Chapter 259: Passed the Trial (Please subscribe!)

In the following time, Shizhen waited for Yakumo to come up. Kakashi recovered the energy he had just consumed. The four began to chat, and the immortal talked about the competition.

“Tomorrow is, Juyegu’s competition meeting.” The great immortal said.

Zhizhen nodded when he heard the words, and said, “Speaking of it, it is tomorrow. How are you preparing for the big fairy and the big guy?”

“It’s all okay, all races have elected a young guy out.” The big immortal smiled.

“What about the Praying Mantis? Is it Chuichiro?” Zhizhen asked.

“Well, this little guy has to participate, everyone can’t stop it, so let him go.” The big immortal said softly.

“Tadaichiro, are you sure?” Zhizhen thought for a while. This Chuichiro didn’t seem to be a top-notch existence in the mantis family, and his personality was a bit irritable, not as calm as Ichitosai.

Such a guy is brave in battle, but his fighting IQ is not high.

He was a little worried that Chuichiro might not be able to win.

However, Daxianjin didn’t matter, he smiled and said, “I don’t know if I can win, it’s up to Chunichiro himself.”

Zhizhen was taken aback when he heard the words, then smiled, and said, “Yes, for you, the immortal, what you value is not the result, but the meaning of this conference.”

“Yeah, I don’t really have any requirements for whether the praying mantis clan can win. All I think about is whether this conference can give everyone a room to vent.” The immortal smiled: “If it can be successfully held, it will probably be a huge success. The little guys in Yegu have a goal to strive for.”

Zhizhen nodded, he understood Daxianren’s thoughts.

Afterwards, Zhizhen looked at Mengshen and asked: “Mengshen, how about you, how are your Mengdie clan preparing?”

“We have no plans to participate.” Dream God gave an unexpected answer.

“Huh? Are you not interested in this?” Zhizhen asked.

Mengshen nodded when he heard this, and said: “Our clan is not a combat-type Summoning beast, and its combat effectiveness is slightly inferior to other races, and we don’t have any special desires for rights, so we won’t show up for ugliness. ”

“Really?” Zhizhen smiled, but he couldn’t think that the dream butterfly clan still had the flavor of incompetence.

Then, Daxian said: “Zhizhen, tomorrow’s martial arts competition, I want you to be the referee.”

Hearing this, Zhizhen was taken aback, and he said, “Why did you choose me?”

“Of course I hope you will show your face more in front of the other races in Juyegu.” The immortal said: “How, do you agree?

Zhizhen came to understand after hearing the words, it turned out that the great immortal hoped that he would use this opportunity to let everyone know him more, so that he would be able to move in Juyegu in the future.

But Zhizhen thought for a while, but refused: “This is not very good.”

“How do you say?” The immortal was not angry.

Zhizhen organized a few words and said, “I know what you think of the great immortal, but I will have a long time in Japan. There will be many opportunities to deal with the big guys in the future, and I am not in a hurry this time.”

“The point is, this conference is the first important conference of Juyegu, and it must be done with heart. Let me, a little-known figure, be a referee, and it is inevitable that everyone will have opinions. Moreover, I am a human being. I am already a contractor of the praying mantis clan, and I am afraid that everyone will think I am biased.”

After a pause, Zhizhen said again: “I think it is better for the kings of the four major races to do the refereeing. The four of them are highly powerful and have an unshakable position in the Juyegu. The four together serve as judges, presumably It will definitely be able to make a fair judgment.”

“Moreover, the guys in the competition, seeing the four kings of Juyegu present, might be more fighting spirit.”

Zhizhen gave a very good reason, so that Daxianren could not refuse, but Daxianren only mentioned that. He had already estimated that Zhizhen would not agree to it.

“Ha, I know you won’t agree. Let those four little guys be judges? It’s a good suggestion.” The big immortal smiled: “But if you don’t agree, the main purpose is to practice, right?”

Zhizhen breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, and said honestly: “Haha, you have seen it through. Yes, I want to continue practicing Sage Mode, and I don’t want to delay one day.”

The big fairy smiled and didn’t say much. He looked at Mengshen and asked, “It’s okay to be a referee.”

“Of course, I am willing to work for you.” Dream God agreed without hesitation.

“Yeah.” The immortal nodded and said, “That’s it.”

Seeing that the matter was finalized, Zhizhen also relaxed. Fortunately, the immortal did not force him to be a referee.

Now the Great Immortal is a great benefactor to Zhizhen, not only helps him practice Sage Mode, but also solves Kakashi’s urgent need.

Zhizhen should keep this kindness in his heart. If the immortal really wants him to be a referee, Zhizhen is really not good at rejecting it.

Fortunately, the great immortal is not a person who is “difficult for a strong man.”

Kakashi looked at Shima and whispered, “You guy, you really will find a reason to refuse.”

Zhizhen blinked and said, “This is the truth.”

Kakashi smiled upon hearing this, and said, “Well, that’s true.”

Several people were chatting, and at this moment, there was a muffled noise outside the room, and the whole floor was shaking.

Immediately afterwards, Yakumo’s gentle voice came: “Shijin-kun, senior!”

Feeling the movement, Zhizhen and Kakashi looked at each other, smiled at each other, and looked at Yumejin, their expressions full of helplessness.

“Unexpectedly, she really came up abruptly.” Mengshen reluctantly complained.

“Haha, Dream God, is this counted as a count?” Zhizhen asked.

Although Yakumo hasn’t come to this room yet, as long as Yakumo is on this floor, he will find him sooner or later. There is no need to entangle at this point.

Moreover, as far as Yakumo’s approach is concerned, it completely violates the meaning of the trial set by Yumejin.

What Yumejin wanted to see was Yakumo’s mind and his understanding of illusion, but Yakumo used his strength to break through forcibly.

No way, who made Yakumo hang so much?

The big fairy quipped: “Okay, take her over, I don’t want to punch my room.”

Mengshen nodded, and the great immortal said: “Yi Dao Zhai, welcome the guests.”

Yidaozhai outside the door heard the words and said yes.

Shizhen and Kakashi looked at each other, and the latter said, “Although the method is a bit rougher, it is considered to have passed the trial. Shizhen, you can rest assured.”

“Hmm.” Zhizhen let out a sigh of relief and nodded without saying much.

Yakumo was still wandering outside the door. It was really big in his heart. He was hesitant to continue sabotaging, but a dark shadow flashed in front of him, and Yidaozhai found her easily.

“Ah!” Yakumo exclaimed, and when he took a closer look, he was a bit familiar, but it was a bit dark here, Yakumo couldn’t really see it, and hesitated: “Is it Yidaozai?”

Yidaosai heard the words: “It’s me, Miss Yakumo, please come with me.”

Hearing a familiar voice, Yakumo relaxed and said with a smile: “Okay, let’s say I passed the trial.”

Ichitosai smiled with a rare smile, and said, “Well, you can pass the trial of Yujin in this way, Miss Yakumo, you are also a very interesting person.”

Hearing Ichitosai said this, Yakumo smiled even more and almost raised his arms and shouted: “Great, I finally didn’t let Shijin-kun down. Where are Shijin-kun and Senpai now?”

“They are with Daxian at this moment, the two of them, as well as Daxian and Lord Dream God, have been waiting for you for a long time.” Yidaozhai said.

“Dream God?” With this title, Yakumo keenly sensed that this Dream God is the leader of the Mengdie clan, with a rare solemn expression on his face, and a little expectation in his heart, not knowing her Summoning beast, What kind of guy is it?

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