Chapter 354 The so-called Will of Fire (please subscribe!)

“Nonsense! Do you still want to hold others back!?” Huang Tu glared at Hei Tu when he heard the words: “Go, I’ll educate you in a while!”

The black soil hurriedly put out his tongue, not daring to speak any more.

Then, Huang Tu looked at Kakashi, who was also an experienced ninja, and knew that Hei Tu must have followed Kakashi, so he said to Kakashi: “Kakashi, I’m sorry, I’ve caused you trouble.”

Kakashi naturally didn’t say anything when he heard this, but said: “Hey, Mr. Huang Tu, don’t worry, the black soil has not been hurt at all.”

Huang Tu nodded when he heard the words, and said, “I owe you a favor, so I don’t need to say more. It’s important to deal with that guy now.”

After all, Huang Tu looked at Zhizhen, this is the sunglasses in Hei Tu’s mouth -kun, right? Really young, seventeen or eighteen?

Can you fight against Orochimaru with someone like Kakashi at this age? Konoha is really talented.

Huang Tu secretly noted the appearance of Zhizhen.

When everyone looked at Orochimaru, the original melon-eating crowd saw Third Generation coming, and their confidence suddenly rose.

Anko was also excited when he saw Third Generation, and at the same time, he thought, Orochimaru is really over.

However, looking at Orochimaru again, he still has a pleasant face. Surrounded by so many masters, he still doesn’t change his face. This kind of courage and demeanor is indeed very impressive.

Third Generation looked at Orochimaru and asked, “Ten years, I didn’t expect you to come back.”

“Konoha is my hometown, come back and see, there is nothing wrong, right.” Orochimaru looked at Third Generation and said with a smile. He didn’t know the situation, and thought he was really Yuzu back home.

“You didn’t want to see it as simple as you came back.” Third Generation asked: “What do you want to do? Do you want to be against Konoha?”

“It’s really chilling, is it in your heart that I just don’t miss the old feelings? Will do something bad to Konoha.” Orochimaru said.

“Because you have done it once.” Third Generation said.

“It seems that by now, you still think I’m harming Konoha.” Orochimaru said.

“Those things you do are against human ethics and intolerance.” Third Generation said.

“Ten years in the past, you are still so pedantic.” Orochimaru looked at Third Generation, his original smile disappeared, and he turned to a disappointed look. He was really disappointed.

“Everything I did in the past was for Konoha, and you just think I was harming Konoha.” Orochimaru shook his head.

“What you call for Konoha will only put Konoha on the target.” Third Generation said: “Do you still think you have done nothing wrong?”

Hearing this, everyone present knew what Third Generation was talking about, not just the Konoha ninjas like Shizhen.

Even people in the outer village have heard about it. More than a decade ago, Orochimaru defected.

As for the reason, it is said that the ninja from the same village was caught for a live experiment and was hunted down by Third Generation.

This was not a secret back then, so Third Generation did not evade it. Although the ugliness of the family cannot be publicized, it has already been publicized and cannot be covered.

And everyone present felt that Third Generation was right. Orochimaru’s practice of large-scale human experiments, if Third Generation supports or ignores it, will only plunge Konoha into the torrent of public opinion, and make Konoha’s reputation and reputation Prestige dropped directly to the bottom.

It is often the trouble that defenders come to Konoha, and even other villages will aggressively attack Konoha for this reason.

In this regard, Third Generation has absolutely nothing wrong.

However, Orochimaru sneered at this, saying: “To this day, you still care about the opinions of others.”

Orochimaru said again: “self-righteous, wishful thinking, this is your greatest characteristic. Wrong understanding of other people’s meaning, wishful thinking to pursue the ideal peace.”

“Isn’t it right to pursue peace?” Third Generation said: “When Konoha established the village, he was striving to create an era of mutual understanding, a truly peaceful era.”

Orochimaru sneered and said, “You want peace, but other people don’t want peace. After all, the Ninja world wants peace, and only use force, no one wants to subdue to others. In the end, it is not a fight. You kill me and I kill you, peace is far away Indefinitely.”

“Konoha has today, and it is also built on countless blood. I study living bodies and study Forbidden Technique. These powers could have shined on the battlefield. But you have a better face and choose what will of fire. You The so-called era of mutual understanding sounds like just a fairy tale.”

“I don’t expect you to understand the will of fire left by First Generation and Second Generation, but Konoha’s path is only this, and there will always be only this one.” Third Generation said.

“As early as the establishment of Konoha, with the power of First Generation II and Youyu Chiha Madara, there was a chance to complete the unification of the world, but your teachers just gave up and pursued the will of fire. The power is divided, and what checks and balances are said about each other. I still haven’t figured out what is necessary for checks and balances.”

“If First Generation is willing, now those people next to you have already put on Konoha’s forehead protector.”

Hearing this, everyone’s expressions sank, Orochimaru straightforwardly exposed the facts and slapped the five big nations.

Regarding Orochimaru’s previous remarks aside, Shijin agrees with Orochimaru’s views on this matter.

Not to mention the tail beasts, just the First Generation alone can make the whole world surrender, plus a Uchiha Madara, and there is only one country of fire in the world.

“Sure enough, you didn’t understand First Generation’s will at all.” Third Generation shook his head and said, “I don’t even understand the meaning of a ninja.”

“Yes, First Generation is pursuing an era of mutual understanding. As a result, as soon as he died, the five great nations were ready to move.” Orochimaru said: “The tailed beasts that were separated became weapons, and the Ninja world was trapped in a battle that lasted for decades. How many people died in Konoha during the second and third world wars?”

“I thought you would learn the lessons of First Generation, but in the end you still chose the old way and talked about the will of fire.” Orochimaru sneered.

“The peace created by force will eventually be overthrown by force. Even if the approach you said unifies the world, war will eventually break out.” Third Generation said.

“But at least there are still decades of peace.” Orochimaru said, “Isn’t it?”

Third Generation is right, and Zhizhen agrees.

To put it bluntly, Orochimaru and Third Generation chose completely different paths.

Third Generation shook his head when he heard the words. “Do you know why I chose Minato to inherit the position of Hokage instead of you?”

“Because Minato perfectly inherited Konoha’s will.” Third Generation said decisively.

“Haha.” Orochimaru snorted and said, “What then? Minato, who inherited the so-called will of fire, died. In terms of the result, do you think you did it right? Let him, who was just in his early twenties, Put the burden of Hokage on your back, did you do it right?”

When the Third Generation heard the words, he was taken aback for a moment, and then his speech was stagnant.

Orochimaru smiled and said, “This is where you fail. You will always think you are right. The will to open your mouth and shut your mouth to fire.”

“The fire is burning, and it cannot be separated from the firewood that fuels the flame. Without the lives of others, without us being born and dying in the war for Konoha, the so-called will to fire in your mouth has long been cold.”

Orochimaru looked at Third Generation with an extremely pitiful look: “Keep talking for Konoha, but your approach is to make people laugh. Also for Konoha, Danzo is better than you.”

Third Generation’s eyes were cold when he heard the words, and said: “Sure enough, you and him are the same kind of people, and you agree with this kind of unscrupulous practice to achieve goals.”

“I don’t agree, but at least it has an effect, and your approach will only make people sacrifice in vain.” Orochimaru said: “That’s why Jiraiya and Tsunade left the village one after another.”

“Their relatives and friends were killed by the enemy, and Tsunade’s younger brother and lover died in the war respectively. But you are now happily holding the Chūnin exam with those hostile villages that killed our Konoha countless ninjas.” Orochimaru said. : “Whether Nawaki or Shun, their deaths were rendered worthless by you.”

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