Chapter 292 Yakushi Kabuto (Subscribe!)

On the other side, Naruto and others also came to the examination room.

“Really, you have to pass the illusion to enter the examination room. Izumo-senpai and the others are really.” Naruto dissatisfied.

In the original book, before the first exam, Shenyue Izumo and Gangzite set up a simple illusion in the exam room.

Turn the second floor into the third floor, ready to mislead the candidates.

“Probably I want to rely on this trick to get some people down.” Little Sakura said: “Our exam has already started.”

Sasuke nodded in agreement and said, “I don’t know what the content of this first exam is, what do you think of little Sakura.”

Little Sakura saw Sasuke asking her, her expression was immediately happy, and her personality ran out: “Sasuke actually asked my opinion, oh yeah!”

However, this is useless. Little Sakura thought about it carefully, but couldn’t imagine the content of the exam.

She only said: “Combined with the situation just now, probably this exam is to test our illusion skills.”

Needless to say, Little Sakura was naturally misled by Kamizuki Izumo and Gangkotetsu.

Sasuke nodded, and said nothing.

The three of them passed through the corridor and came to the end, where there were two huge doors.

“That’s it.” Sasuke looked at the door in front of him and said, “Are you ready? Naruto, little Sakura!”

Seeing this, Little Sakura was a little nervous. Entering this door, the Chūnin exam started completely.

She took a deep breath, nodded, and said, “Let’s go, Sasuke-kun!”

Naturally, Naruto doesn’t need to mention it. He has always been big-hearted and immediately said loudly: “Yo Xi, let’s go!”

Sasuke chuckled softly, pushed open the door, and walked in.

Taking a closer look, the scenery in front of them made the three people’s hearts tight.

This is an extremely wide room, and when you look around, there are ninjas from other villages.

They looked serious, with cold eyes in their eyes, as if they were about to make a move if they didn’t agree.

“It’s a solemn atmosphere.” Little Sakura couldn’t help saying.

“Everyone feels so amazing!” Naruto looked faintly excited.

“Yo, Naruto, Sasuke.” Just then, a voice remembered.

The three turned to look, Shikamaru touched the back of his head and walked over. Chōji hugged the potato chips and followed Shikamaru.

And Ino didn’t know when he walked around behind Sasuke and jumped on it: “Sasuke -kun!”

Sasuke looked speechless, little Sakura’s eyes widened uncomfortably: “Get off, Ino pig!”

“Bah!” Ino made a grimace, so angry that Sakura couldn’t wait for a shuriken to fly over and blow Ino’s head.

“Oooh, everyone is really here.” At this moment, Tooth also walked over, and Akamaru on his head barked twice.

“Hey, Ya, you brought your dog for the exam.” Naruto couldn’t help but vomit.

“Nonsense, Akamaru and I are the same body as Isshin.” Ya smiled.

Hinata blushed and rubbed his fingers, looking at Naruto embarrassedly: “Ah, I saw Naruto-kun again, I don’t know if Naruto-kun remembers me.”

At the moment Hinata thought so, Naruto brought a cat face to Hinata’s face: “Hey, Hinata, your face is so red, are you uncomfortable?”


Ya looked at Hinata’s performance, a little puzzled: “I said you, why do you blush when you see Naruto!”

“?” Naruto showed a puzzled look. Will Hinata blush when he sees me? why?

Hinata’s face turned redder when she heard that, Tian Ling Gai began to smoke, and she quickly stopped turning away: “I’m fine, Naruto -kun!”

“Oh? Oh.” Naruto nodded, question marks all over his head.

Neji and the others sat in the distance, looking at the noisy Naruto and Hinata, and snorted coldly, “I’m so confident that I can make such a fuss in the examination room.”

Tenten dragged his face when he heard the words, and said, “Don’t say that, Neji, they are very energetic.”

“Don’t you go over and say hello?” Xiao Li asked.

“From now on, everyone is an enemy, and no one can believe it except for partners.” Neji akimbo and said, “No need to say hello.”

Tenten shrugged. She wanted to talk to little Sakura, but Neji said that, she was too embarrassed to get close to them.

After all, Neji was right, and now the exam has begun.

Three sisters and brothers of Sa Yin looked at Naruto and the others, and Kankuro showed a disdainful smile: “This is Konoha’s ninja? I don’t know if it is bold or stupid.”

Temari sneered: “A peaceful place like Konoha is probably only a ninja like them. Right, Gaara.”

Gaara looked at them coldly, without saying a word.

This time, in the original book, Naruto and Gaara had a face-to-face encounter.

However, because of the changes in the plot, there is no intersection between the two parties before the exam.

Sasuke doesn’t know Gaara yet, and Gaara doesn’t have any curiosity about Sasuke.

But destiny still has its inertia, and what should be met will eventually be met.

“Uchiha Sasuke, this is the goal this time.” In the shadow, Tos looked at Sasuke, his eyes glowing.

“That guy, it feels nothing special.” Sack said: “I don’t know why that lord, why value this kid.”

“Uchiha, the tragic family.” Toss said, “Well, try him.”

The Otonin trio was talking, but Toss saw a white-haired ninja walking by.

“Yakushi Kabuto…” Tos closed his hand and looked at Kabuto with a sneer, “Is it so close to Sasuke?”

“Hey, you guys, it’s too conspicuous.” Yakushi Kabuto stepped forward and smiled.

Naruto and others heard the sound and looked at it. They saw that it was Konoha’s forehead protector, and immediately felt relieved.

“Hello, senior.” Little Sakura said, “Is it bothering you?”

“It’s not to bother me, but you are too attractive. This is not a good thing.” Yakushi Kabuto pushed his glasses.

Everyone looked up and saw most of the ninjas in the examination room, their attention was focused on them, and their eyes were very bad.

Little Sakura chuckled, and quickly pinched Naruto: “You bastard, I’ll blame you for making a lot of noise.”

“Huh, blame me?” Naruto stunned.

Looking at Naruto’s bitter cat face, Yakushi Kabuto pushed his glasses, a sneer crossed the corner of his mouth: “Heh, Nine Tails.”

Little Sakura quickly apologized to Yakushi Kabuto: “Senior, sorry, we will pay attention to it. I don’t know the name of senior yet.”

“My name is Yakushi Kabuto.” Yakushi Kabuto showed a harmless face and said with concern: “Looking at your appearance, it should be the first time to take the Chūnin exam.”

Everyone nodded.

“Sure enough, no wonder you are so relaxed. You guys, it’s better to be nervous. Chūnin exams are not easy things.” Yakushi Kabuto said.

Little Sakura let go of Naruto and asked, “It seems senior, has experience taking the Chūnin exam.”

“Ah, this is the fourth year and the seventh time I have participated.” Yakushi Kabuto chuckled.

Everyone was immediately bewildered upon hearing this.

It took four years to participate for the seventh time? Didn’t get admitted the first six times?

Are you kidding me? !

Shikamaru frowned. In the case of Yakushi Kabuto, he didn’t pass the exam six times. Either this person is a fool or Chūnin’s exam is too difficult.

But it seems that Yakushi Kabuto doesn’t look like a fool.

Shikamaru asked, “This senior, is the Chūnin exam so difficult?”

“Ah, the Chūnin test is an extremely difficult test that tests all aspects of Genin.” Yakushi Kabuto said: “If you are not careful, you will be eliminated.”

“Really?” Shikamaru thought for a while, this is empty talk.

“Senior, what do we need to pay attention to?” Shikamaru asked again.

“Pay attention?” Yakushi Kabuto smiled: “There are many directions to pay attention to, but as far as I am concerned, what I need most to take the Chūnin exam is persistence and trust in my peers.”

“Persistence and trust?” Little Sakura thoughtfully.

“Yeah, I don’t have to insist on insisting. And trust, except for a teammate, don’t believe anyone else.”

After a pause, Yakushi Kabuto said, “No, sometimes I can’t believe it with my partner.”

The hearts of everyone are tight, and it seems that this Yakushi Kabuto is also a person with a story.

Then, Yakushi Kabuto smiled again: “However, it seems that you are not the ones who will stab your partner in the back, that’s all.”

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