Chapter 319 Dangerous Class 7! (Please subscribe!)

After leaving the Hokage building, Kakashi rushed towards the death forest.

Hearing the movement of the black soil on the big tree not far away, I slowly opened my eyes and looked intently, and I found Kakashi at a glance.

“Come here!” Kuroizu saw Kakashi’s excitement. After speaking to Third Generation, he left in such a hurry. As expected, Konoha had a problem.

Looking at it, we need to send super elites like Kakashi to solve the problem. The problem sounds extraordinary.

Thinking about it this way, the black soil became more affirmed of his own guess, and now there is fun to watch!

At this point, she made a seal with her hands and sank directly from the tree trunk to the ground, quietly following Kakashi!

After all, it was Tsuchikage’s granddaughter, Fourth Tsuchikage in the future, with a high level of tracking, and Kakashi didn’t notice that he was following him at all.

Kakashi didn’t find a trace until he followed the death forest.

No, the correct statement is that the black soil has exposed itself.

Kakashi came to the Death Forest, and went in without hesitation. Just after entering, he heard a familiar female voice: “Hey, this is the Death Forest. It feels so good!”

“Huh!?” Kakashi shook his whole body and looked back, only to see the black earth following him with a relaxed expression.

“Miss Black Soil?” Kakashi was speechless in surprise.

“Yo, Kakashi-senpai.” Kuroizu smiled and waved.

Kakashi calmed down and said, “Why are you here?”

“Of course I followed you.” Hei Tu said with a smile.

Actually follow him? Without even the slightest notice, Kakashi said in his heart that he deserves to be Tsuchikage’s granddaughter, and already has this strength at a young age.

“Miss Black, sorry, the death forest is forbidden, please go back.” Kakashi stopped and issued an eviction order.

Hei Tu smiled when he heard the words, fluffed up his hair, and said, “Then why are you here?”

“I have a pass.” Kakashi naturally wouldn’t say anything about his mission.

“Oh, then do you think I will leave?” Hei Tu smiled.

Hearing that the black soil is so straightforward, Kakashi can also see that this woman is also a master of good things.

“Sorry, Miss Black, this is really not where you should be.” Kakashi said, “Go back, don’t worry Mr. Huang Tu.”

The black earth turned a deaf ear, and looked around for himself: “Oh, it’s rare to come to such a forest with feelings. Wouldn’t it be a pity not to stroll around? We are full of rocky hills and forests are rare, especially this one. .”

Hearing this, Kakashi’s face sank, and he wanted to force her to take her back.

He really couldn’t help it if the black soil didn’t go back.

Seeing Kakashi’s look bad, Kuroi smiled and said, “Don’t be angry, Kakashi-senpai. I just want to go shopping, even if you get rid of me, I will hang out here. So it’s better to let me follow you.”

“Tsk…” Kakashi took a weird look at the black soil when he heard the words. This woman was also difficult to deal with, let her say everything, but Kakashi couldn’t refute it.

Because Hei Tu was right, first, she would not leave, and second, since it was true that all came, it would be better to follow him.

There are many snakes, insects, rats and ants in this forest. If the black soil has three long and two short, Kakashi is also to blame.

Hey, why did she keep up? Kakashi shrugged his dead fish eyes, feeling really helpless.

But now Kakashi really has no time and no mood to talk to the black soil ghosts. Orochimaru is in this forest now. If he hides for a minute, it may be more variable and dangerous.

After pondering for a while, Kakashi made a decision: “Then Kakashi-san, if you want to follow me, then you must obey my command.”

“Haha!” Hei Mu smiled triumphantly: “You’re welcome Kakashi-senior, just call me Hei Mu. Don’t worry, I just want to join in the fun, and I will definitely not cause trouble!”

“Hey.” Kakashi sighed softly and said, “So black soil, you have to do two things. First, don’t leave my sight now.”

“Okay, okay.” Black soil responded quickly.

“Second, if you are in danger, you must go when I tell you to go!” Kakashi said sternly.

Hearing this, the black soil looked at Kakashi with a smile, and saw that Kakashi was serious, and a glimmer of light flashed in her eyes: “Is the opponent very strong?”

Kakashi looked at the black soil after hearing this, shook his head and said, “This matter has nothing to do with you.”

“Really?” Hei Tu sneered: “Kakashi-senpai, don’t underestimate me. Although I am young and famous, I am very strong.”

“Heh.” Kakashi chuckled slightly, and said, “It has nothing to do with strength, but you are Konoha’s guest. We will solve Konoha’s own problems.”

“Really?” Hei Tu smiled: “Okay, I see, if I encounter danger, I will run away immediately, and I will never care about your life or death, Senior.”

Hearing this, Kakashi had a black line on his head: “I said you, your personality is very bad.”

“No no, just obey your instructions.” Hei Tu smiled, looking a little black.

Kakashi was unable to spit out, knotted his hands and patted on the ground: “Ninfa: Summoning Technique!”

With a bang and white smoke, Parker appeared.

“Yo, Kakashi!” Parker raised his paw, looked around, and immediately began to complain: “I said you, don’t always call to such a dangerous place.”

“Hey, what kind of dog is this cute!” Black Earth looked at Fleshy Parker, with a peach blossom on his face.

“It’s urgent, help me find Shima, do you remember his taste?” Kakashi ignored Parker’s complaints and said directly.

“Of course.” Parker heard the words and sniffed his nose: “Why, it’s in the dead forest, that’s too easy. That direction, less than ten kilometers away.”

“Very close!” Kakashi was overjoyed when he heard this, and said, “Take me, Black Earth, keep up!”

After all, the two rushed towards Zhizhen.

On the other side, Zhizhen rushed madly while using the Chongjian Technique to search for the whereabouts of Naruto and the others.

With the perspective of nearly 10,000 bugs, finding someone is a very easy task.

Through the perspective of a bug, Zhizhen immediately found the little Sakura, but a closer look revealed that Zhizhen’s eyes were cracked.

Little Sakura was in tatters, her face was swollen, her clothes were ripped open, and blood was bleeding, lying on the ground with bruises and broken hair.

Not far away, Xiao Li was lying on the ground not knowing his life or death.

In the tree hole behind them, Naruto and Sasuke were faintly visible.

They were guarded by Shikamaru, but the three of them were also embarrassed with bruised noses and swollen faces.

And their enemy, who is not the Otonin trio? !

Except for them, Zhizhen didn’t know the other group of Otonin, which was not in the original work, and they laughed wildly after Toss.

Staring at them as if looking at ants.

Seeing this scene, Shima was furious, and Orochimaru still succeeded!

Thinking of this, Zhizhen immediately speeded up and rushed in the direction where little Sakura was!

Shikamaru, Chōji, and Ino, panting heavily, looking at the enemy in front of them with a sense of powerlessness.

“Too unfavorable! Six vs. three! Moreover, these six guys are not general, do you want to use flash bombs!? No, it’s too late!” Shikamaru gritted his teeth, thinking about the countermeasures quickly.

Ino looked at the miserable situation of little Sakura behind him, and an angry rush into his forehead: “Damn it, these guys!”

“Don’t be impulsive, Ino!” Shikamaru felt Ino’s anger and quickly persuaded.

Chōji changed his normal state without showing a look of fear, and squinted at Sack, with a rare killing intent in his eyes.

“Shikamaru, use me to your heart’s content!” Chōji said, “Anyway, kill one!”

“Chōji.” Shikamaru gritted his teeth and lost his former calmness.

How to do! What should I do! ? How can I survive and kill these bastards again! ?

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