Chapter 267: Successful Cultivation! (Please subscribe!)

Hearing what the Great Immortal said, Zhizhen was taken aback first, then rejoiced, and then looked at the Great Immortal weirdly.

“You…you’ve seen it a long time ago!” Zhizhen asked in shock.

“Of course.” The immortal still smiled and said: “From the first one, I know what to do.”

“Then why don’t you tell me?” Zhizhen was a little unhappy.

However, the next words of the Great Immortal made Zhizhen lose his temper: “Didn’t you say it? This is a good practice for you.”

“Meaning, you killed more than 400 bugs in order for me to practice?” Zhizhen stroked his forehead and said helplessly: “Your old man will really find me something to do.”

“I didn’t lie to you either.” The immortal smiled: “It is true that a small amount of natural energy can be used to nurture the phoenix. Your insect is more fragile than I thought, so it can’t stand the violent nature at all. Energy, the body will be exploded, just as you start to practice.”

“So you have to think of a way to let the light insect body withstand this energy.”

“I know too.” Zhizhen felt helpless and said, “But I can’t find this method?”

“You are too anxious.” The big fairy smiled and said: “With your cleverness, you will definitely think of a solution.”

“It’s better for the big immortal to say it straight, okay.” Zhizhen grimace, he also knows that he will find a way to cultivate the lighter insects in the future, but he doesn’t know when and what month he will go.

The immortal is here, it would be a waste not to ask him for help.

Hearing this, the great immortal didn’t say anything, and gave the answer directly: “I can use the power of the immortal to help you control your natural energy, so that you can successfully cultivate the light insect.”

“It’s great!” Zhizhen stood up for a moment. Why didn’t he think of such a simple question?

The great immortal is an immortal, so how difficult is it to help him cultivate a kind of insect?

“Well, let’s come soon!” Zhizhen couldn’t wait to start the trial.

However, the great immortal’s next sentence made Zhizhen bitter again: “But this is the power I gave you. The power I gave you and the power you learned from yourself, choose one.”

Yes, it was these words again. Zhizhen lowered his head. When he started to practice Sage Mode, the immortal also used these words to arouse him.

Zhizhen just couldn’t stand this kind of agitation. Compared with what others gave, Zhizhen naturally liked what he had worked hard for.

After thinking about it, Zhizhen vented his nostrils and said unhappy: “I choose to study by myself!”

“That’s it.” The immortal nodded in satisfaction.

“The routines, his meows are routines!” Zhizhen sat on the ground and calmed down his mind. Although he was annoyed, he also knew that the immortal was good for him, which made Zhizhen feel bitter and unable to tell.

The cultivation of this lighter insect was more troublesome than he thought.

Hey, what should I do?

The great immortal looked at Zhizhen who was going crazy and warned: “Zhizhen, remember that no matter what kind of power, you need to explore it yourself. What I can do is just to open the door for you, what should I do? Do it, how to practice, everything depends on you.”

“Your own power, don’t use your hands on others!” The immortal said seriously.

Zhizhen was taken aback when he heard the words, and then nodded: “Yes, Zhizhen remembers the teachings of the immortal!”

“Yeah.” The immortal nodded in satisfaction. What he likes most is Zhizhen.

Zhizhen thought for a while, and the immortal was right.

Own strength, honed by yourself. And the big immortal also helped him enough. I shouldn’t have asked for too much.

Thinking about it this way, Zhizhen’s mood improved, and he smiled: “But great immortal, you should give a hint. Although I chose to rely on my own strength to nurture the Healing Insects, I couldn’t think of anything. Don’t ask for your help, but can you give me a hint? I really can’t think of it for a while.”

“Hint?” The immortal smiled: “It’s okay.”

“Please speak!” Zhizhen immediately became energetic when he heard this.

“How do you usually nurture your insects?” Daxian asked Zhizhen in a daze in the first sentence.

“Cultivate with Chakra.” Zhizhen replied, but for a while, he couldn’t figure out why the immortal asked.

“Yuguang insect is such a fragile bug, but it can absorb Chakra.” The big fairy smiled, “Don’t you think this is a reminder?”

“?” Zhizhen looked dazed, and a big question mark popped up on his head. This is called a reminder? Is this a riddle?

No, riddles are not so hard to guess.

However, what the Great Immortal said, it reminded Zhizhen that that is why the Chrysanthemum can absorb Chakra.

Chakra itself is also a kind of destructive energy, why can the lightworm absorb it?

Isn’t it because the light insect itself also contains weak Chakra, so it can be so?

Zhizhen had no idea why the immortal would ask that way.

Seeing Zhizhen’s dumbfounded look, the immortal asked: “Zhizhen, Sage Art, why is it powerful?”

“?” Zhizhen said dumbfounded, “because of the natural energy.”

“Not only natural energy, but also Chakra.” The immortal smiled: “Understand?”

Zhizhen frowned, but his expression changed, and he sighed softly, as if he had caught something.

“Sage Art, natural energy, Chakra…mix…” Zhizhen’s eyes lit up, and he burst out laughing: “It turned out to be like this, Immortal, thank you very much!”

“Well, let’s start.” The big fairy smiled.

Zhizhen can’t wait to start breeding the lighter insects again.

The words of the Great Immortal made Zhizhen fully understand how to cultivate the Lightning Insect.

The body of Yuguang Worm is too fragile to withstand natural energy at all, so if you want to cultivate it with natural energy, you must add something that must be true and ignored.

It’s Chakra!

Zhizhenguang wanted to use natural energy to cultivate, but he forgot that the Yuguang insect itself was cultivated with Chakra!

How about using natural energy alone?

Moreover, Chakra itself also has the effect of neutralizing natural energy.

After all, the root of man is Chakra, and natural energy is a foreign object after all.

And with such violent energy, if there is no corresponding thing to protect oneself, the human body would have been destroyed long ago.

That’s why, Jinchūriki can only be a ninja, and must be a ninja with a lot of Chakra.

That’s because the Chakra of the tail beast is also very violent.

After thinking about this level, Zhizhen immediately understood it.

He made the seal with one hand and commanded a light-healing insect in the air to fly to the palm of his hand.

After that, Zhizhen gathered the natural energy in his palm and prepared to pour it into the body of Yuguang Worm. Only this time, Zhizhen added his own Chakra.

A large amount of Chakra envelops a small amount of natural energy and enters the body of the Healing Insect.

Yuguang Worm was still agitated, but this time it did not fly around, but crawled around in Zhizhen’s palm.

Within a few seconds, the body of Yuguang Worm glowed with a burst of light, and the surface of the body, which was originally shining with a faint green light, suddenly became greener by three minutes.

Seeing this scene, Zhizhen was overwhelmed with joy, took off his sunglasses, and wanted to see the changes in the lightworm more truly.

The light lasted for nearly a minute, then faded away, and Zhizhen looked intently.

The size of Yuguang Worm seems to be a bit bigger, no, the correct way to say it is that the wings are a bit bigger than before.

As for other appearances, Zhizhen didn’t feel any changes.

He looked at the immortal and said, “What do you think of the immortal?”

“Successful.” The immortal said with a smile: “This lighter insect has entered Sage Mode just like you.”

Of course, it is Sage Mode with quotation marks.

Zhizhen was overjoyed when he heard the words, but he found it a little funny. He took so much effort to let Sage Mode into “Sage Mode”, and his wings became bigger?

“Can you see what new abilities it has?” Zhizhen asked.

“How can this be seen? Maybe the healing power has been greatly increased, try it.” The big immortal smiled.

“Okay, then please make a move.” Zhizhen smiled.

The Great Immortal didn’t refuse, and immediately a small Chakra formed the sword energy burst into the air.

Zhizhen was not nervous either, knowing that the great immortal would keep his hands, and would not hurt him vitally.

However, a scene that surprised Zhizhen happened. The Healing Worm that entered the “Sage Mode” suddenly ran into the Great Immortal’s technique.

The next moment, the wings of the Yuguangworm flapped quickly, and then the magic of the Great Immortal was sucked into the body by the Yuguangworm at a speed visible to the naked eye!

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