Chapter 278 First Encounter with the Crown Princess (please subscribe!)

But Neji is very upset, what are these three guys doing? Are their teeth whiter and brighter than each other?

Didn’t this guy attack us just now? What do you two watermelon heads do with him like this?

Thinking of being shocked by Zhizhen, Neji felt that his dignity was damaged. He snorted and said nothing more, “I’ll be here today, I’ll go back first!”

When Zhizhen heard this, he turned around and saw Neji’s look like this. He didn’t know what Neji thought.

He flashed forward and put his arms around Neji’s shoulders, and said, “Don’t rush to go, A Ci, I’m coming to you, there is something to do.”

“Let go!” Neji began to struggle: “My relationship with you is not so good, and don’t call me Aci!”

Shijin smiled indifferently, and put his arms around Neji’s shoulders tighter by three points.

Neji struggled hard, but he couldn’t move. He couldn’t make any moves in this position, and his heart was angry and shocked: “Why is this guy so strong!? It seems to be resting on my shoulders, and it makes me unable to move. Um… …The strength of this guy has indeed increased a lot!”

After struggling for a while, Neji gave up.

Guy stepped forward and asked, “Didn’t you come to Tenten? Anything else to find us?”

“Ah.” Shima nodded and said, “Kakashi-senpai wants to invite his disciples, and my companions and me to dinner. I want to invite you to come together.”

Originally, Zhizhen just wanted to invite Tenten, but after another thought, he invited Tenten and didn’t invite Guy to them. This is not a human being.

In addition, he had just carried out a sneak attack, and he should invite them to join him whenever he said.

“Nani, my forever rival Kakashi treats you? Of course I want to go!” Guy said immediately.

Senior Guy, do you want to eat Kakashi’s rice that way? Seeing that Guy was so excited, Zhizhen couldn’t help but vomit.

Xiao Li heard the words: “Since Mr. Guy is going, I will go too. I also want to meet the disciples of the legendary Mr. Kakashi!”

“I want to go too!” Tenten said.

“Of course you don’t have to say, can you not go?” Zhizhen chuckled lightly.

Tenten smiled shyly.

“I’m not interested.” Neji said coldly: “If you have time to eat, it’s better to go to practice.”

After that, he was ready to leave, and Zhizhen clung to him hard: “Aci, don’t be so cold. It’s also good to meet other Genin. Chūnin’s exam is coming soon. Wouldn’t it be good to talk to other players? ?”

Hearing this, Neji hesitated for a moment. Although he was cold, he was not a person who didn’t know what was good or bad.

Indeed, it’s not a bad thing to get in touch with other Genins.

But Neji still didn’t agree.

Regardless of this, Zhizhen said directly: “Okay, that’s it. Let’s have a good meal today!”

“Tsk, noisy guy.” Neji cursed uncomfortably, but didn’t refuse.

“OK!” Guy waved his hand forward: “Target, Kakashi’s wallet! Let’s go!!”

Zhizhen couldn’t help laughing when he saw this, and then the group went to the eighth practice range.

Walking down the street, Guy’s outfit attracted the attention of passers-by.

In addition, he walked wildly, like a kappa walking, everyone even covered their mouths and laughed.

Guy himself, but he didn’t realize it, with a confident smile on his face, and he looked very hearty.

Xiao Li also admired: “As expected of Mr. Guy, wherever I go, I will be the focus. I will become such a man in the future!”

Tenten blushed and bowed his head and said, “That’s it, I don’t want to go to the street with Teacher Guy.”

Zhizhen squeezed Tenten’s hand and said, “It’s this kind of Senior Guy that makes people appreciate. He is always so passionate and confident. Isn’t it?”

“Senior, do you admire Mr. Guy that way?” Tenten couldn’t help but complain.

“Of course, otherwise, why should I come to Senior Guy to practice?” Zhizhen smiled.

This is the truth. The reason why Zhizhen came to Guy, apart from Guy’s amazing physical skills, is Guy’s personality, and Zhizhen appreciates it very much.

Tenten stuck out her tongue when she heard the words, and she couldn’t understand Guy’s charm at all.

“Okay, don’t feel embarrassed, look at Xiao Li and Neji, don’t you think it’s okay?” Zhizhen smiled.

“Naturally, Li, Neji, he’s just used to it.” Tenten vomited.

Zhizhen was speechless.

The group of five people walked like this. On the way, Zhizhen met Shino, and he walked with Hong and Hinata, Ya.

Zhizhen’s eyes lit up, and it was the first time he saw Hinata and Ya.

Ya, don’t mention it, Hinata, the prince, the first person in Hokage… ah, no, no.

It’s just the role of Hinata, which Zhizhen still likes very much.

He took a close look at the two of them.

The two are no different from the original book, Hinata still looks timid, gentle and quiet.

And Ya Zhe is like a young and Dangerous boy, wearing a coat, walking swaying, sniffing left and right sniffing.

Shino did not change at all.

“Zino!” Zhizhen shouted loudly, attracting the attention of the eighth class.

Zhi Nao’s heart tightened, looked up, and immediately said, “Big Brother Zhizhen!”

When Zhizhen heard this, he quickly stepped forward, and Guy and others followed closely.

“Brother, are you back?” Shino asked.

“Ah, I just came back today, and I plan to go home tomorrow to visit my uncle and aunt. I didn’t expect to meet you today.” Zhizhen said.

“Well, how is your practice?” Shino asked with concern.

“Very good.” Zhizhen summed it up in one sentence.

Shino didn’t ask much, he believed that Zhizhen said it was very good, and that was very good.

After that, Shijin looked at Hong and Hinata and Ya, and said hello politely: “Senior Hong, both of you, hello, I am Shino’s cousin, Aburame Shima.”

Aburame Shima? So Shino still has an older brother? Hinata couldn’t help but give Shizhen a lot, and he looked very much like Shino.

But it feels much more cheerful than Shino, Hinata is a little surprised, the difference between the two brothers is a bit big.

However, she doesn’t hate cheerful people. Instead, she is influenced by Naruto. She finds this kind of people easy to get along with. She said, “Ah, hello, my name is Hyūga Hinata.”

Ya sniffed the smell of Zhizhen’s body, and smiled: “Haha, just like Shino, you also have the smell of small things. My name is Inuzuka, so please advise!”

What’s wrong, this statement makes me seem to have a weird smell.

Ya, this guy, like Naruto, doesn’t speak through his brain.

Onee-san Fan with a red micro forehead and a face: “I remember you, Zhizhen. I haven’t thanked you yet for Yakumo’s affairs.”

“Senior Red, don’t worry, this is what I should do.” Zhizhen said modestly: “It’s you who took care of Shino for me. I still want to thank you.”

Red nodded. She had heard Asuma talk about some ambitions. Now, let’s not mention the strength for the time being. At the very least, it’s not bad.

The attitude is also very comfortable, not humble and not uttering.

“You don’t need to think too much, Zhi Na is my disciple, I should take good care of him.” Hong said with a light smile.

At this time, Guy also walked up with the third class.

“Yo, red.” Guy said hello.

Hong looked at Guy, and then at Zhizhen, it was a bit strange, how did these two people get together.

But for Guy, Red doesn’t hate it either.

It’s just that she frowned slightly when she saw Neji.

Yu Guang glanced at Hinata, only to see that she was already hiding behind Toa and Shino, a little scared.

Looking at Neji again, he was very calm on the surface, but Zhizhen saw an imperceptible hatred in his eyes.

Hey, the Yaoyao affairs of Hyuga’s family, Zong’s family, and branch house are really uncomfortable.

What exactly is going on is also well known, so I won’t go into details here.

To put it simply, Neji felt that the family killed his father and Isshin wanted revenge.

Even with the cousin Hinata, the relationship is extremely bad.

The final solution in the original book relied on Naruto’s mouth, and forced Neji to change his mind.

With Hyuga Hiashi’s apology, Neji completely let go of his hatred.

Only now, the Chūnin exam has changed. Will the decisive battle still be Naruto vs. Neji?

Zhizhen was totally unsure of this, but said that if he had time and opportunity in the future, he should guide the future brother-in-law of Hokage.

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