he still choked up a little: “But that’s it. It’s really unfair to Senpai’s father.”

Kakashi nodded when he heard the words, and said, “Perhaps, but my father’s companion has indeed expressed repentance. Mr. Hokage has also solemnly dealt with this matter. As far as the result is concerned, my father did not die in vain.”

Zhizhen sighed secretly when he heard the words, he knew what Kakashi was saying.

As far as the death of White Fang is concerned, it is not entirely useless.

At the very least, after the White Fang incident, Konoha’s style is more gentle.

Konoha has always appeared in a gentle style, but Konoha during the war also had an iron and blood side, but it was milder than other villages.

However, there is still a strict side to their own ninjas. Although they will not face the punishment of death if they give up the mission, they still have a lot of punishment.

At that time, Third Generation also felt that it was okay to be strict, but after the White Fang incident, Third Generation was extremely regretful. After all, such a strong person, just went away.

He asked himself, how are they different from other villages?

When First Generation Second Generation was established, what it wanted was a village where people could live and work in peace, not a village where their companions were forced to die.

So after that, Third Generation’s village policy became more and more gentle. Compared with tasks, Third Generation values ​​everyone in the village more.

There is no longer a hard and fast rule not to give up the task.

Not only Third Generation, but almost everyone felt sorry for the death of White Fang.

Everyone is asking, is White Fang really doing something wrong? Should I be punished for saving my companions? Should White Fang die?

However, it doesn’t make any sense to talk about these at that time.

Kakashi’s so-called ending is that White Fang used his own death to sound a wake-up call for Konoha.

At this point, Konoha has undergone tremendous changes, completely separated from other Shinobu villages, and can be said to be a clear stream in the Shinobi world.

Why so many people like Konoha is because Konoha’s style is completely different from other Shinobu villages.

Even the people of neighboring countries come to Konoha for help, and they don’t want to find their own Shinobu Village.

“It’s just that the price is too great.” Zhizhen sighed, shaking his head.

Kakashi heard the words: “Let the past pass.”

Then, Kakashi smiled: “It’s just that I think if my father is still alive, he will love Konoha very much.”

Yakumo couldn’t speak, and listened quietly. She still didn’t touch the worm in her hand. She didn’t want to eat it, but was affected by the bad past. She couldn’t eat it.

Zhizhen nodded when he heard the words.

The companion of White Fang is still alive now, and it is impossible to kill him.

Zhizhen turned his mind and said loudly: “Yes, so I think Uncle White Fang is a real hero! People who don’t follow the rules in Ninja are really rubbish, but people who don’t care about their companions are not as good as rubbish!”

Hearing this, Kakashi looked at Shima and smiled openly: “My best friend said the same.”

Yakumo also agreed: “Yes, I think so too, Senpai’s father is a true hero!”

Zhizhen laughed when he heard the words, raised the kettle, and said, “Then let us replace the wine with water and drink to the heroes!”

The two raised their glasses, and the three of them touched heavily, and the heavy color on their faces suddenly disappeared a lot.

Next, the three of them still chatted, but the atmosphere improved a lot.

“Okay, don’t just talk. Yakumo, hurry up and eat something.” Zhizhen smiled.

Yakumo nodded, smiled with tears, and said, “Okay, senior, Zhizhen-kun, eat too.”

The deliciousness of insect meat completely conquered Yakumo, and this time, Shizhen didn’t plan to see Kakashi’s true face anymore.

After knowing the reason why Kakashi wore the mask, the two have diluted their minds.

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