Chapter 265 Sage Art! Shenlong flame bomb! (Please subscribe!)

Hey, First Generation won’t mention it, except for the characters at the level of Six Paths Kaguya, whoever he compares with, everyone has to kneel.

As far as Naruto is concerned, Zhizhen feels that he is eight streets behind him.

Why is the gap so big?

Zhizhen practiced Sage Mode, and then he knew how hard it was to practice Sage Mode. It took him a lot of hard work to get into the state for fifteen minutes.

And Naruto, hehe, one minute!

It’s like a human being more popular than others.

Zhizhen blushed, and finally, like a frustrated ball, he could only sigh: “My son!”

“My son?” The immortal naturally didn’t understand what Zhizhen was saying.

And Zhizhen was not prepared to say more, he coughed and decided to avoid this topic. Compared with these pro-sons, Zhizhen didn’t want to be uncomfortable.

“Daxian, now my Sage Mode status is relatively stable. There are five days left. I think it’s time to practice my own Sage Art.” Zhizhen said.

“Yeah.” The immortal also nodded. Zhizhen had mentioned to him the development of his own Sage Art long ago. Now Zhizhen, Sage Mode has also developed a look, and he can start to practice new practice.

“What are your thoughts?” the immortal asked.

“In terms of ninjutsu, it is mainly used to increase ninjutsu to make it qualitatively change.” Zhizhen thought for a while and said: “As for developing my own Sage Art, I want to use Chakra to cultivate my two kinds of insects. To see if they can get an evolution!”

After hearing the words, the great fairy thought for a while, and said: “Use natural energy to nurture your insects? This is a good idea, but it may not be so easy.”

“How do you say?” Zhizhen asked quickly, using natural energy to cultivate insects was something he planned for a long time, and the spirit came immediately.

“Although all biological plants have the affinity for natural energy, some cannot withstand the violent natural energy.” Daxian said: “The most obvious aspect of whether it can withstand natural energy is to look at body shape.”

“The bigger the body, the more Chakra, the stronger the natural endurance.” The immortal continued: “And your bug is too small, afraid that natural energy will explode if it enters the body. But a small amount of natural energy may be Not enough to cause qualitative changes in bugs.”

The immortal said it was reasonable and reasonable, Zhizhen thought about it, and it was indeed the case, he couldn’t help frowning.

Before starting to study this, the Great Immortal poured cold water down first, making Zhizhen a little bit dumbfounded.

The immortal saw what Zhizhen was thinking, and smiled: “But this is just my guess, what the hell is going on, let’s try and see!”

Zhizhen nodded when he heard the words, he thought so too, and immediately said: “Yeah! Of course, how can you try without trying.”

“Then try ninjutsu first.” The immortal smiled.

Hearing this, Zhizhen nodded, thinking of Naruto’s Sage Art, which was a bit powerful.

He was thinking about which technique to use, Great Fireball or Fire Dragon Fireball, the unburnt Technique Zhi really didn’t think about it.

Because he himself doesn’t like to use this technique, it’s not easy.

This technique, he is only used to exercise Chakra’s control, and it can be used occasionally.

After thinking about it, Zhizhen decided to use the fire dragon flame bomb. This is his ultimate move. If you want to try it, try the ultimate move!

As for the name, um, Sage Art, the name naturally can’t be too low-grade, just call it this!

It’s just that he said, “Great Immortal, will you try here? Will it not ruin the room?”

“It’s okay, show it to me, I’m here.” The big fairy chuckled lightly.

“No, the technique I want to try is a bit more powerful.” Zhizhen said again.

“It just so happens that I haven’t received a powerful technique for a long time.” The immortal smiled.

Hearing this, Zhizhen had nothing to say. He nodded, thinking that too, the great immortal is a master of art. Besides the level of Kaguya, how many can harm him?

With him, how can it cause any damage.

I am afraid that Naruto’s fairy version of the spiral shuriken may not hurt him either.

Zhizhen’s eyes lit up, and he said, “So big fairy, I’m starting.”

“Come on.” The immortal was very calm.

Having said that, Zhizhen did not delay, and quickly formed the seal with his hands, which was the seal of the fire dragon flame bullet.

After finishing the super long Jieyin style, Zhizhen didn’t rush to make a move. Instead, he took a deep breath, puffed his chest, and shouted: “Sage Art: Shenlong flame bomb!”

The next moment, Zhizhen’s mouth sprayed a huge fire dragon, the whole room suddenly lit up, and the temperature rose sharply!

The fire dragon quickly attacked the immortal, as if trying to swallow him!

Zhizhen was shocked, what kind of power is this!

He hurriedly wanted to accept the move, but the inertia of the Shenlong fire bullet was too great.

Originally, Zhizhen only wanted to try the most basic Chakra, and also used a small amount of natural energy boost.

However, he did not expect that when he completed the seal, the fire dragon drained the natural energy in Zhizhen at an extremely fast speed. Chakra mixed with the natural energy and completed a huge increase in an instant. No, it was a qualitative change!

“Roar!” The Shenlong flame bomb seemed to have consciousness, and the burning flame of Xiongxiong made Zhizhen actually hear a dragon roar!

After spraying the entire fire dragon, Zhizhen suddenly sat on the ground, and Sage Mode was released instantly!

He opened his eyes and looked at it, and he was shocked to speak.

The great immortal under the fire is more majestic and sacred than Isemori.

I don’t know when the great immortal has stood up, that huge body is like a high mountain.

What surprised Zhizhen even more was that the Shenlong flame bomb he used was actually comparable to the big fairy!

too big! Zhizhen clenched his fists and shouted: “Great Immortal!”

The big immortal opened his eyes slightly, looked at Zhizhen, smiled, calmly, and said: “Not bad power!”

Having said that, he raised his sword arm and said: “Sage Art: Falling Sky Sword!”

Then, slashed towards the dragon head!

In an instant, the fire dragon seemed to know that he was threatened, and the flames flourished!

The great immortal’s eyes were cold, and the power of the immortal exploded with a bang, and a tyrannical aura swept around, forming a strong wind, which instantly blew Zhizhen away.

The next moment, the cold light flashed, and the Zhizhen Shenlong flame bomb was directly divided into two halves, and shot at the tree walls on both sides like a cannonball.

And the sword light sent by the great immortal slashed directly to the bottom of the tree!

boom! There was a sound, the smoke was everywhere, and the whole Wang Shu was trembling!

Zhizhen hurriedly protected his head. After Wang Shu stabilized, Zhizhen looked around.

Looking at it, Zhizhen suddenly took a breath, and Wang Shu’s floor and the tree walls on both sides had been beaten through.

The immortal had sat on the ground again, looked at Zhizhen with the news, and praised: “Very good.”

Zhizhen was taken aback when he heard the words, and quickly got up, ran to the big immortal, and asked with concern: “Daxian, are you okay?”

“It’s okay.” The immortal chuckled lightly, and didn’t blame Zhizhen.

When Zhizhen heard the words, he hurriedly bowed and apologized: “Sorry, Immortal, I am not as good as Master. All your rooms…”

“It doesn’t matter, it will grow out.” The immortal smiled.

Grow out? Zhizhen was taken aback, and looked up, the tree wall and floor had begun to heal slowly.

“This growth rate is so fast!?” Zhizhen exclaimed.

“This tree is my home. It has been affected by the power of my immortal for many years, and it is no longer an ordinary tree.” The immortal said lightly.

Hearing what the Great Immortal said, Zhizhen took a long sigh of relief, nodded in relief, and said with lingering fear: “The power just now was too great, and I didn’t expect that just such a blow would drain all my natural energy.”

“It’s normal.” Daxian said: “The more powerful the technique, the more natural energy it will consume.”

“But I didn’t want to use so many.” Zhizhen said helplessly.

“The problem of control. Although you have learned Sage Mode now, the level of controlling natural energy is much worse than controlling Chakra. When you can control natural energy like controlling Chakra, you will be able to control it with ease.”

“Yes!” Zhizhen nodded heavily. Knowing that, he tried the Great Fireball Technique.

But Shizhen is not to blame.

Anyone who gains strength must first think about trying his own big move.

He just wanted to see how much Xianshu Chakra had increased against the dragon fire bullets.

As a result, Rang Zhizhen can no longer be described as satisfied.

This power is not weaker than the spiral shuriken!

Shenlong flame bomb! Worthy of the name! The name is not wrong!

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