Chapter 273: Want Me to Be an Examiner? (Please subscribe!)

Zhizhen himself is not very clear about how strong Zhizhen is now.

But he felt that with the bonus of Sage Mode alone, he had the confidence to fight Orochimaru.

Some people may ask, can I single out Orochimaru by learning Sage Mode?

No, just relying on a Sage Mode is naturally not enough.

But Zhizhen also has a new generation of Healing Insects and Giant Rock Insects. With the help of these two insects, Zhizhen feels that even if he can’t beat Orochimaru, he can defeat his conspiracy.

This is not arrogance, but self-confidence.

Orochimaru is also one of Sannin anyway, at the same level as Jiraiya Tsunade, Zhizhen definitely does not mean to underestimate him.

Just look at Zhizhen’s current routines, Sage Mode enhances ninjutsu, and the two kinds of insects have extraordinary abilities.

The Light Worm can block Genin’s spell for him, and the Giant Rock Worm can block the lower body spell for Zhizhen.

As long as the power of the technique is beyond the limits of these two insects, who is Zhizhen afraid of?

In this situation, how can he not dare to compare with Orochimaru?

Zhizhen is confident that he will be able to change this tragedy in the original book!

Hit the small target Orochimaru, sprinkle it!

Seeing Shizhen chuckle, Kakashi looked at Shizhen and said, “Shizhen, I know you have become very strong now, but it is better not to be too careless.”

“Of course I know this, senior.” Zhizhen knew that Kakashi was telling him, so he smiled: “We have known each other for a long time, don’t you know who I am?”

Kakashi nodded when he heard the words. Zhizhen is very clear. He just exhorted him. He was afraid that Zhizhen’s strength would increase greatly after learning Sage Mode, and he would not put the ninjas in other villages in his eyes.

However, Zhizhen is not that kind of person, he is not strong enough to be invincible now, how can he relax his vigilance.

After all, the three of them rushed to the Hokage building together, but still did not meet the ninjas in other villages on the way.

Neither Sha Yin nor Rain Shinobi saw their men.

“It looks like Master Hokage has settled all the guys in the outer village.” Zhizhen asked.

“Of course.” Kakashi said, “There are a lot of ordinary people in the village. How can Master Hokage wander around the village freely? Their range of activities must be restricted, and Anbu should always monitor them.”

Zhizhen nodded when he heard this, saying that Third Generation deserves to be Third Generation. He has been Hokage for more than 30 years, and he does everything without any leakage. Third Generation can think of all the safety measures he can think of.

In this way, it seems that Zhizhen doesn’t have to worry about anything in the past few days until Chūnin takes the exam.

When he arrived at Hokage’s office, Kakashi knocked on the door lightly, and the gentle voice of Third Generation rang: “Come in.”

A few people pushed in the door and looked up, and the desk of Third Generation was still full of thick documents.

“Master Hokage.” The three bowed slightly.

Third Generation put down the pen and looked up and smiled. He was not surprised that Zhizhen and the others came back.

As early as when the three of them entered Konoha, Anbu reported the situation to Third Generation.

Therefore, Third Generation has long been waiting for them.

“How is it, did the practice go well?” Third Generation asked kindly.

“Very good, sir.” Zhizhen took the lead and told Third Generation what he had seen and heard in Juyegu, and the results of his practice.

Hearing that Zhizhen had learned Sage Mode, the third generation who had always been calm, he was a rare surprise.

He calculated that Zhizhen must have made progress, but he didn’t expect that the progress would not be so big.

After the surprise, Third Generation also showed a satisfied smile. Zhizhen’s so great progress made Third Generation very pleased.

Zhizhen is also a member of Konoha, and Third Generation is also cultivating Zhizhen as Konoha’s backbone. He has made progress, and Third Generation is naturally happy.

“I didn’t expect Zhizhen to grow so quickly.” Listening to Zhizhen’s report, Third Generation also made up his mind: “It seems that he should be able to take on more responsibilities now.”

After Shizhen finished his report, Third Generation smiled and nodded, then glanced at Kakashi and Yakumo. “How are you two?”

Yakumo also unreservedly told Third Generation about the results of this trip: “With the help of Zhizhen-kun, I made a contract with the Mengdie clan for Summoning. They are a clan specializing in illusion. I am. They learned a lot from them, and the illusion is more refined than in the past.”

“Really?” Yakumo’s growth, Third Generation is also sincerely happy. He nodded and said: “Then you have to continue to cheer, Yakumo. You know, your talent is rare in decades. See you. Don’t waste it.”

“Yes, my lord.” Yakumo responded immediately, and looked at Third Generation who was as kind as his grandfather, and felt a little regretful in his heart.

How could she hate such an old man?

Thinking of this level, Yakumo looked at Zhizhen calmly, thinking that if it wasn’t for Zhizhen, she might have committed an unforgivable mistake by now.

Now that nothing happened, and everything is fine, Yakumo couldn’t help feeling grateful.

“Kakashi, what about you?” Third Generation asked again.

“Eh.” Kakashi nodded, and said, “With the help of the Great Immortal, I am now familiar with Master Sharingan.”

Third Generation showed a surprised look again upon hearing the words: “Great Immortal? How did it do it?”

Kakashi didn’t hide it, and briefly said the help of the great immortal.

“Okay!” Third Generation was overjoyed upon hearing this, and couldn’t help saying hello.

Kakashi’s Sharingan is also Konoha’s precious treasure, and Kakashi is also Konoha’s precious talent.

Because of White Fang, Third Generation values ​​Kakashi very much.

In terms of relationship, Kakashi is also his disciple.

The burden of Kakashi Sharingan has always been a problem for Third Generation.

Third Generation is known as the Professor of Ninjutsu. He has a lot of knowledge and knows more about Sharingan than ordinary people.

Sharingan is strong, but the pit is also the pit.

He himself was worried about Kakashi’s death price because of Sharingan’s relationship.

Now that Kakashi has the eyes of Master, Third Generation is a little relieved.

It’s just the problem of life loss, which makes Third Generation feel a little regretful. He thought about it for a while and said: “Kakashi, life loss problem. I will ask the medical department to come up with a solution. Even if it doesn’t work, I will try to save your life as much as possible.”

Kakashi was surprised when he heard the words, and then smiled: “Thank you.”

If ordinary people say this, Zhizhen will force him to think that he is buying people’s hearts, but when Third Generation says this, Zhizhen feels extremely sincere.

Because this old man really cared about his subordinates, not just his subordinates, he cared about Konoha.

Zhizhen hurriedly said: “My lord, I will also help, please rest assured.”

“Yeah.” Third Generation smiled and nodded. Seeing that Shizhen and Kakashi had such a good relationship, Third Generation felt more comforted.

After a pause, Third Generation said: “Zhizhen, now that your strength has grown, you must have become very strong.”

Zhizhen was taken aback when he heard the words, and wondered if Third Generation wanted to try his current level?

But he replied truthfully: “Well, although I have never actually played against people, I do feel that I am getting stronger.”

“Really?” Third Generation nodded, not allowing Shijin to show his hand, but directly said: “In this case, I think you should also contribute more to Konoha.”

Zhizhen was relieved when he heard the words, oh, it turned out that there was something for him to do, and there was no problem.

In this regard, Zhizhen naturally readily agreed: “Do you have a task for your lord?”

“Yeah.” Third Generation nodded and smiled: “I want you to be the examiner for the Chūnin exam.”

“Yes…Huh?” Zhizhen just wanted to agree, but he was surprised: “My lord, you want me to be an examiner for the Chūnin exam?”

“Yes. Now, with your skills, you are more than enough to serve as an examiner.” Third Generation said.

Actually become an examiner? Zhizhen never expected Third Generation to make such a request.

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