Chapter 452 Wánshān (please subscribe!)

Although Wánshān uttered Hao Shengsi’s technique in one go, the Genins were still stunned.

What kind of technique is Jinhua Technique? Can you eat it?

But they didn’t know that these knowledgeable Jōnin had heard of it.

“It turned out to be this technique.” Kakashi suddenly came over.

Little Sakura heard what Kakashi said, and immediately understood that Kakashi knew it, and couldn’t help asking, “Ms. Kakashi, what is this technique?”

“This is Iwagakure’s secret technique. It is said that it can control the traces of metal elements in the body to cover the surface of the body. As Chakra strengthens, the defense power becomes stronger.”

“It has excellent resistance to physical attacks such as physical attacks. Even Water Style, Wind Style, and Fire Style have considerable resistance. Only Lightning Style can effectively restrain it.”

“But I have only seen it in some documents, and I don’t know how it is. This is the first time I have seen it.”

Kakashi said while observing Kokatsumi.

“Do you control the trace metal elements and Lightning Style in your body?” Little Sakura thoughtfully.

After Kakashi’s reminder, everyone understood.

Tsujido glanced at Kakashi dissatisfiedly, saying that you talk too much in his heart.

However, the black soil smiled and said, “As expected of the famous Kakashi-senpai, he is so knowledgeable.”

“Ha…” Kakashi didn’t want to pay attention to the black soil, the girl was a little difficult for him.

However, no matter how much black soil is, I walked directly to the location of Kakashi and said: “Yes, this is the secret of my Iwagakure, the golden technique. But it can be used not only for defense, but also as offensive ninjutsu. Very good. Amazing, senior Kakashi.”

This is natural, and a strong defensive power can naturally be converted into an offensive power.

Tsujido was speechless, and said silently in his heart: “Sister, what do you tell the other Ninjutsu villagers about your village’s ninjutsu?!”

Looking at the youthful and beautiful face of the black soil, Kakashi pulled down the forehead protector and said, “Well, it’s really amazing. Normal ninjutsu, except Lightning Style, can’t effectively restrain it.”

“But, that’s it.” Kakashi added to himself, he is an expert in Lightning Style, and he can be in the soul with a shot of Raikiri.

“Yeah, hehe.” Kuroi got Kakashi’s acknowledgment, obviously very happy, as if she was the best person.

Zhizhen also heard Kakashi’s explanation, and he was immediately settled.

He and Kakashi have the same idea.

Knowing that Jin Hua Technique is such a principle, then it doesn’t matter.

In addition to the Lightning Style mentioned by Kakashi, Shizhen also came up with several cracking methods.

Although it’s awkward to control the metal elements in the body, it is not invincible.

First of all, his giant rock worm eats this specially, even more awkward.

In addition, in addition to Lightning Style, Third Kazekage’s blood limit, Magnet Style, can also effectively control it.

After all, Magnet Style, the Blood Succession Boundary, specializes in manipulating sand, iron, metal, and so on.

Moreover, even though this technique has a high defensive power, there is a limit to the load. If the strength it bears exceeds that degree, the user will still be injured.

Combining all the above, Zhizhen gave this Jinhua Technique a pertinent evaluation.

That’s okay, but not enough.

Of course, this is only for people at their level.

For Wánshān, although he is strong, he is naturally not a dimension compared to Kakashi and Zhizhen.

Although he is a Genin, his strength is very strong, even surpassing the average Chūnin.

But he is just an ordinary ninja, there is no blood limit, and he does not know Lightning Style.

Therefore, Hao Shengsi’s Jinhua Technique is a barrier that is difficult for him to break through.

“Unexpectedly, your Jinhua Technique has been practiced to this point.” Wánshān’s face was a little ugly.

“For the sake of today, I was trained hard by my father for more than a month, and this technique has improved a lot.” Hao Shengsi smiled, and the black metal on his face suddenly disappeared and returned to its original state.

Wánshān was speechless, and quickly thought about the countermeasures, how to break this “Golden Technique”.

At this moment, Hao Shengsi said: “Give up, Wánshān. You want to break my Jinhua Technique, there is no such possibility. Give me the number card and I will make Iwagakure the champion of the final.”

“Yes, that’s it. It’s okay to perform. There is no need to waste energy here.” Tsujidō thought to himself. Hao Shengsi’s performance made him very satisfied. He was advancing and retreating, showing his strength and giving it to his partners. Steps.

In fact, if you insist, Wánshān’s strength is about the same as Hao Shengsi, and he is not inferior to him in every aspect.

If he insisted on saying it, he just lost to Hao Shengsi’s Jin Hua Technique.

The difference between the two is here.

If Wánshān has the Jinhua Technique, then he is ashamed as he is.

Even if both of them are capable, the outcome is unknown.

It happened that only Hao Shengsi could do it alone, and the gap in strength came, and the winning or losing was also obvious.

As soon as these words came out, the court suddenly became quiet, and Jian Meicheng sneered: “The overall situation is settled.”

In his opinion, Hao Shengsi and Wánshān, the strength of the former has the absolute upper hand.

And although he and Lin are equal in strength, it doesn’t matter anymore.

Even if he can’t take Lin, Lin can’t take him, but Hao Shengsi won Wánshān without accident.

Hearing this, Wánshān felt frustrated for a while, but he couldn’t refute it, because it was true that it would be difficult for him to break through Hao Shengsi’s Jinhua Technique.

However, it would be too shameful to let him admit defeat at the age of fifteen and just 1.8 meters tall.

At this moment, Lin suddenly said, “Don’t give up, friend of Iwagakure, it’s not time to give up yet!”

“Huh?” Wánshān looked back and saw Lin looked serious: “You gave up, what should I do!?”

“…” Wánshān was speechless, he almost forgot, this is not his fight alone, there is also a teammate.

“Do you have a way?” Wánshān asked suddenly.

Lin Yi was taken aback and shook his head suddenly: “I can’t do anything, I can only take one step at a time.”

Wánshān was slightly disappointed, but immediately Lin Huafeng turned: “Hold on for half an hour. It’s not bad for everyone to be eliminated together!”

Wánshān’s eyes lit up when he heard this, he almost forgot that this game was a number competition, not an individual competition.

As long as the number is not taken, he has not lost, so he said: “Don’t underestimate me, Hao Shengsi! If you want to advance, you can use your strength to get it, otherwise I will hold on for half an hour and you will not be able to advance!”

“Idiot!” Tsujido felt a headache. What do you drag your own people into the water! ?

In the finals, it is naturally better to have more family members! This hapless kid!

Hearing Wánshān’s words, many Jōnin laughed, and Zhizhen couldn’t help laughing. This Wánshān was a bit hardworking.

“That won’t work.” Before Hao Shengsi spoke, Jian Meicheng replied calmly.

He has a mission to advance to the finals and face Uchiha Sasuke, but Orochimaru gave him a mission.

How can you drag you to the end? joke.

“Hey, Rock Shinobi’s, it’s time to be serious.” Ken Meisumi looked at Hao Shengmi and said.

“Huh. It’s stubborn.” Hao Shengsi chuckled, not irritated, but smiled: “However, your refusal to admit defeat is also expected. Come on, Wánshān let me see it. Your backbone, I will go all out next!”

After all, Wánshān opened his posture and waited for Hao Shengsi’s attack.

“I’ll help you!” Lin yelled, and was about to go and fight against Hao Shengsi with Wánshān.

As soon as he took a step, Jian Meicheng blocked the way: “That’s not good, don’t get in the way, kid.”

“Heh.” Lin Shen said: “It seems that if you don’t solve you, there will be no way to pass.”

“Resolve me!? Don’t be ashamed!” Jian Meicheng yelled softly, bullying him again, and the two fought together.

On the other side, Hao Shengsi screamed, and immediately covered his whole body with a metal surface: “In response to your efforts, Wánshān. Come on, have a good fight!”

After all, Hao Shengsi pressed his feet, smashed the floor, and rushed towards Wánshān!

The second round, start!

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