Chapter 485: Opportunity, I’ll Give You! (Please subscribe!)

“Can’t it?” Fukan asked Zhizhen, “Can I really take the exam?”

As soon as this remark came out, everyone’s eyes focused on Zhizhen.

Whether you can take the exam or not depends on Zhizhen’s choice.

However, Zhizhen shouldn’t agree to Fu’s request.

After all, Zhizhen is not an idiot, he should also know how powerful Jinchūriki is.

I also know how dangerous these Genin fights with Jinchūriki are!

“No, given your strength and for the safety of other candidates, I cannot allow you to test with them again.” Zhizhen said truthfully.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone felt like it was true.

Fu had already prepared in her heart, but when she heard Zhizhen’s words, she was still disappointed in her heart. She knew who she was and everyone’s worries.

But as a ninja, Fu also hopes to use his own power to gain the approval of others.

Is this wrong? Of course it is correct.

It’s just the reality that makes Fu’s dream difficult to achieve.

This made Fu feel uncomfortable in his heart.

Seeing her like this, Zhizhen said seriously: “Fu, you have to understand that we are not targeting you, nor are you repelling you because of your identity. I just hope you can understand.”

Fu looked up at Zhizhen, and Zhizhen smiled and said: “For me, you are the examinee, I am the examiner, nothing more. I treat all examinees equally, for the safety of other examinees, that’s why I have such a decision. , This is a last resort measure.”

After hearing this, Fu glanced at Zhizhen in amazement, a little surprised Zhizhen’s attitude.

She thought that Zhizhen would refute her hard, but she didn’t expect her attitude to be so gentle. Not only was she not angry and didn’t say anything, she also explained to her so formally.

This made Fu feel a little better, and she asked: “Do you really think so?”

“Of course.” Zhizhen said truthfully: “In my eyes, your strength is very good, even if it is compared to me, it is not too much. It is just that your strength is not suitable for this level of examination.”

Although this sentence may belittle Temari, it is also true.

Although Temari is strong now, compared to Jinchūriki, it is like one is an advanced player and one has not yet made a novice village.

What’s the point of PK between the two? There is no need to mention winning or losing.

I heard Zhizhen’s words. Fu’s excitement has slowly calmed down.

She looked at Zhizhen and saw that Zhizhen’s expression was gentle, without any perfunctory expression, and finally smiled: “Thank you, sunglasses examiner.”

“Fu…” Chōmei’s voice came to her mind.

“Forget it, Xiao Ming. Everyone is afraid of our power.” Fu smiled sadly: “I thought Konoha is different from Taki Ninja Village. With Konoha’s power, Konoha’s ninjas will accept us.”

“As it turns out, it still doesn’t work.”

“It’s okay Fu, you are still young, you will definitely meet a partner who recognizes each other with you in the future.” Chōmei said.

“Thank you, Xiao Ming.” Fu said with a smile.

After that, the Chakra on his body gradually faded, and the mode of the tail beast’s coat was suddenly lifted.

Everyone was taken aback, and then relieved, Jinchūriki understood it.

If Fu is still so unreasonable to make trouble, then the matter is really troublesome.

But Fu, as Jinchūriki, is really good at controlling his power, and he can move freely.

Moreover, it’s just this age.

It seems that Takinin Village can survive in the cracks between the four great nations, and it seems that it is not just relying on Konoha’s shelter.

With limited resources, to cultivate such a Jinchūriki, I have to say that Takinin Village still has some means and skills.

It seems that in the future, we can also try to deepen our exchanges with Takinin Village.

Many Jōnin thought.

Jōnin think of many things from Fu’s strength.

But their disciples have a completely different attitude.

Seeing Fu’s smile, Naruto felt a pain in his heart for some reason.

Gaara closed her eyes and didn’t want to look any more.

Wusuo Lihua looked at Fu, and the thought of challenge arose in her heart: “I really want to see her true power.”

Not only him, but the Tufangyan Temple also rarely raised the same thought: “Jinchūriki? It’s really an opponent worth fighting.”

Of course, these thoughts, they did not speak out.

If you say it, you will only be educated by the Jōnin.

It is true that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, even Jinchūriki wants to challenge.

It’s just a group of Genin, who don’t know how to write dead words.

Obviously, although this group of Genin knew that Jinchūriki was very strong, they didn’t realize that Jinchūriki was terrible.

Seeing Fu calmed down, Kakashi was also a little relieved.

He took a deep look at Zhizhen, and he found the key to Fu calm down.

That’s Zhizhen, and he didn’t show any hostility to Fu from beginning to end, or even a sense of defense.

Even if Fu still maintained the mode of the tail beast coat, Zhizhen’s face did not change at all.

Always an attitude towards Fu.

“It’s amazing.”

Facing Jinchūriki, he can still be calm and self-conscious.

Kakashi gave Shizhen another one point higher.

At least he couldn’t face it with such a relaxed attitude when Jinchūriki unleashed his power.

Even Naruto, if the power of the tail beast is used, Kakashi may not be able to maintain absolute calm.

After all, it was Jinchūriki.

This is not prejudice, and Kakashi has no prejudice against Naruto.

He was just thinking about whether Kakashi could have the same attitude as Shizhen in the same situation with Naruto in the future.

At this moment, Zhizhen still looked at Fu with a smile, Fu looked at Zhizhen and smiled slightly.

Lin Heming walked up, the two of them had put away the charms, and slowly said, “Fu…”

“Ah, it’s over. Lin, Ming, it’s up to you next.” Fu returned to her bright smile.

“Yeah.” The two nodded, feeling a little bit sorry in their hearts.

When Fu held his hands behind his back, when he was about to go to the second floor.

Zhizhen’s voice suddenly rang: “Where are you going?”

Fu was taken aback, looked back at Zhizhen, and said, “Go up, isn’t the exam over?”

“Who said it’s over?” Zhizhen said with a smile.

As soon as he said this, everyone was shocked and looked at Zhizhen in disbelief.

This sunglasses, do you mean to…?

“Sunglasses examiner, you allow me to take the exam? Didn’t you say…” Fu was a little incoherent with surprise.

“I mean you are not allowed to take the exam, but I said that you are not allowed to take the exam with them, but I didn’t say that you can’t give you other exam content.” Zhizhen smiled.

Fu was taken aback when he heard this, and then he was overjoyed: “Sunglasses examiner, are you serious!?”

“Do I have to lie to you?” Zhizhen said with a smile: “There are indeed problems in your situation, but it is not without a solution.”

Lin Heming was even more shocked to speak. He didn’t expect that Zhizhen would allow Fu to take the exam, but how?

Zhizhen looked around and said, “I will personally customize an exam for Fu.”

Everyone is speechless, you are the examiner, you have the final say.

However, the key is how do you want to take the test?

Hearing this, Temari couldn’t help but ask: “Wait, if she wants to continue the exam, how will our promotion be counted?”

Well, this is also a problem.

“Your promotion is still counted, the rules are the rules, and your victory is not involved.” Zhizhen said.

Hearing this, Temari immediately felt relieved, as long as he didn’t need to fight Fu.

“The question now is, how does Fu advance.” Zhizhen said with a smile: “I have already thought about it, Fu.”

Zhizhen looked at Fu and said, “Since you want to be honest, I will give you this opportunity!”

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