Chapter 331 Fengying’s Third Sister and Brother Appear! (Please subscribe!)

Feeling Orochimaru’s murderous intent, Ichitosai and the others were indescribably surprised, and Zhizhen really made it clear that this guy would attack his companion!

And it came so fast that he said he would do it, Shima asked one second before, and Orochimaru would do it one second later.

“Let me go!” Without hesitation, Chuichiro acted immediately.

“Tadaichiro!” Ichitosai and Kojiro shouted, trying to stop them.

But Chuichiro didn’t wait for them to say more, and with a light tiptoe, he swooped down towards Orochimaru quickly.

Orochimaru was not surprised or panicked when he saw this. He just sneered and asked, “Why, if I kill my own companion, do you want to be nosy?”

“It’s nosy, but no matter what you want to do, I won’t let you succeed!” Chuichiro said loudly.

“Well, forget it, I can’t let you do bad things this time.” Orochimaru grinned grimly, and didn’t say much. He directly sealed his hands and slapped his palms to the ground: “Ninfa: Summoning Technique!”

The next moment, a giant snake larger than the blue snake appeared behind Orochimaru, with its mouth wide open, and biting at Chuichiro while hissing.

Chuichiro was shocked, and quickly performed a double jump in the air, and jumped up, avoiding the bite of the giant snake.

However, Chuichiro escaped, but after such a delay, he missed the best time to stop Orochimaru.

I saw Orochimaru, licking his lips, and the whole person began to glide on the ground like a snake: “Ninfa: Snake!”

The speed made Xiang Rin horrified. When she looked back, she saw a cold smile on Orochimaru’s face, like a Lion Majesty hunting down her prey.

Seeing this, Xiang Rong was in a cold sweat, soaking his back in an instant, and the speed under his feet was three minutes faster. There was only one thought in his mind, that is, escape.

However, Orochimaru snaked faster than Xiang Rin’s running speed. She didn’t even run a distance of more than ten meters, and Orochimaru chased her behind.

He exploded with a terrifying killing intent, mixed with Chakra, and instantly swept Xiangrong and wrapped it in it.

The killing intent penetrated the body, and Xiang Lin’s body was suddenly imbalanced and lost strength, and he staggered and fell to the ground. A large layer of skin was worn away from his arm, and the blood was flowing.

Regardless of the pain, she looked back and saw Orochimaru’s mouth wide open, stretched out her hand and grabbed her ankle: “Come on, Xiangrong!”

Xianglin’s eyes reddened when she saw this. She thought that she had met a good person and could finally leave the village of Caonin, but in a blink of an eye, she would die in the hands of this “good person”. How ridiculous!

She burst into tears and cried bitterly: “Why!”

The voice was full of sorrow and sadness, and Anko was ready to get up to save Xiangrong, but Anko, who was cursed, was weak.

Ichitosai and Kojiro were cold, and in a very bad mood, they secretly shook their heads, it was too late.

With that giant snake in the way, Chuichiro couldn’t make it past anyway.

Chuichiro was so angry that he almost vomited blood, almost shattered his teeth, and heard Xiang Rin’s cry, which made Chuichiro, who had a sense of justice, furious.

It raised its sword arm high and slashed down at the giant snake. A huge blade of light slashed directly on the giant snake. The blood sprayed, the giant snake neighed, and entered a state of madness, biting wildly. Chuichiro!

“Damn it!” Chuichiro couldn’t help letting out an angry roar, it was too late!

Orochimaru reached out and grabbed at Xiang Rin, Xiang Rin closed her eyes, her heart was ashamed, and her life ended here.

At this moment, Xiang Lin heard a peculiar rustle, and her ankle did not feel like being caught.

She felt tight and opened her eyes. At some point, a small cloud of sand gathered in front of her, just blocking Orochimaru’s hand reaching him.

The cloud of sand keeps spinning, and the dust in the air seems to be attracted, absorbed by the sand, and grows rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Orochimaru’s face changed, and he tried to break the sand that came out of thin air.

However, to Orochimaru’s surprise, this mass of sand was much harder than he thought, and it was impossible to penetrate it with his hands.

Orochimaru’s heart shuddered and wanted to pull his hand, but his hand seemed to be stuck in the sand, and he couldn’t pull it out at all.

As the sand increased, the mass of sand began to spread towards Orochimaru’s body, slowly wrapping around his arms, and spreading to his shoulders in a short while, making Orochimaru immobile.

“This kind of technique…Shayin Village…” Orochimaru’s eyes were cold, and he knotted with one hand: “Ninfa: Hidden Shadow Multi-Shooter!”

With a bang, a muffled sound, the entire mass of sand suddenly burst open, and then with this power, Orochimaru hurriedly pumped his hand, and then withdrew a few meters, his face was very ugly: “Who!”

what’s the situation? Xiang Lin is very puzzled, who is he asking?

Just when Xiang Rin couldn’t figure out what had happened, a whirlwind suddenly appeared in front of him, the whirlwind dissipated, and three figures blocked her in front of her.

Xiang Rong looked intently. These were two men and a woman. One of them was carrying a knife wrapped in bandages, the woman was holding a huge fan, and the leading one was carrying a gourd.

The moment he saw this gourd, Xiang Lin instantly recognized who it was, the monster from Shayin Village!

The person here is the third sister and brother of Fengying!

Xiang Lin was even more scared in her heart, how could it be, how could this monster also be here.

Although Gaara rescued her, the ominous and evil Chakra in the opponent’s body was terrified to Xiang Rin’s words.

She moved her body, tiptoedly preparing to escape.

“Don’t be afraid, little sister, we won’t do anything to you.” Temari looked at Xiang Rin who was too scared behind him, and suddenly spoke.

“Ah!” Xiang Lin was startled and looked at Temari’s expression. Seeing that she didn’t seem to be pretending, he nodded silently, not daring to move.

When Ichitozai and the others saw that Xiang Rin was rescued, they all breathed a sigh of relief, but when they saw Gaara, the three suddenly became nervous.

For them, who are naturally able to interact with natural energy, their perception is also naturally outstanding.

The moment Gaara took the shot, they instantly felt the violent Chakra inside him.

“Jinchūriki…” Chunichiro jumped back on top of the giant rock worm, and the three of them glanced at each other, thinking that things were getting more and more troublesome.

Anko was equally surprised. She didn’t expect that Sha Yin would come over and save Xiang Rin.

The development of the matter was somewhat unexpected, and at the same time I became worried.

Gaara’s identity, Anko also knows, that is Fourth Kazekage’s son.

Appearing here now, if it folds in Orochimaru’s hands, Konoha is really to blame.

However, what Anko didn’t know was that Fourth Kazekage wanted him to die in Konoha, and Sain had already formed an alliance with Orochimaru, ready to deal with Konoha.

But Anko didn’t care, she immediately yelled, “Sayin candidates, it’s none of your business here! Leave!”

Hearing Anko’s call, Kankuro and Temari looked at each other, feeling a strange feeling in their hearts.

This is the chief examiner of the second game. It feels weird to worry about their safety.

You know, even their father Fourth Kazekage didn’t care about the safety of their visit to Konoha this time.

The two shrugged and ignored Anko’s words.

Seeing Gaara and the three of them turned a deaf ear, Anko confronted Orochimaru on his own, feeling extremely anxious.

She is now inconvenient to move around, so she can only look to Zhizhen, hoping that Zhizhen can let them leave.

Anko looked up, and suddenly became angry, he was meowing, this guy with sunglasses is still meditating!

“Jizhen, what are you doing!” Anko couldn’t help but shouted.

“Please be quiet, Konoha’s ninja, Shizhen is preparing for the next battle.” Ichitosai said.

When Anko heard this, he couldn’t speak, preparing? Just meditate like this. Why do you prepare? Ah, is it Sage Mode?

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