Chapter 482 Jinchūriki (please subscribe!)

At this moment, Temari forgot to act and just stood there blankly, just like Hinata just now.

It’s not to blame Temari for losing her mind, but Fu gave her too much shock.

Especially the Chakra, which is similar to Gaara, makes Temari a little bit at a loss.

Although Fu’s character is innocent, but in battle, he is also an indifferent person.

Seeing Temari staying in place, she didn’t mean to stop at all, raising her fist, the red Chakra suddenly jumped and burned like a flame.

Get hit by this punch, that’s okay! ?

“Stop, Fu!” Lin Heming shouted immediately, trying to prevent Fu from giving Temari a fatal blow.

Fu naturally turned a deaf ear to his ears, and the will to fight was exuding all over his body.

“No, Fu won’t pay attention to us at all. There is no way, I can only do it.” Lin Dao.

Ming Wenyan agreed, taking advantage of the fact that there is still only one tail, stop her as soon as possible!

“Temari, run away!” Baki yelled immediately, waking up the absent-minded Temari.

The previously loose eyes regained their look, and at the same time, Fu Yi punched out and Temari quickly turned sideways.

Fu’s fist was empty, and the strong wind from his fist suddenly overturned the floor behind Temari.

“Is there such power in just a punch?” Temari was shocked, glad that she had avoided it.

However, the next scene made Temari a little skeptical of life.

Although Fu’s punch was empty, the red Chakra on her body stretched out as if consciously, forming a red palm and hitting Temari.

“What is this!?” Everyone was shocked again, this unscientific action, and the Chakra, just like alive! ?

Is this girl really human? !

And Temari, who was evasive this time, was hit by the red Chakra on the shoulder, and the whole person flew out like a bow and arrow from the string.

“Hmm!” Temari snorted, fell heavily to the ground, coughed up a mouthful of blood, and his face was full of horror: “Tsk, it hurts!”

She looked at her wound, a dark mass, as if it had been burned. Temari was shocked. Is that kind of Chakra still so corrosive?

monster! It’s really a monster!

“Thanks, Xiao Ming!” Fu said.

“You’re welcome, Fu.” Chōmei replied.

The two didn’t care about the seriousness of the matter at all.

Immediately afterwards, Fu used the Chakra of the tail beast in the air, turned around unscientifically, and attacked Temari again, seeming to have to teach Temari a lesson.

She raised her fist again, trying to attack.

When Baki saw this, he gritted his teeth and made a decision without hesitation. He stepped forward and wanted to jump into the arena, ready to save Temari.

Although Jōnin appeared on the scene, it meant that the candidate was disqualified, but it is better to live than to die.

In Baki’s eyes, Temari is definitely not Fu’s opponent.

However, before he had time to act, Lin Heming, who was not far away, said first: “Let’s go!”

After all, the two jumped into the arena.

Baki was taken aback, and abruptly dispelled the idea of ​​playing.

The two people from Takinin Village took the initiative to attack, which was the best result.

Both of them were born in Takinin Village, so there must be a way to target Fu.

Moreover, this will also guarantee Temari’s victory.

As for Kakashi, seeing Lin Heming take action, he suddenly dispelled the idea of ​​taking action.

He was already ready to take action, but he had the same idea as Baki. Takininmura sent the two of them to follow Fu, which must be an effective way to target and deal with Fu.

At this moment, the two dragons of Takinin Village showed their true strength.

The two jumped and rushed to Fu’s position extremely fast.

The moment Fu wanted to attack Temari, Lin stood in front of Fu, Ming flashed and grabbed Temari, and ran to the distance.

Seeing this scene, Baki let out a long sigh of relief, and Temari was also a little surprised, saying: “Sorry, daughter of Fourth Kazekage.”

After that, Ming put her down gently.

“Ah.” Temari was stunned, nodded, and asked, “What the hell is going on with her?”

“Sorry, this is a matter in our village, Takinin Village will take care of it.” Ming said.

Temari was silent, Shikamaru and Hinata on the side had already stayed.

“Fu, calm down.” Lin looked at Fu and said.

When Fu saw Lin, he suddenly became angry and said, “What are you doing out, go up, you will make me lose!”

“The moment you use your strength, the battle is over, Fu.” Lin Zheng said.

Fu froze for a moment, and suddenly lowered his head, the original fighting spirit weakened a lot.

Feeling Fu’s aura weakened, Lin Heming felt a little relaxed.

However, just as they thought so, Fu faintly asked, “What is this?”

“Fu?” Lin suddenly looked at Fu in confusion.

I saw Fu hung his head, clenched his fist, Ming, his voice aggrieved.

“Fu…” Lin Heming’s heart softened, and he didn’t know what to say.

“I obviously had a hard time coming out, wanting everyone to know my existence. Why can’t I behave well? I haven’t lost yet.”

Seeing Fu like this and hearing Fu’s words, Temari was taken aback. Hinata didn’t know what to say, just muttering to herself: “Miss Fu.”

“I know, I know, but Fu, this is not Takinin Village, you need to restrain yourself.” Lin paused and said.

“Restriction? It’s obviously a competition. It’s a matter of course to exert strength. Why should I restrain?” Fu raised his head with unwillingness in his eyes.

Behind her, the red Chakra stretched out again, forming a second tail.

Can it grow longer! ?

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked again, little Sakura covered her mouth and exclaimed: “Second tail!”

“Who is she!?”

Everyone talked a lot, but Naruto felt something was wrong. After he saw Fu’s tail, although he was surprised in his heart, he felt more restlessness in his body.

“What’s the matter? Why do I feel that something is coming out?” Naruto rarely yelled, but watched quietly.

Kakashi looked at Naruto, and said in his heart: “This won’t work anymore. It seems that you have to take action, otherwise it will be troublesome to resonate.”

Zaemon and Uemon glanced at each other, and the latter whispered, “Kakashi-senpai, is she…”

“Well, that’s right.” Kakashi knew what they were asking, and answered in the affirmative.

The two of them suddenly looked terrified, Kakashi looked at Asuma and Guy, and the two also looked at Kakashi and nodded slightly.

There was a meaning in his eyes: “We understand.”

Kakashi slowly lifted the forehead protector, ready to take action anytime, anywhere.

As long as Lin Hefu can’t appease Fu, Konoha will have to take military measures as the host.

“Stop, Fu! Don’t do this! You will make mistakes like this!” Lin said loudly.

“I don’t care!” Fu suddenly shouted after hearing this: “I want to win, I want everyone to know my name, I am Fu from Takinin Village!”

This sentence is so powerful that it seems to be losing his temper, but those who are interested can naturally hear the sadness behind Fu.

Naruto covered her chest and felt an unspeakable pain. Do you want everyone to know my name? Why am I?

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