Chapter 394 Reasons (please subscribe!)

Throughout the afternoon, everyone in Konoha was talking about Orochimaru’s return.

And the content is like this.

“Do you know that Orochimaru is back?”

“Who doesn’t know Orochimaru now?”

“By the way, I heard that there was a guy who singled out Orochimaru in the Death Forest.”

“Ah, I heard that, thanks to him, Master Anko survived. Remember the name seems to be Aburame Shima?”

“It’s him, from the Aburame clan.”

“Really? The Aburame clan is strong, but not so strong.”

“That’s still false, Mr. Anko has admitted it himself.”


Then I asked people who Zhizhen knew well, and Zhizhen’s reputation directly began to soar.

“I know about this, Zhizhen, that kid has become stronger again.” This is Gang Zitie said.

“It seems that when he went out this time, the harvest was not so big.” This is what Shenyue Izumo said.

“What? Fight against Orochimaru? Who? Oh, Shijin, that’s not so strange.” This is Shiranui Genma said.

“Jijin-kun did such a dangerous thing again?” Yakumo said.

“This is the truth.” This is what Kakashi said

The most overwhelming is Uncle Zhizhen, Aburame Zhiwei. He also heard the news, but he didn’t say anything.

Until someone asked him, he told Zhiwei what he knew.

As a result, Zhiwei said lightly: “Unfortunately, I didn’t win.”

Give Zhizhen a god assist!

My day! You are too pretending!

Your nephew is only 17 years old. Want to win against Orochimaru?

If we really win, we won’t be alive!

Zhiwei said again: “I thought it was possible.”

Watfaq? ! Excessive!

It is not difficult to see that this is Zhiwei deliberately creating momentum for Zhizhen, and the results are very impressive, so that Zhizhen’s force has been directly promoted by two grades.

As soon as the news spread, Konoha fryed the pot directly.

“What, Patriarch Zhiwei thinks his nephew can win?”

“My God, that Aburame Zhizhen is so strong?”

“Maybe really strong, I heard Master Hokage value him very much!”

In the end, it became: “It is said that Shima could have won, but he made a mistake and underestimated Orochimaru.”

Facing Orochimaru, underestimate him? Then made a mistake? The result is still alive?

Is this Aburame Zhizhen a god?

As long as there are ninjas in the family, or friends who are ninjas, after such word of mouth, in just a few hours, Zhizhen’s name will ring so hard!

However, Zhizhen didn’t know all of this.

He has been experiencing a new life with Aromatic Phosphorus, and he has no idea what happened.

Just as Zhizhen was thinking about it, a woman came over with the child: “Master Zhizhen, thank you so much.”

“Well, you are so polite.” Zhizhen returned to his senses and smiled.

Seeing that Zhizhen was so kind and humble, everyone boldly came over to talk.

“Go on, young man,” an old lady said.

“Okay.” Zhizhen responded.

“You must support Konoha in the future! Master Zhizhen!” said a young man.

“Of course.” Zhizhen answered with a smile.

“Don’t be too proud, Master Zhizhen.” A woman said.

“Yes, yes, I will continue to work hard.” Zhizhen replied.

“Sir, sign my child. My child has been obsessed with you for a long time.” said the aunt.

“What nonsense, how old is your child, is actually obsessed with Lord Shizhen?” another woman said.

“You know what a fart, Master Zhizhen will definitely be stronger in the future. Now you have to sign early, it will be valuable in the future!”

“…” Zhizhen has nothing to say.

After a while, Zhizhen finally dismissed the enthusiastic Konoha residents.

When he arrived in the private room, Zhizhen sighed with a long sigh of relief and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Seeing Zhizhen’s appearance, Xianglin pushed his glasses, recalling Zhizhen’s kindness to others just now, Xindao Zhizhen was really a very gentle person.

At this moment, the mentality of Aromatic Phosphorus has slowly changed. Compared with the initial worry and fear, Phosphorus Phosphorus is no longer so restrained.

She looked at Zhizhen and tried to start talking: “Master Zhizhen, I don’t seem to say thank you yet.”

“Huh?” Zhizhen glanced at Xianglin, and then said, “You are welcome.”

Xianglin glanced at Zhizhen, hesitated for a while, and said a little bit tightly: “Master Zhizhen, I have a question for you.”

“Ask.” Zhizhen said directly.

“Why do you want me?” Xianglin hesitated, still asking this question.

After hearing the words, Zhizhen thought for a while, and looked a little nervous and shy looking at Xianglin’s appearance. Obviously want to be crooked.

Zhizhen looked at Xianglin and smiled and asked, “Do you think I have an unruly attempt?”

“Ah.” Being dispelled by Zhizhen’s words, Xianglin waved his hand in a panic: “No, no, I just want to know the reason.”

“Oh.” Zhizhen smiled and said jokingly: “What if it is.”

Xianglin was taken aback, was silent for a while, and said, “Then I will be ready.”

With that, Xianglin raised his head and looked at Zhizhen, unable to tell whether he was disappointed or relieved in his eyes.

It seemed that disappointed Zhizhen really coveted her body, and was relieved that Zhizhen really had a plot against her.

That is a very strange feeling.

But it’s no wonder that Phosphorus thinks this way. The growing experience has made Phosphorus not easy to believe in the goodwill of others, let alone believe that someone in this world would be good to him for no reason.

Fortunately, she has nothing long on her body, except for that special ability, only this body.

Then use your body to repay him, as his reward for saving me back to Konoha and buying me clothes.

After that, Xianglin planned to leave Zhizhen and leave Konoha.

Zhizhen was taken aback when he heard the words, then he laughed and said, “What are you thinking about, little girl? I have a girlfriend.”

“Huh?” Xianglin was taken aback, have a girlfriend?

“The reason why I brought you back is actually not that complicated. At the beginning of the transaction, I said that I wanted you just to block Orochimaru.” Zhizhen decided to tell the truth to Xianglin, lest Xianglin think about it.

“What surprised me was that you really wanted to.” Zhizhen said.

Xianglin was silent for a while after hearing the words. For some reason, she always felt a little empty. Did the adult bring her back just to deal with Orochimaru?

It turned out that the adults didn’t like me, nor did they want to help me, but just to add to Orochimaru’s obstacles.

“When Orochimaru wanted to kill me, I had already decided to run away.” Aroma Phosphorus regained the initial indifference and said calmly: “I think I caused trouble to the adults. I’m really sorry.”

Then Xianglin said: “I will leave.”

Zhizhen was keenly aware of the change in Xianglin’s mood, and he quickly said: “Don’t get me wrong, I’m not bothered.”

Xianglin glanced at Zhizhen, lowered his head and asked, “Really? Then I ask you, if I don’t want to, will you bring me back?”

“Of course, if you don’t want to, I will grab it.” Zhizhen said with a smile.

“Huh?” This answer was beyond Xianglin’s expectation. She was taken aback first, then her face turned red, so she wanted to steal me? this……

Zhizhen said: “Who is Orochimaru, I know better than you, you follow him, I am not happy.”

“Unhappy?” Hearing this, Xianglin couldn’t help thinking, following you, will you be happy?

For a while, Xianglin couldn’t figure out Zhizhen’s thoughts. With your remarks, does it really fall in love with me? Still didn’t like me?

“Why are you upset?” Xianglin asked.

After hearing this, Zhizhen looked at Xianglin and said, “Because I think you should have a better life.”

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