Chapter 348 Ending (please subscribe!)

“Ah, there was too much movement here, Uemon and I rushed over immediately.” Said Zaemon, looking at Ichitozai behind Zhizhen with a little surprise in his eyes.

“Master Shima, they are…” Zaemon asked.

“It’s the first time you two have seen each other. This is my Summoning beast, the praying mantises of Juyegu!” Zhizhen smiled, “They are Ichitosai, Chuichiro, and Kojiro respectively.”

Ichitozai and the others didn’t say much about their heads slightly. Obviously, they didn’t have much interest in humans other than Zhizhen.

Praying mantis? It’s actually a praying mantis? Zaemon and Uemon glanced at each other, and both saw the shock in each other’s eyes.

Although these three guys didn’t make any moves, their distinctive aura also made people understand that they weren’t generic.

Looking at the knife marks on the surrounding ground, Zaemon and Uemon looked at their three huge sword arms, and instantly felt that this was caused by Ichito Saisai.

Surprised for a while, the two looked at Orochimaru not far away, with extremely complicated expressions in their eyes.

There is respect for Orochimaru as Sannin, dislike for his defected village, tension with Orochimaru, and puzzled by Orochimaru’s return to Konoha.

Without knowing them, almost everyone present had almost the same emotion in their eyes.

Zaemon looked at Orochimaru, who was smiling and calm, and couldn’t help muttering to himself: “The legend of Konoha Sannin, Orochimaru…”

Hearing this, Uemon also said: “He seems to have not changed the slightest from ten years ago.”

Zaemon and Uemon trained in Anbu since they were young, and they were not very familiar with Orochimaru. They just listened to their legends since they were young, and occasionally saw them with Third Generation.

What impressed them the most was that after the Battle of Kikyo Mountain, the three of them walked in the streets of the village surrounded by Konoha Shinobi.

The streets were full of Konoha residents, cheering everywhere they went.

Looking at Jiraiya and Orochimaru, the young Zaemon was passionate, thinking about becoming a ninja like them.

As for the beautiful and powerful Tsunade, Uemon sees him as a role model, and Shindo must become a world-famous ninja like her.

But no one thought that just after the Battle of Kikyo Mountain, Sannin left one after another.

It is precisely because of this that, apart from knowing them, the two actually didn’t say a word.

After all, it has been ten years since Sannin left Konoha. At that time, they were young, and it was impossible for people of Sannin’s level to have any intersection.

Now looking at Orochimaru alive, the idols of his youth are standing in front of him, so close to them, it’s no wonder that Zaemon’s mood is difficult to calm down.

“Zaoemon, Uemon, he is no longer our Konoha’s Sannin.” Kakashi said in a deep voice.

“Yes.” Zuoweimen quickly recovered, and secretly said that he was a little gagged.

Uemon glanced at Orochimaru and stopped paying attention. Instead, he looked at Shima, with an imperceptible concern in his beautiful eyes.

She looked at the green lines on Zhizhen’s face and asked, “The lines on your face are the legendary Sage Mode.”

“Yeah.” Zhizhen nodded, “This is the trick I learned in Juyegu.”

Hearing this, Uemon looked at the mess around him, and he could guess how fierce Shijin’s battle with Orochimaru was.

“Shizhen-sama, the opponent is very strong, even the only learned Sage Mode is used.” Zaemon said.

“What do you mean?” Zhizhen smiled, and said, “This guy is really good. I thought I learned Sage Mode and I relied on it. As a result, the other party still stood on the opposite side.”

Although he is worthy of Orochimaru, it does not mean that Shizhen denies Orochimaru’s strength and honestly admits that he is inadequate.

“What about you, are you okay?” Uemon asked.

“Well, although I have suffered some injuries, it is not a major problem.” Zhizhen said.

Uemon was relieved when he heard the words, but at the same time, he was a little shocked at Shijin’s strength. Now Shijin has grown up to be able to compete against Orochimaru without any major problems?

Thinking back to Zhizhen a year ago, he couldn’t even use ninjutsu, but now he has grown to this point, really fast.

The current Zhizhen, Hikari’s combat power, probably far surpassed her.

Thinking of this, Uemon felt a feeling of being left behind. She felt inexplicably that if this continued, maybe she would not be able to follow Zhizhen again in the future.

The current Uemon had already established a bond with Shijin, and she didn’t want to be left behind.

Zaemon looked at Uemon’s beautiful face and immediately knew what she was thinking, but Zaemon didn’t say anything, because he thought the same as Uemon.

Zhizhen now is different from the past and doesn’t need their protection anymore.

Uemon shook his head, shook off the mess of thoughts in his mind, and returned to his true colors: “You fellow, it wouldn’t be possible without me. Don’t worry, I will fight with you later!”

“Hehe, yes yes yes, you are the best, you are the cutest.” Zhizhen said with a smile.

The invisible eluding is the most deadly. Hearing Zhizhen’s praise of his cuteness, Uemon’s face flushed slightly, and his heart uttered a grotesquely disgusting guy.

“Don’t talk nonsense, now is not the time to make jokes!” Uemon hurriedly said.

After that, Uemon turned his head away, staring at Orochimaru, suppressing the tension in his heart, ready to take action at any time.

Shijin looked at Uemon’s back and chuckled lightly, but then frowned.

With so many people on the scene now, he couldn’t do anything without any scruples. Once he used his full strength, these Konoha’s companions would be affected by 200%.

Especially Zaemon and Uemon, Shima didn’t want them to be hurt at all.

Since force attack is not enough, then sneak attack is fine.

And Orochimaru is not an idiot, he is not stupid enough to fight so many people, and now he is afraid that he will run away.

Thinking of this, he stepped forward and whispered: “Senior, Orochimaru may have to run, procrastinate for me.”

Kakashi understood the words, but Shizhen moved his position calmly. Leaning on Kakashi’s cover, Shizhen slowly directed the giant rock worm into the ground and crawled towards Orochimaru.

Kakashi nodded, Shizhen could think of it, but Kakashi naturally didn’t think of it.

Looking at the Konoha Shinobi who were present, seeing Orochimaru seemed stupid, doing nothing, just staring like that.

Of course, they are not to blame, the opponent is Orochimaru, the legend of Konoha after all.

When ordinary people meet, of course they are so nervous that they dare not move.

Therefore, it is a bit unrealistic to rely on them to round up Orochimaru.

Even if they have the courage to confront Orochimaru, they are not strong enough.

Kakashi thought about this and told Third Generation to bring Shizhen together.

In fact, Shizhen didn’t let him down either, and being able to compete with Orochimaru for so long before he arrived is enough to show his strength.

On the other hand, Orochimaru, as if seeing these surroundings as nothing, just continued to observe Kakashi with a smile, and did not pay attention to these support at all.

Taking advantage of this, Kakashi spoke directly: “Okay, Orochimaru will catch it, you have no way to escape.”

Orochimaru said, “You can grow up to this day, I think Fourth Hokage may be very happy.”

Hearing this, Kakashi felt an inexplicable anger, and said solemnly, “Come with me to see Master Hokage and tell him everything.”

“I have nothing to explain to Third Generation.” Orochimaru said.

Hearing this, Kakashi’s face sank: “What is your purpose in Konoha?”

“I have told Shizhen-kun what I should say. I want to know, just ask him.” Orochimaru said.

After that, Kakashi looked at Shima, who nodded slightly.

Kakashi didn’t ask much when he heard the words, Orochimaru continued: “Well, it’s almost today, I have had a great time.”

“You’re happy, but I haven’t, Orochimaru, you want to go, but it’s not that easy.” Shijin sneered, stepped forward, ready to take action.

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